Friday, March 7, 2025



gonna try and sum up some stuff real quick.

Need to get to some other things.

New Zealand fires top diplomat in London 

over Trump remarks

He told the truth and it cost him his job.

At least somebody isn't scared to loose their life 

in order to gain it.

"New Zealand’s high commissioner to the U.K., Phil Goff, was terminated from his role after questioning Trump’s knowledge of history."

(Why does NZ even care if Trump knows his history or not?)

“President Trump has restored the bust of Churchill to the Oval Office, but do you think he really understands history,” Goff stated Tuesday. 

(No, he doesn't, and he has repeatedly shown as much.

Trip to Normandy in his first term comes to mind.)

But in that piece it had this quote:

"You had the choice 

between war and dishonor. 

You chose dishonor 

yet you will have war,'”


Winston Churchill.

Its kinda how I feel about Christians 

who don't wanna speak out about the 

increase in wickedness these days.

Your silence?

Will dishonor you before your maker,

but it will not, in fact can not

stop the Cosmic Spiritual War between good and evil

which is nearing its climax

from you.

That's gonna come anyway.

So you might as well be honorable 

and speak out about it.

(Even if you loose, jobs, status, prestige, fame, glory, $, power your life as you knew it, or your actual life etc.

What exactly are you gonna do?

Kow-Tow to evil forever?


One down lol.

Ask Ethan: Does the multiverse explain

 our fundamental constants?

Love ya my brother! 

Been a minute.

Skipping right to the summary:

"So in summary, yes, the values of the fundamental constants can be explained by bubble universes created by inflation, but that explanation is hardly satisfactory from a scientific point of view."

What is the difference between 

a non-scientific explanation for anything 

and a supernatural one?

Absolutely nothing.

You got your faith-based belief system.

(Cause that is 100% what the multiverse is, 0, I repeat, 

0 physical evidence for it.

Belief in something you cant see?

Equates to a faith based belief system.)

So you got yours, 

I got mine.

One of us has a book playing out in real time 

just like it said it would 2000 years ago, one of us don't.

I'd go with the faith-based belief system 

that has a book being proved true if I was you.

Just sayin.

There wasn't a "Multiverse theory" (theories actually) before they found out about Cosmic Background Radiation BTW (Creation Event). If it wasn't for that and the fundamental constants being so fine tuned for life in this universe? The multiverse theory wouldn't have ever come into existence. Trying to work around observations just isnt science.

Go Andromorphic principal on me and I'll say "explain the 3 billion character highly sequential complex serial number your creator gave you (DNA)" as that is not "observation selection effect", that is straight up cold hard observable facts, sequential codes don't invent themselves, or evolve from anything else, it takes logic, an intellect.

So where did that come from huh?

I'll give you a hint,

it solves the problem Ethan mentioned:

"until we understand how it happened, our physical understanding will remain dissatisfying and incomplete, even in the best-case scenario."

Not for this community its not.

Case closed

US 'destroying' world order, Ukraine's ambassador to UK says


"The US is "destroying" the established world order, Ukraine's ambassador to the UK has claimed.

(It's Satan yo, God has him on a lil clean up mission (starting to rid the world of evil) before he kicks him to the curb for good.)

"Valerii Zaluzhnyi said the White House had "questioned the unity of the Western world" and was "taking more and more steps towards" Russia..."

"He told an audience: "We see that it is not only Russia and the axis of evil trying to destroy the world order, but the US is actually destroying it completely".

(Yeah well, I just told ya why that is.)

 "the White House was making "steps towards the Kremlin regime, fully realising that in this case Europe could be a new target for Russia".

(You honestly think they care? Obviously not.)

"Mr Zaluzhnyi, who took over as Kyiv's ambassador to London in 2024 following three years as commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, also suggested that NATO could cease to exist as a result of Washington's change in posture.

(Already over yo.)








And what?

Made anybody ever think?

It was ever going 

to ever get reversed?

It just boggles my brain.

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