Monday, September 23, 2024

Point #10


"The case for Iran already having a nuclear weapon."

10) Recent statements from US and Israeli Joint Chiefs of staff and Defense Minister.

Halevi hosts US army chief Brown in north; 

Gallant says must be ready to thwart Iran nukes

"Brown also met with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who told him that Israel and the United States must be “prepared at any time” to work together to prevent Iran’s efforts to attain nuclear weapons."

"In a video statement from northern Israel, Halevi said: “I just finished a visit with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States military at the Northern Command. We are strengthening operational cooperation in the face of challenges and threats in the Middle East.”

(Not, we are going, "WE ARE.")

"Halevi said the IDF is “very determined to continue to harm Hezbollah, to eliminate more and more commanders, and to deprive it of assets and capabilities. We are not stopping.”

"The military later released a separate statement on Halevi’s meeting with Brown at Northern Command headquarters, saying the commanders were “presented with [details of] the ongoing combat against Hezbollah during the war and the operational plans for the future.”

"The pair also “discussed security and strategic issues regarding the expansion of operational tools and the strengthening of regional partnerships as part of the response to threats in the Middle East.”

"Iran nuclear concerns

Halevi and Brown also met with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

“In discussing Iran, Minister Gallant highlighted an all-time high in aggressive activities, as well as Iran’s ongoing pursuit of nuclear capabilities. In this regard, Minister Gallant emphasized that Israel and the United States must be prepared at any time to fulfill their joint commitment to prevent Iran from gaining military nuclear weapons,” said a readout from Gallant’s office."

“Iran’s aggression has reached an all-time high – to counter this, we must work together to achieve and project groundbreaking capabilities in all arenas,” Gallant was quoted as saying."

"Channel 12 news reported that in some of the discussions focused on Iran, Israel has expressed its desire to see the US come through on its years-long commitment to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state — which would require a credible US military threat or military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities."

"The network also said that the US has told Israel that it is keeping its armada in the region for the coming weeks, due to the heightened tensions."

The Telegraph UK Sept 18th 2024

This is a coup for Mossad that opens a window for war

"What happens next will depend on Israel’s intentions – which remain unclearand on how Hezbollah responds"

(Its not unclear, in fact, its clear as day.

See the statements from the US and Israel Chief of Staffs listed above.)

"The direction is clear." 

Israel Defense Minister 

Yoav Gallant six days ago.

MSNBC Sept 18th 2024

How exploding pagers in Lebanon boost the risk of Israel fighting two full wars

"Second, what is Israel trying to accomplish with these operations, exactly? It’s difficult to know."

"Regardless of the explanation, 

one wonders what Israel’s end-goal is with these operations."


they might wonder,

but we don't. 

Its not difficult to know, 

and there is no wondering 

to be done, 

they have already told you.

See the statements above 

from the US and Israel Chief of Staffs.)

“Our goals are clear; 

our actions speak for themselves,” 

Prime Minister 

Benjamin Netanyahu September 20th.

The difference between what is being said 

and what is being reported is plainly obvious.


'The gloves are off': 

Beirut strike signals end of symmetry with Hezbollah, 

expert says

(And he is right)

"Part of the decision is that there is no intention to continue playing this symmetric game that Israel has been playing with Hezbollah so far," Lt. Col. (res.) Yaron Buskila told Maariv.

"Friday's IDF strike on Beirut, which killed nearly a dozen members of Hezbollah's Radwan Force senior commanders, including the unit's chief, Ibrahim Aqil, sent a message that Israel has decided to "take the gloves off" in its engagements with Hezbollah, Israel Defense and Security Forum CEO Lt. Col. (res.) Yaron Buskila told Maariv in the immediate wake of the strike.

"The strike itself in the Dahiyeh district of Beirut is essentially a statement. It doesn't matter who the target was. The fact that terrorists were struck in Beirut is a very significant message from Israel to Hezbollah," Buskila said."

"He continued, "Part of the decision is that there is no intention to continue playing this symmetric game that Israel has been playing with Hezbollah so far, and Israel understands that Hezbollah can respond significantly. For Israel, there is readiness for war, and the center of gravity is shifting to northern Israel. The IDF has decided that the Northern Command will become the main arena, while Gaza will become secondary. This is not just an empty statement; it's a real, significant one, saying we are entering a campaign, even if it means entering a much tougher war."

"Buskila continued, saying, "I think if Hezbollah believed that with the pager and radio attacks, Israel would stop because it didn't want escalation, the strike in the heart of Dahiyeh is a very clear message to the contrary."

 "Iran and Hezbollah can understand that Israel is determined to move forward, and it's also a message to the Americans. The Americans don't want Israel to go into a campaign against Lebanon right now."

"They are focused on maintaining regional stability. However, we are unwilling to accept what has been. What was will not continue to be. Israel is not just saying this in words, but also in actions. We want to return our residents to their homes safely, without the threat of Hezbollah sitting right on the border."

(There is quite a bit more going on than just getting people back to their homes.)

"Israel will utilize everything at its disposal to strike Hezbollah and restore peace"

In conclusion, he said: "Negotiations have failed so far, and Hezbollah hasn’t withdrawn or reached any agreements. As a result, we are prepared to use all available force. Even without relying on American munitions—since their supply has diminished, as Kamala Harris clearly stated—Israel will utilize everything at its disposal to strike Hezbollah and restore peace to the northern border."

That was 

Yaron Buskila, 

a retired Lieutenant-Colonel,(IDF) 
still serving in reserve duty. 

Yaron also served as a Special Operations Officer.

"Even without relying on American munitions—since their supply has diminished"


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

“The fact that there’s another front directly to the south raises the risk that Israel (air defenses) can be overwhelmed and then it can be that much more worrying” if Hezbollah, Hamas and others launch massive missile barrages.

(That is another reason this is SO significant.

The JV team


can and probably will

overwhelm and exhaust

Israeli air defenses.

And if they can do that?

They can get us to exhaust 

some of our carrier groups

missile defenses as well.

Right as were leading into 

China and Taiwan etc.)

I look like

"a retired Lieutenant-Colonel,(IDF) 
still serving in reserve duty. 

Yaron also served as a Special Operations Officer."

Where do you say 
the knowledge is coming from? 
Is my question.
False prophets of social media 
(The new prophets of Baal)
give credit to the Holy Spirit do they?

"You're a jerk"!

Your point is?

Better to be a jerk 
and you know your souls 
eternal resting place 
is at stake 
than not be a jerk 
and you dont
is my contention. 

So like I said
Your point is what exactly?

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

We need battle hardened warriors these days
not choirboys.

"John the Baptist
(Or Elijah)
would not have made
good Sunday School Teachers."

Crowder -  The new mystics.

You want milk instead of solid food?
You just keep on drinking it.

Hebrews 5:12

In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!

Gods wrath is comin.

Why aint ya tellin everybody?

Instead of being concerned

 about what a jerk I am?

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