Sunday, September 8, 2024



Thank goodness she don't mine lol.

Yeah...ummmm...its rainin yawl...

Self evident. Ill just leave it at that,


Back in homeport.

Thx babe.

Noahs Temple


Where did the information come from?
Who wrote the genetic code?
How did it get in the molecule?
Why isn't anybody trying to figure it out?
Why don't the scientist talk about it?

"Lil" difficult?

Thats okay...
Her time to deal w me is comin lol.
Truth and she knows it BTW.

"Try to be manly.
Pull yourself together a lil bit."

We are living in the age
the prophets of old wished to see,

its all an digital illusion anyway.

Were going home soon.

So do planets space dust and other things.
This is how it is determined 
how much of a percentage 
of a planet is made of iron etc.

My Character is 100% 
all the time.

My attitude toward you? 
Is dependent on your vibe.

Read that again.


Cant hardly make it out
but its a woodpecker 
on a pinecone
covered in peanut butter
 and rolled around in bird seed
hanging from a tree limb.

"I couldn't get any education 
that could change 
my way of thinking you dig?
I live the way I live.
My struggle can never change."

Did you ever think you would see that?

Nuclear weapons


BRICS Countries...
So far

Lust = Craving
For this world 
and what's in it.

Yo fundamentalist preacher man,

It doesn't always imply
 a sexual context.

I do not mind walking.

I know where I am from.
I know where I am.
I know where I am going,

Do you?
(TY Billy Graham)

Its not actually empty.
There are electronic and magnetic fields 
in the empty space.
So its more like a cloud than empty.

Thats the most accurate picture 
of an Atom to date.

If a pinhead was the nucleus of the atom?
The electrons would be 100 meters away.

Whatever lol.
Were still a collection of em,
walking around in 99.99% 
of something we cant experience.

The more you know about your physical reality?
The more you will come to understand
not only is there a god?


Thx Neils

Hebrews 11:3

By faith we understand 
that the universe was formed 
at God’s command, 
so that what is seen 
was not made 
out of what was visible.

Thats like 1800 years ago BTW.

Sorry for wanting the same.

"The more you know about your physical reality?
The more you will come to understand
not only is there a god?



As unions have shrunk?
The % of wealth going to the top 10% has grown.

Understand now 
why they convinced you they were bad?

5 of of my 6 uncles were in unions when I was growing up.
Having two cars, paying your bills, taking a couple weeks vacation, saving some $, and putting your kids through school was not always this much of a struggle.

And we love Dolly around here.
Both of us.
Pre 9-5 anyway
(Music wise)
Remember watching her on the Porter Wagner Show 
at my grand dads.

Honeys infinity symbol.
The time lapse of this is insane.

Me neither...

Love that man.


WTF dude?


Noted lol...

Session 3 is coming and its a doozy.

"You can not fight the supernatural 

with the physical."

Yours truly many many years ago.

Your guns and weapons are of no use.


And if you honestly believe you are going home to be with your creator?

What do you need/want them for anyway?

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