Monday, September 23, 2024

Alright well

Time to piss everybody off.
 I'm kinda good at it 
or something :-).

(some and some Catholics BTW) 
want you to believe that 
what is pictured below 
is all 100% peachy keen just fine.

Completely ignoring:

1 Timothy 4:1
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

So where are we?
"in later times"

And what is happening?

"follow (ing) deceiving spirits 
and things taught by demons"

Pretty clear.
I dont see what the question is about it and to every preacher that wants to go with Love love love and just keep preaching the same old sermons?



(Discipline, look around, like anybody even knows anything about it any more.)


Just because it doesn't come around that much doesn't mean its not a thing. Its like everybody just wants to pretend its not a thing (Gods Wrath) or something, well it is a thing, judgement has been decreed for this wicked world and wrath is coming, like it not, 
or even if you dont wanna acknowledge it? 

Okay so
that's the Protestants lol.
Now lets move on and 
piss off all the Catholics.

(This blew my mind.
I got problems 
with the Catholic Church 
But this?

After seeing what he said?


Church aint gonna save you.
Traditions aren't gonna save you.
Rituals aren't going to save you.

Its like he morphed into a 7th grader or a 35 year old millennial that has grown up on the internet thinking every opinion is just as valid as another (false equivalence) etc.


1.4 Billion 


"Pope Francis has never shied away from making provocative statements or launching out in new directions. But this time he seems to have gone all the way. You see, Pope Francis recently proclaimed "a different gospel" (Galatians 1:6).

(I'm gonna go straight up
Galatians 1:6-9

No Other Gospel

6I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 

 God is not a God of disorder
so look at your world 
and tell me who is running this show?
The king of this world - Satan.
The question you need to ask yourself is 

8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse

(Hear that Mormons?
Hear that Pope Francis?
Hear that Mohamed?
Jehova Witnesses?)

9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

So who is the pope serving?)

During a three-day visit to Singapore, Pope Francis declared that "all religions are a path to God." He boldly proclaimed, "There's only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths (to God)."

(Im gonna go all Bishop Mar Mari now

Bring whoever you wanna stack up against my Jesus. Bring em. THERE IS SIMPLY NO COMPARISON. He led a perfect life because he was God in the flesh. Sheiks, Muslims or Hindu got that? NO. No prophet they got even comes close. Did any of their prophets say they were God? 
(Christ did all in the book of John BTW)
Did 500 eyewitnesses see any of whaever  they got resurrected after they were dead? Did any of them ever say they were coming back? 
(My dads favorite point BTW) 
Only the creator of this reality we are in and creator and owner of the life force itself could have pulled off such a feat and it is unmatched anywhere in history by eyewitnesses any where ever. 

Im gonna call em like I see em:

1 John 2:18 

18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

What else are you supposed to call someone knowingly teaching the exact opposite of what Christ did?

This is what your gonna follow?
This is what you are going to believe?

Not me.

"If Francis is correct, then Jesus was wrong when He stated, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me" (John 14:6). I hope you realize that Jesus was not wrong about anything He ever said."

(He was God in the flesh he couldn't have ever been wrong. Pope Francis or Christ, make a choice which one you gonna go with.
Decision time. I mean the book says this shit will be happening as we approach the end.)

"The false doctrine which Francis proclaimed has been around for centuries. But it cannot possibly be true. Jesus did not die on the cross to merely provide "one more way" of getting to God. He died for our sins because it was the only way we could be reconciled to our Father in Heaven.'

"God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them" (2 Corinthians 5:19). It is only through Christ that anyone can be reconciled to the Father. There simply is no other way, period."

(And I dont care if you dont like it, fuck your illusions, save your eternal souls cause the noose is tightening, just look at the Middle East let alone Russia, Eastern Europe, UAP, False Doctrines, False Teachers, Disorder and evil confusion run rampant. Yawl cant figure this out? Sometimes? Sometimes people need a sympathetic pat on the head...with a ball peen hammer.)

"You see, "If righteousness could be gained through the Law, Christ died for nothing" (Galatians 2:21). In other words, if a person could get to God without Christ, the Father would never have sent His only Son to suffer the agony of crucifixion for our salvation."


"Pope Francis proclaimed a counterfeit gospel in Singapore. It is "another gospel." (Galatians 1:8) And Jesus rejects it! Therefore, it must be rejected by Christians as well. The pope's teaching smacks of Universalism rather than Christianity. This false teaching completely contradicts the wisdom of the Gospel and the truth of Scripture." 

"If you attempt to lump Jesus in with other religious leaders and promote them as equals, you end up denying "the Lord of glory" 
(1 Corinthians 2:8). Jesus is the One true God, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit: Three Persons in One God. The Lord will share His glory with no one."


"The pope, as a professing Christian, has a responsibility to uphold Christian doctrine. But what he said in Singapore was a rejection of the Gospel."

(If I had a church? And he was a leader? He would be excommunicated. Big fan of killin ants w a sledgehammer BTW)We dont go around even hinting at that (because we know its not true and what the penalty is), let alone say it to others.)

"Jesus never once said that there are many ways to the Father. In fact, He said just the opposite."

(What the pope said was antithetical to the teachings of Christ, he is proving to you we are about to enter into the seven year tribulation period, WHY wasn't he talking about that instead of the false gospel of universalism?)

"...followers of Christ are saved on the front end of their relationship with God by accepting the Gospel. "Faith comes from hearing the message" (Romans 10:17).

(In my church tradition?
your road to redemption.
Final destination?
Eternity with the Father.
Loose friends?


An eternity with the creator of quantum physics?
You are simply not in your right mind if you dont want that.)

"The Gospel that Jesus and the apostles taught is false if there are various paths to the Father. And since the Gospel is not false, there remains only one way to the Father. You receive the free gift of salvation when you believe in Christ, and in no other way."

(Francis doesn't know this?)

"Pope Francis sounded more like a politician than a prophet in Singapore. If you attempt to reduce Christianity to the level of every other religion, you strip it of its core tenets. There is only One God, and He is triune. And there is only one Gospel, and "it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).

"The world wants Christians to embrace the false gospel that Pope Francis unashamedly presented as truth. 

Just find me another creation story with light before the stars were created. (electromagnetic spectrum). Start there. Not another one. Give me another creation story with time space energy and matter all coming forth in an instant like we know it happened, give me that then lets move on to 17 verses about expanding heavens like we know they are. Then move on to its him who holds it all together and these scientist know Dark Energy is keeping galaxies from flying off into space but they are absolutely dumbfounded by the fact they cant find a particle that it consist of? YO! There aint one, Its Christ "by Him all things hold together".

"The world is unable to comprehend the true Gospel. And without the working of the Holy Spirit, you and I could never understand and believe the Gospel."

Its not for everybody, some people will just never get it no matter the logic, evidence etc. they just will not come to terms with it. 
So be it then.

Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate 

Go ahead
believe whatever you want to then)

Revelation 13:8

8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.[a]

(Or: written from the creation of the world in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who was slain

Revelation 17:8

The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world.)

"Pray for Pope Francis to repent of his false teaching. This is no minor doctrine but is a foundational issue for every professing believer and every professing church body. It is extremely dangerous to teach that "all religions are a path to God." 

(The fact that the leader of 1.3 billion Catholics is teaching this now, tells you whats upon us. The perversion, dilution, and corruption of the one true faith is complete at this point.

"Jesus would never have sent out His apostles to preach the Gospel if people already had salvation through their religion or their noble deeds. Jesus sent His followers out into a world of lost people who needed the Savior and needed to be forgiven of their sins."

(You gotta teach Sunday School to the Pope these days?)

"The words of Christ in the New Testament completely reject the pope's counterfeit gospel. The pope should confess the blatant sin he committed in Singapore, repent of his false teaching, and embrace the true Gospel."

(Hey I tell ya what, 
holler at me 
when he does.)

"After all, as Peter boldly proclaimed: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under Heaven given to men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). 

(How much scripture do you want your church leader to contradict? If I was at a sermon and somebody started saying this crap I would have left, but we got the Pope doing it? 
People? Come on...)

"The pope would be wise to heed those inspired words of St. Peter in Holy Scripture, as well as the words of Jesus, who loved us enough to reveal the truth that He is the only way to the Father 

Its just mind numbing it really is.

I said it in the Noah to New Earth/Tribulation schematics presentations and Ill say it again. We are the Two Witnesses. We will be resurrected in Jerusalem exactly half way through the Tribulation period right after the antichrist declares himself  God on Gods temple. The followers of Christ who believe we are who we say we are? True believers in whom there is no guile? Thats your true church, beautiful bride waiting for Christ to return of which there will only be 144,000 left by the time its done. Not this mess of nonsense we got going on today in every direction you look at.

Speaking of which?

Isaiah 43:19

I will do a new thing

(In the process of happening right in front of you)

now it shall spring forth; 
shall ye not know it? 

(You shall 
if I got anything to say about it.)

I will even make a way in the wilderness, 
and rivers in the desert.

(And the wilderness?
The desert?
Is the spiritual one 
the majority of humanity 
has locked themselves onto these days.)


We got the truth of scripture 
matching up with actual science.

The logic and reasoning skills 
given to us by the almighty 
to be able to explain the statement above 
in terms readily comprehensible to lay people.

in him who created all things 
that his word is true.

And a book coming true 
right in front of you.

Here is but a small sample 
of whats coming.

"Eternal Universe Theory" 
The Big Bang 
Was Not Our Beginning.

My responses to comments are in quotes, some of the comments were included in parenthesis to make things easier to understand.

"Anybody who knows anything about this knows it's already been refuted, many times over, so why are bot created and managed social media accounts pushing this so hard right now? Satan knows his time is short, wise up."

"Honey? Does it even remotely sound like I should watch anything? I give lectures on this stuff you should check some out sometime. Take heed and listen up, particularly about Israel going after Iran's nuke program. This is satanic bot driven drivel and they wanna take you straight to hell with em. Be smarter than that."

"Bots will be exposed and blocked BTW."

"This nonsense has been refuted many times over decades ago."

"Until there is another theory with more different information streams of substantiated physical evidence? Abundance of Light elements in early universe, redshift, cosmic background radiation? All other thoughts on the matter are hereby rendered null and void. Cyclic, bounces etc, violate Entropy laws"

"If matter can't be created then how did the earth get here? Two choices, something outside of it created it or it created itself. We don't see matter creating itself anywhere. Also? How did the four fundamental forces that govern every reaction that's ever happened, is happening, or is going to happen come about in exactly the order they needed to have? Gravity had to come first to get component parts close enough together to be assembled, strong nuclear force had to happen to " glue" subatomic parts together. Electromagnetism had to be next to allow atoms to bind into molecules, and last the weak force to allow for decay. So how did they know the order in which to appear? Shows prior planning on the form of initial conditions which is exactly what the practitioners of scientism DO NOT want to discuss. The answers are obvious. 26 physical constants all within very exact tolerances tell you wats up. How'd that happen? Go anthropomorphic principal on me and I'll say it doesn't explain how the information in the form of our genetic code was created or imputed. Time to wake up.

"Anybody can think or believe anything they want buts where is your evidence? Redshift, Cosmic Background Radiation And the abundance of light elements in the early universe all support the big bang and nothing after 80 years or so has ever discredited those three information streams. Light from closer galaxies shows up in the blue spectrum, so not all light entering our galaxy is Redshifted by gravitational lensing as some would say, and the CBR is to uniform to have come from any other sources. So much for that. It has a start, the practitioners of scientism have always hated that as it has profound theological and philosophical implications. Those three pieces of evidence give it away. The real question is why are these bot generated accounts so emphatic about there had to have been a different means of creation, yet no other alternative has as much substantiated evidence after 80 years than the big bang does. Israel just pulled off the intelligence coup of a lifetime, decapitating Hezbollah's command and control structure was a once in a lifetime event. You only take off Hezbollah if your going after Iran and it's nuclear program. Time to wake up people, you can't be in buildings that haven't been built yet, something outside them has to create them. Same with our universe, the only one there's any evidence of. Bots are pushing this nonsense for a reason, understand that please before it's to late."

"It's not scientific. To be scientific it has to be testable and be able to be proven false or not. This is a faith based belief system, believing in something you know that can't be proven. They can have it, it's not even close to science. It had a beginning, effects without causes is bad logic and even worse science. Matter can't be created yet here we are, why? Either because matter creates itself, which science observes exactly nowhere, or something outside the laws of physics did it. BTW? Where do you think those laws of physics came from anyway? They created themselves too? It's bot driven create nonsense."

("I believe our universe is within a larger universe. it expands and crunches along with many other universes. the parent universe, let’s call it has always existed. no beginning no end. but each child universe eventually collapses on itself and then is reborn with a big bang.")

My Response: Entropy laws shred that my brother

No evidence whatsoever to wat you are purposing, none. No leftover relics and the Entropy laws just  annihilate this. 

(Side Note not in my comments on this post. When People will believe in things with absolutely no evidence supporting them? and not believe in things in spite of overwhelming  SCIENTIFIC evidence supporting them? and an ancient text, and prophesy's coming true in real time, and millions or billions of changed lives? Well? It tells you what time frame we are entering into, it really does.)

"My God created everything, you worship anything else? It's a lower being so why bother. One creation story has light on two separate instances and time space energy and matter coming forth in an instant just like we know it had to have. In the beginning (time, past present future) God created (energy to put it all together) the heavens (space, height, width depth) and the earth (solid liquid gas). The special pleading in this case is those who would wish that this is true even though they know they can not prove it. Untestable hypothesis are unscientific let alone a theory which has substantiated evidence behind it such as oh IDK, redshift, abundance of light elements at its beginning, Cosmic Background Radiation. The practitioners of scientism know the theologians have caught up to them so now they're just making shit up they know they can't prove."

"Events have caused, everything in this universe has a cause but the universe didn't? It's not hard to figure out."

("The singularity and a universe from nothing. When tracing the big bang all the way back there is no time or space. I haven’t read it, but saw one of his last programs about it. I may be too stupid and ignorant, but to me it makes me think our universe started as a reverse if a black hole where time/space doesn't exist.")

"Absolutely 0 evidence of any of that. None."

"Bots will be exposed and blocked BTW."

"This nonsense has been refuted many times over decades ago."

"Can the laws of physics explain UAP? Kinda hard to be in a house that ain't been built yet don't you think? Infinity and eternal are two different things, one had a beginning and goes on forever and is only found in mathematics BTW (pi). Eternal has no beginning, always was and will be."

(The big bang is a lie)

Cosmic background radiation, abundance of light elements in the early universe and redshift say otherwise.

(Fake news! The invisible sky genie made it out of boredom 😂)

He was busy creating quantum mechanics, the laws of nature And the initial conditions of the universe my friend.

(Also there is no time, but only change.)

It's actually a physical thing woven into the fabric of space

"Multiverse needs extra dimensions and particles. It wouldn't have come into existence if it wasn't for inflationary cosmology? It would not have ever been purposed in the first place and inflationary cosmology only came about to solve things the scientist didn't like seeing, the flatness of it, the horizon problem and no left over relics. Things that aren't problematic to start with. They do not like what they see, don't be fooled the hour is late."

(There is no beginning or no end to the universe.)

"Redshift, abundance of light elements and Cosmic background radiation say otherwise."

(This is what Hinduism is saying all along...)

It's unprovable and untestable so it's not scientific. 
(No to mention entropy laws etc, there's a calendar at Gobekli tepe that's older than Hinduism BTW and there are the petrified remains of a large boat nearby.)

(So I’ve been told that we’re all traveling outward in one direction. Was also told there was a big bang .
So what’s on the other side of the big bang ???)

"The abode of the infinite wisdom that created it. Ever been in a house that hasn't been built yet?"

(Or cyclic universe where expands, then contracts to then expand again. This could be first time happened of maybe happened a trillion times and also may be countless other universes doing same expand and contact over and over)

"Entropy law shred that my brother"

"Anybody who knows anything about this knows it's already been refuted, many times over, so why are bot created and managed social media accounts pushing this so hard right now? Satan knows his time is short, wise up."

"Until there is another theory with more different information streams of substantiated physical evidence? Abundance of Light elements in early universe, redshift, cosmic background radiation? All other thoughts on the matter are hereby rendered null and void. Cyclic, bounces etc, violate Entropy laws, steady state model have already disproven. Deal w it."

(Matter cannot be created, or destroyed, so therefore it has and always will exist, kinda the whole point of infinity no?)

Can the laws of physics explain UAP? Kinda hard to be in a house that ain't been built yet don't you think? Infinity and eternal are two different things, one had a beginning and goes on forever and is only found in mathematics BTW (pi). Eternal has no beginning, always was and will be.


We are the two witnesses.
This is Christ Beautiful Bride 
we are embarking on creating.

We are starting 
the seven year tribulation period.
There's not gonna be many left 
when he finally comes back.


We will sing that in our church.

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