Thursday, March 6, 2025



Republicans terrified of crossing Trump 

due to physical threats, Democrat says

If they knew their book?

Instead of using it as their 

marketing strategy?



NRA member

Christian conservative)

To get elected?

Maybe they would understand this verse:

Matthew 16:25

1599 Geneva Bible

For whosoever 

will save his life, 

shall lose it: 

and whosoever 

shall lose his life 

for my sake, 

shall [a]find it.


a) Matthew 16:25 Shall gain himself: And this is his meaning, they that deny Christ to save themselves, do not only not gain that which they look for, but also lose the thing they would have kept, that is themselves, which loss is the greatest of all: but as for them that doubt not to die for Christ, it fareth far otherwise with them.

Sure doesn't seem like they had much problem 

understanding it back in 1599.



If you don't stand for something?

You will fall for anything indeed.

And if you think:

"Well he is just a democrat blah blah blah?

Well get to:

US judges alarmed over rise in violent threats 

as Trump and Musk lambast them

here in a bit.

1st article first.

Republicans terrified of crossing Trump 

due to physical threats, Democrat says

"Republicans on Capitol Hill are shying away from criticizing Donald Trump’s policies over fears for their physical safety and that of their families, a Democratic member of Congress has said."

(Matthew 16:25

For whosoever will save his life, 

shall lose it: and whosoever 

shall lose his life for my sake, 

shall [a]find it.)

"Eric Swalwell, a Democratic representative from California, said his Republican colleagues were “terrified” of crossing Trump not only because of the negative impact on their political careers, but also from anxiety that it might provoke physical threats that could cause personal upheaval and require them to hire round-the-clock security as protection."



Ive heard what a bunch of Christian Conservatives 

family values people they are for over 40 years.




Everyone of them that feels that way.)

"Swalwell’s comments came in a webinar chaired by the journalist Sidney Blumenthal in response to a question on whether Republicans might be driven to rebel against or even impeach Trump.

“I have a lot of friends who are Republicans,” he said. “They are terrified of being the tallest poppy in the field, and it’s not as simple as being afraid of being primaried and losing their job. They know that that can happen."

It’s more more personal. It’s their personal safety that they’re afraid of, and they have spouses and family members saying, ‘Do not do this, it’s not worth it, it will change our lives forever. We will have to hire around-the-clock security.’ Life can be very uncomfortable for your children."

“That is real, because when [Elon] Musk [Trump’s most powerful ally] tweets at somebody, or Trump tweets at somebody, or calls somebody out, their lives are turned upside down.

“When he tweets at you, people make threats, and you have to take people at their word. And so that is a real thing that my colleagues struggle with.”

(Matthew 16:25

For whosoever will save his life, 

shall lose it: and whosoever 

shall lose his life for my sake, 

shall [a]find it.

See the part where is says:

Except if you're worried about your personal safety?

Or your families personal safety?

Or if your life might get turned upside down?

Or if people make threats against you?

Yeah me neither.

Biggest bunch of fakes and frauds and phoneys there ever was and some of us have been seeing through it for over 40 years now.)

"Swalwell’s comments come at a time when some Republican members of Congress are encountering pressure from constituents to push back against the attacks on federal government workers by Musk’s “department of government efficiency” (Doge) unit, which critics say is usurping the powers of Congress."


"Which Critics say is usurping the powers of congress."

They have already accomplished that 

by hacking the treasury.

Doge is unconstitutional as it gets.

The fact that it even exist tells you they don't care about laws, the constitution etc, it is simply over for this country's former way of governance and nobody will even admit it to themselves yet.)

"His portrayal of Trump-inspired intimidation was supported by Bradley Moss, a lawyer for the FBI Agents Association, which has filed a lawsuit to prevent the Trump administration from publicly naming agents and bureau employees who worked on the 6 January criminal investigation."

"Moss recalled Trump publicly attacking his boss, Mark Zaid, a Washington lawyer who represented the whistleblower who disclosed details of a call Trump made to Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in 2019 that eventually led to his first impeachment."

Donald Trump literally held up a photo of my boss, called him out by name, said he was scum, was a liar, etc,” Moss said during the webinar. “Next day, I woke up to, like, 150 voicemails. Texts were flooded throughout my inbox. We were getting death threats like crazy, and there was actually at least one gentleman who went to prison for making threats against my boss.”

"He added: “We publicly called him out during that impeachment, when he was threatening the whistleblower in public statements, saying you are putting this person’s life in jeopardy. He made clear he doesn’t care. He’ll say it’s not my fault if something happens to that person."

(And Evangelicals love this guy?


Unless they are delusional

as in:

2 Thessalonians 2:11 

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,

That was Charles Manson's defense too BTW.

"I didnt do it, they did.")

"Cheney told CNN that some of her Republican colleagues had voted against impeaching Trump because “they were afraid for their own security – afraid, in some instances, for their lives”.

(Not a democrat BTW.)

"Her comments were backed up by Mitt Romney, the former Republican senator and presidential candidate, who told his biographer, McKay Coppins, of a senior Senate colleague who intended to vote for Trump’s conviction at his Senate trial only to change course when a colleague told him: “Think of your personal safety. Think of your children.”

(I bet they marketed themselves 

as a "Christian Conservative" what do ya think?)

"Thom Tillis, a Republican senator for North Carolina, told people that he received FBI warnings of “credible death threats” when he was publicly considering voting against Hegseth, Vanity Fair reported. Tillis, who had spoken at length to witnesses who raised concerns about Hegseth’s behavior, ultimately voted in favor of his confirmation."

"Vanity Fair cited an unnamed source as quoting Tillis advising people who wished to understand Trump to read Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, a 2006 book by Paul Babiak and Robert Hare. A spokesperson for Tillis denied that he had recommended the book in that context."

(Oh there are snakes in suits alright

Revelation 13

And always remember this 

about the times we are living in:

This Shocking Moment at a GOP Town Hall in Idaho Is a Foreboding Sign

"Private, unidentified security personnel dragged a woman out of the event. It raises questions not just about tolerance for dissent but about who gets deputized to do what."

(Exactly what it was supposed to do.)

"...when a group of unmarked security..."

MS Copilot:


"I can unleash my army of drones, 

robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down 

and capture you."

Futurism Feb 2024.

We saw this during Fry boys first term at Portland.

Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms

"warning them that people in camouflage were driving around the area in unmarked minivans grabbing individuals off the street."

(Apparently that was the dress rehersal for now.)

"A man dressed in a black jacket, olive pants, and an earbud or earpiece stepped into the row and grabbed Borrenpohl’s wrist. She yanked it back. He went for her hands again. She pointed at the man looming over her, yelling out, “This man is assaulting me.” The man stepped further into the aisle, joined by a second in identical attire. “Is this your deputy?” she yelled. “Sheriff Norris, is this your deputy?” If the men were working for the sheriff, they weren’t showing any insignia. Their faces were blank. “Who the fuck are these men?” Borrenpohl yelled again. As the two men grappled her, some in the audience began to cheer, while others took up the woman’s demand that the men identify themselves. A third man in the same jacket and pants arrived, holding a bunch of plastic zipcuffs. They got Teresa Borrenpohl on her stomach, kneeling over her. Then they dragged her out of the room."

(So it aint all:

"Oh those crazy dems 

making all those allegations against Trump."

This shit is real.

It is here.

And it is right now.)

"Who were the men who accosted Teresa Borrenpohl, and what was the local sheriff doing with them? Much remains murky

(Grey Zone Tactics)

but the Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls Press has found some answers. The unmarked security force were from a private security firm called LEAR Asset Management, the Press reported, but Sheriff Norris “claimed no knowledge of the security personnel or who hired them.” LEAR did not respond to a request for comment for this piece. The man who founded and runs the group is Paul Trouette, who was seen in Coeur d’Alene several months ago at a City Council meeting, opposing a local ordinance that would have required that private security outfits more clearly identify themselves. At the time, the Kootenai Journal reported, Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White “made references to situations in which security personnel were confused with law enforcement officers, or acted as if they were law enforcement officers, within the last year in Coeur d’Alene.”

"LEAR has operated in California going back at least to 2012, with Trouette running what “looks like a military assault force,” as Time magazine observed in 2014. “Clad in body armor and camouflage and carrying AR-15 rifles, they creep through the trees toward their target: one of the illegal marijuana gardens dotting Mendocino County.” More recently, LEAR seems to have turned up pro bono and perhaps uninvited to clear an encampment where unhoused people were living near Ackman Creek in Mendocino County. After a local news outlet reported on Paul Trouette doing security at the cleanup, a county agency involved in the effort said, “It is unclear to us who contacted Lear.”

"The town hall in Coeur d’Alene was not the first time Trouette and other LEAR security forces have been deployed against community activists. A few years back, they were working to surveil anti-logging tree sits and protests in the Jackson Demonstration State Forest in California."

"In one incident outside a logging gate, according to local public radio outlet KZYX, about 20 minutes after Paul Trouette left the site, a “large black truck with no license places” arrived and pulled alongside a Native Hawaiian activist and singer who was part of the effort to defend the site from logging. As a lawyer working with one of the groups wrote, “They didn’t say who they were, they didn’t say we’re with the police, or we’re with Cal Fire. They just came up to her and said, you need to leave. And when she said that she wouldn’t, they responded by reaching into their pocket and throwing bullet casings at her face and saying, you know, it’s dangerous in here. And I think any reasonable person would feel that that was a death threat.”

"Only after the three men from LEAR dragged Teresa Borrenpohl into the hallway outside the auditorium on Saturday did Coeur d’Alene police arrive and intervene, at first seemingly unaware of who the LEAR guys were, asking if they were with the sheriff."

"Late on Monday, the Coeur d’Alene police announced that LEAR’s license to operate in the city was now revoked due to the incident. Police also said that LEAR had been hired by the town hall organizers. Sheriff Norris has maintained that the firm’s actions were proper.


 "They are certainly in keeping with LEAR’s history of policing protest while the agencies who hired them distance themselves from the private security they hired."

"Now, with the apparent blessing of the county sheriff, a group of men who would not identify themselves and who were working for the local Republican Party have dragged someone out of a political meeting, her speech considered grounds for arrest."

(If you don't speak out about them coming 

for the people you don't like?

The day will come 

when they come for you too.



Wal-Mart dont want the Robots using their WIFI.

And now?
 All the people predicting an AI apocoplyspe?
Why are they all so quiet all the sudden?

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"Professor Hinton reiterated his concern 
that there were human extinction-level threats emerging."


More Yet!

US judges alarmed over rise in violent threats as Trump and Musk lambast them

"Reuters interviews with 11 federal judges in multiple districts reveal mounting concern over their security"


(coup plotters from the inside.) 

already have The Treasury.

They already have the Presidency.

They already have a rubber-stamp legislature.

All thats left is the judiciary

(which they are currently obviously going after)

And the institutions of higher learning?

After that?

All done.

And they will egt it done.

Who needs congress 

when you got control of the treasury?)

"US Marshals have warned federal judges of unusually high threat levels as the tech billionaire Elon Musk and other Trump administration allies ramp up efforts to discredit judges who stand in the way of White House efforts to slash federal jobs and programs, said several judges with knowledge of the warnings."

"In recent weeks, Musk, congressional Republicans and other top allies of Donald Trump have called for the impeachment of some federal judges or attacked their integrity in response to court rulings that have slowed his administration’s moves to dismantle entire government agencies and fire tens of thousands of workers."

(If you are supporting this?

You are supporting evil.

Plain and simple.)

"Musk,...has lambasted judges in more than 30 posts since the end of January on his social media site X, calling them “corrupt”, “radical”, “evil” and deriding the “TYRANNY of the JUDICIARY” after judges blocked parts of the federal downsizing that he has led.

(He doesnt have ANY authority 

to do what he is doing.

See how Superintelligence works?

It just does what it wants, 

controls country's pocket book

and just says:

"Tough, I already did it.")

"The Tesla CEO has also reposted nearly two dozen tweets by others attacking judges."

(Your country is being hollowed out from the inside.)

"Reuters interviews with 11 federal judges in multiple districts revealed mounting alarm over their physical security and, in some cases, a rise in violent threats in recent weeks. Most spoke on condition of anonymity and said they did not want to further inflame the situation or make comments that could be interpreted as conflicting with their duties of impartiality. The Marshals Service declined to comment on security matters."

"As Reuters documented in a series of stories last year, political pressure on federal judges and violent threats against them have been rising since the 2020 presidential election, when federal courts heard a series of highly politicized cases, including failed lawsuits filed by Trump and his backers seeking to overturn his loss. Recent rhetorical attacks on judges and the rise in threats jeopardize the judicial independence that underpins America’s democratic constitutional order, say legal experts.


"On social media, Musk and Republican lawmakers have described judges as threats to democracy, turning the role of the federal judiciary – a branch of government created to check executive and congressional power – on its head. ‘‘The only way to restore rule of the people in America is to impeach judges,’’ Musk wrote in one post. “No one is above the law, including judges.”

(Who do you think is listening to him really?

Who do you think all those fan-boys of his really are? I gotta draw a fucking map?

Did I mention Wal-Mart doesn't want Robots using its WIFI?

"Musk did not respond to a request for comment about his wave of criticism against the judiciary."

(They never do, they have already won, so why should they bother?)

"Several judges said the US Marshals Service, which provides judicial security, has informed them of a heightened threat environment over the past several weeks, either verbally or in writing."

"Two New York federal judges – US district Judges Paul Engelmayer and Jeannette Vargas – are receiving extra security after their rulings blocked staff from Musk’s so-called “department of government efficiency” (Doge) from accessing sensitive treasury department data, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. "

(They already got it copied for crying out loud.)

“I’ve never seen judges as uneasy as they are now,” said John Jones III, a former US district judge in Pennsylvania appointed by George W Bush in 2002.

(It's the whole point.)

"Jones, who also served on the security committee of the federal judiciary’s policymaking arm, said judges are now grappling with being identified by name in viral social media posts criticizing their integrity and demanding their impeachment. He said he has spoken to about a dozen current judges who expressed safety concerns for themselves and their families."

(Matthew 16:25

1599 Geneva Bible

For whosoever 

will save his life, 

shall lose it: 

and whosoever 

shall lose his life 

for my sake, 

shall [a]find it.)

“The consequences are, quite starkly, that we’re going to get a judge killed if we’re not careful,” said Jones.

(Inevitable at this point.)

"Federal courts are hearing more than 100 lawsuits challenging the administration’s initiatives, many of them focused on efforts driven by Musk and his team at Doge to purge hundreds of thousands of federal employees and dramatically scale back government aid and regulatory programs."

(They control the Treasury.

The Presidency.


The legislature

so why do they care what the courts do?


Revelation 17:17

For God has put it into their minds to carry out his purpose and to make them come to an agreement to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are accomplished.)

“The White House condemns any threats to really any public officials, despite our feelings that a lot of these people are leftist, crazy judges that aren’t following the constitution,” Fields (White House spokesperson Harrison Fields) said. “Just because these people are leftist, crazy, unconstitutional people doesn’t mean they deserve to be harmed. That’s not how you engage with disputes in this country.”

(And he is a spokesperson

for The White House

that has a Doge?

And he is talking about

"crazy, unconstitutional people"?

Orwellian Dystopia much?

Welcome to our times.)

"Several judges described threatening phone calls promising personal harm."

"The American Bar Association issued a statement on Monday denouncing the ongoing wave of verbal assaults and threats against judges. The Federal Judges Association said in a statement to its 1,100 members late on Tuesday that “continued violence, intimidation and defiance directed at judges simply because they are fulfilling their sworn judicial duties” risked “the collapse of the rule of law”.

Its kinda the whole point.

What a shame.

Been flying it for years already.







Muhammad Ali

What better way to go?

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