Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Quite frankly, I think this is a no-brainer pt2

It's just insanity to me, 

that people dont know how these things work 

or what is going on 

or why

or dont care.

Sins of sister Sodom again?


Trump Reacts to Assassination Attempt by Making Things Far, Far Worse

Donald Trump just painted a target on Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’s backs.

"In Donald Trump’s first interview following the apparent attempt on his life on Sunday, he blamed the incident on his political rivals, telling Fox News that the would-be assassin “believed” and “acted on” the rhetoric of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

“Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country—both from the inside and out,” Trump told Fox. “They do it with a combination of rhetoric and lawsuits they wrap me up in.… These are the things that dangerous fools, like the shooter, listen to—that is the rhetoric they listen to, and the same with the first one.”

(Do you honestly think its an accident he says that in his first public remarks after the "alleged" 2nd assassination attempt?

And how many Secret Service breakdowns do you have to have in such a short period of time before you understand none of any of this is accidental?

Why not just blow up that agency and all start over if this is the best they can do?



Security experts see latest Trump close call as ‘a failure, 100%’

(How many "failures" do you gotta have to see that is simply not what is going on here?)

"After two near-assassinations in two months, the Secret Service is facing scorching criticism for its work to protect former President Donald Trump."

(Yet nothing really changes? 


"And now, security experts are questioning how another would-be gunman was apparently able to camp undetected near Trump’s golf course for nearly 12 hours before being confronted by a Secret Service agent who opened fire."

(Because he really didn't?

And because he was supposed to be there 

and was allowed to be?)

I think it’s a failure, 100%,” said security expert Carrie Bachner, referring to the latest incident. Bachner is the CEO of the Bachner Group and a former adviser to the Department of Homeland Security’s undersecretary for intelligence and analysis.'

(How many "failures" do you need before you really do something about it?)

"The suspect allegedly involved in Sunday’s incident was within several hundred yards of Trump as he played golf, authorities said. Someone with a loaded gun should never have been allowed to get that close to the presidential candidate, Bachner said."

(So why did they? 

No crowds around this time I might add.)

"In court papers filed Monday morning, an FBI agent alleged that Routh started staking out Trump’s golf course at about 2 a.m. on Sunday. 

(This was 09/16/2024 05:40 PM EDT

After 5 PM Eastern, when all the major East Coast Media has effectively shut down for the day. This morning it was cell phone records, not "an FBI agent alleged". So why wasn't it cell phone records yesterday evening and not, "an FBI agent alleged"?)

"Twelve hours later, as Trump was golfing, a Secret Service agent walking the course’s perimeter saw Routh’s semi-automatic rifle poking through the fence surrounding the course. The agent fired at him and Routh fled. He was later arrested by local law enforcement and has been charged by federal prosecutors with gun crimes."

(Remember that:

"He was later arrested by local law enforcement")

"The allegation that his stake-out lasted half a day is troubling, said John Sandweg, the former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I think that’s fair to say that that’s a failure,” he said. “There’s no denying that.”

(How many you gotta have before you realize these are doing done from the inside?)

"Every time one of its protectee travels, agents need to visit the site beforehand to scan for danger."

(So why didn't they see him in the shrubs then? How hard is it to put a cell phone in a location such that it appears someone is there for a specified period of time?)

"...Trump himself has praised the agents who protected him.

“THE JOB WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING,” he wrote on his social media network, Truth Social."

(So the agency itself is facing 'scathing criticism" yet its protectee who has supposedly faced two assassination attempts says after the second one “THE JOB WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING,”? Why?)

"Paul Eckloff, former assistant detail leader for Trump’s protective detail when he was president, said criticisms of the agency are unfounded. “The unpredictability of the lone gunman and the single assassin is terrifying,” he said. “And in this case, the protective method of how a golf course is secured worked.”

"He added that Trump’s habit of regularly golfing at the same course made him an easier target than he might have been. But it also meant the Secret Service had experience protecting him there."

(So after the supposed first assassination attempt nobody makes this guy vary his routine any? WTF?)

“This assassin knew there was a better-than-even chance that if he’s at Mar-a-Lago, he will golf and have lunch at the Trump International golf course,” Eckloff said.

(If everybody knows that? Then why was he even allowed to be there?)

"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a close ally of Trump, is also publicly calling on the Secret Service to be moved out of DHS and placed back under the Department of Treasury, its original parent agency.

(That? I am all for.)

"Trump recounts apparent assassination attempt as new details emerge."

"Former president praises Secret Service as cellphone records show alleged gunman camped out near golf course for about 12 hours"

Tue 17 Sep 2024 07.39 EDT

(So now its the next morning and its not "an FBI agent alleges" its "cellphone records show" Seeing how this works yet?)

"In court documents unsealed on Monday, officials said (WHO?)

Routh’s phone (Notice they didnt say him, just his phone) was shown near the tree line at Trump’s golf course from 1.59am until 1.31pm on Sunday, around which point a Secret Service agent shot at him after seeing his rifle through the foliage, reported the Associated Press."

(You know, the same people (AP) that told you he was shot in the ear by a bullet with absolutely 0 evidence to back it up. (see the post from yesterday.) And? "In court documents unsealed on Monday," one would assume the documents were unsealed before 5:40 PM EDT when the article above stated "an FBI agent alleged". To make matters worse?

"In court papers filed Monday morning, an FBI agent alleged that Routh started staking out Trump’s golf course at about 2 a.m. on Sunday. 

What FBI agent?

Whats their name?

How did he file court papers Monday Morning alleging the suspect 

"started staking out Trump’s golf course at about 2 a.m. on Sunday."


"In court documents unsealed on Monday"

If they were unsealed before the FBI agents allegation? Why would there have been any need to have alleged anything? Why not just report, cell phone records revealed etc?

Catching my drift here?

What FBI agent? Alleged the suspect was on the golf course for 12 hours MONDAY MORNING when the court documents weren't unsealed till presumably sometime later? If you file court papers on Monday Morning? Wouldn't you have had to have known before then? Ever been to court? Filing paper work isnt exactly quick and simple. To think that the court documents got unsealed and then the agent made his allegation and filed the paperwork and all of this somehow took place in the morning?

"..., officials said Routh’s phone was shown near the tree line at Trump’s golf course from 1.59am until 1.31pm on Sunday

(What agent and what officials?

And not him just the phone.

One more time

If the court documents had already been unsealed?

Then there is no need to make the allegation the FBI agent did?

So how was he able to make the allegation before the court documents being unsealed?



"Rowe (Ronald Rowe Jr, the US Secret Service acting director) also told reporters that Trump was “out of sight of the gunman” during his unscheduled visit to the golf club."


"Trump also praised the civilian who captured the suspect’s license plate, which helped authorities to track his car down. “The civilian did a phenomenal job”, he said."


"Although records show the 58-year-old former roofing contractor making small financial donations to Democratic candidates in recent years, Routh has acknowledged voting for Trump in his 2016 election before subsequently embarking on a ideological odyssey the aims of which appear incoherent and confused."

(It sure must have been a hell of a roofing company he had if he was able to move to and live in Hawaii.)

"Earlier on Monday, Trump sought to blame president Joe Biden and vice-president Kamala Harris for the shooting. “Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country and they are the ones that are destroying the country – both from the inside and out,” Trump told Fox News Digital.

“These are people that want to destroy our country,” he added. “It is called the enemy from within. They are the real threat.”

 (At this point? Your intelligence community(s) are actively promoting internal violence within this country.  And they are getting help from bozo billionaires who just happened to have made most of their $ via government contracts. Honey said, "its going to be man against woman." I said, "its going to be everybody against everybody and nobody is even going to know who they are fighting, what they are fighting for, or why they are fighting." Also? keep in mind this country has the highest % of its population on heavy anti-psychotic medication the world has ever seen and in addition to that? Is more armed to the teeth than any populace has ever been in history. Sound fun yet? Enjoying your reality TV show? This is what happens right before the wheels come off, Weve seen it in other places and now we are seeing it here. Matter of time.)

(Agian, WHY?)

"The gunman who allegedly staked out former President Donald Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course..."

(He just got lucky he showed up?

Remember from before now:

"Rowe (Ronald Rowe Jr, the US Secret Service acting director) also told reporters that Trump was “out of sight of the gunman” during his unscheduled visit to the golf club."

"News photographers — including those hired by The Post — have had no problem repeatedly securing spots around the perimeter of the course to snap pictures of Trump playing golf or driving around in a golf cart."

(So it was a known vulnerability?
And you don't do anything about it?
Even after the first fake assassination attempt?
Even just for show?
You dont even make the attempt?)

"The shocking near-miss attempt on Trump’s life came barely two months after Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to climb on a roof and fire eight shots at Trump — nicking his ear — at a rally in Butler, Pa. on July 13.

(There is absolutely 0 proof of any of that yet it gets repeated like gospel by AP, politico and here, 

Why? Its state issued propaganda, period.)

"Routh, 58, fled after being fired upon by Secret Service agents, but was arrested on I-95 in Palm City, about 40 miles north of Trump’s golf course, thanks in no small part to an eyewitness who spied the accused gunman getting into a black Nissan to flee the scene and took a photo to share with law enforcement."

(Who was it?

Where are they?

Why aren't they telling us

what were they an eyewitness to?

They are such a hero right?

Must be Officer Rambo's cousin.)

From Ukraine to Hawaii, odd behavior of suspect in apparent Trump assassination attempt suggested ‘delusion of grandeur’

"An American in Kyiv

Routh did follow through with his promise to travel to Ukraine, according to interviews with multiple people who met him there, as well as social media photos. But his efforts to support the country didn’t seem to go very far.

According to a GoFundMe page posted by Routh’s fiancée, Kathleen Shaffer, he traveled to the country in April 2022."

In this April 2022 photo, Ryan Wesley Routh pays tribute to foreign citizens killed during the Russia-Ukraine war in a central square in Kyiv. 

(Well its just so obviously him right?

I mean we can tell so well cant we?

What I want to know is:


Where are they?

What are they saying about the "alleged" 

second assassination attempt.

All he has been arrested for is federal gun charges BTW.)

"Michael Wasiura, a journalist who met and interviewed Routh in Ukraine in 2022, said that after Routh’s efforts to join the country’s International Legion were rejected, he set up a makeshift memorial in Kyiv for foreign soldiers who had died in the war.

“He was out there every single day,” Wasiura said. “Talking to him, it was clear that you were not talking to a normal person. He was, manic might be the right word. He was extremely devoted. He was doing all of this just on his own personal initiative because he cared about the cause and was so extremely devoted to that cause that he’s essentially camping out in a foreign country.”

American Ryan O’Leary, an Army National Guard veteran who is fighting in Ukraine and encountered Routh in 2022, described him as being “off.”

I found him harmless, but not a person who should be in a war zone, as he was all over the place mentally,” O’Leary said."

“For me, it’s a surprise, because I viewed him as an idealistic, innocent, genuine person, without any murderous instinct,” Cernea said.

(They really haven't changed the script all that much, they had Oswald in Russia, he even defected and came back (if that was even really him) they had him in Cuba, with pro-Castro demonstrators in the states, and in Mexico City, just all over the place. This thing just has black opps written all over it, cause it matches up with what we have seen in the past.)

"History of volatility

In the years before his international efforts, however, Routh had a history of run-ins with the law in his native North Carolina."

(Lord knows you gotta find somebody that matches the right profile right? And like I said it must have been one hell of a roofing business to have been able to move to and live in Hawaii. How many trips did he make to find his house? What real estates firm did he go through? Surely there are financial records that would contain such information right? Credit cards that show trips to Hawaii etc.? Or did he just go there and buy a house and move all in one trip? Or not go through a real estate agency in Hawaii to find a house? Whats the likelihood of finding a home in Hawaii without going through a real estates firm and moving all in one trip? This is the kind of stuff the NY Times and Washington Post would be all over in days gone by, nowadays? Nobody even dares to ask such questions, Why?)

"He was charged in multiple cases of writing worthless checks, and pleaded guilty to one such charge in 2003. In 2009 and 2010, he was charged with misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance and possession of a stolen vehicle, both of which were dismissed, and he was found guilty of possession of stolen goods, for which he received three years of probation."

"The suspected would-be assassin also appeared to have some money problemsjudges ordered him to pay tens of thousands of dollars to plaintiffs in various civil suits filed against him, and state and federal authorities have repeatedly accused him of failing to pay his taxes on time."

(Sounds like somebody who is wealthy enough to move to Hawaii to you? Cause it sure don't to me.)

"More recently, he moved to Hawaii, living near the ocean in Kaʻaʻawa, a town of about 1,200 people on the north shore of Oahu Island..."

(With those kinda money problems?

North Shore?


Please, spare me

Its called the cover story folks.)

"The average home value in Kaaawa, HI is $1,016,558"

"Saili Levi, owner of a vanilla company, said he paid Routh $3,800 up front to build a trailer for his business, but when Levi came to Routh’s shop to review his work, it was shoddy. "

(You don't even know if this is the same guy or not. How does somebody with $ problems afford a million dollar home close to the beach in Hawaii is my question and why isn't CNN and others answering it?)

“I don’t know what’s happened in Florida, and I hope things have just been blown out of proportion,” the younger Routh wrote. “It doesn’t sound like the man I know to do anything crazy, much less violent.”

(He was set up.

Plain and simple.

It just resembles what they did with Oswald and the moving him around and multiple identities and so forth, when you know their playbook you can see right through their actions. 



And I might add a lot easier to pull off without so many people around this time. Think that wasn't by design?)

Trump called for ‘unity’ after the first assassination attempt. 

Not this time.

"The incident came up only briefly on a regularly scheduled call with surrogates and advisers."



"Still, Trump’s aides have made clear they would press ahead with events as scheduled — before the incident becomes a longer-term distraction for a candidate struggling to stay on message 49 days before the election."

(Because he knows what happens to him when he looses. That stage has already been set twice now and who would be surprised if it happens again before the election?)

“They spoke about it for a minute in a manner of complete recognition that this is the reality that we are in,” said the person, who was granted anonymity to describe internal discussions. “This is the new reality of American politics.”


No it is not. 

It is however, what they want you to believe is "the new reality of American politics.” I said yesterday, he is an asset till he looses the election, which he is going to loose, and at that point he is a liability and all these fake attempts are making it such that nobody is surprised when he finally gets taken out. He knows it and THATS why he cant stay on message.)

"A Trump adviser, granted anonymity to speak freely, lamented that the threats to Trump’s life mean the campaign is going to be “talking about whether or not he’s going to be shot next week. We’re not going to be talking about issues.”

(See my statement from yesterday above.)

"a marked departure from his reaction after a shooter opened fire in July at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, injuring Trump"

(Again, no evidence of that. None. No Dr., No Dr report, No name of the facility where he was checked, nobody but him and his close associates has ever said he was hit by a bullet or shrapnel and the whole stinking country knows it and its why when he is no longer of service to the intelligence community, he will be done away with. The FBI hasn't said he was hit with a bullet, the Secret Service hasn't said that, NOBODY but your state owned and operated news media keeps repeating that propaganda.


 “This is a tragic situation. It never should’ve happened. But Donald Trump I think in a lot of ways wants to figure out how to gain electoral advantage out of it,’” said Pat Dennis, president of American Bridge 21st Century, a top Democratic super PAC."


If at first you don't succeed try try again.

So you got a lot of things all going on here:

1) Try and get some political hay out of all of these phony attempts.

2) Sets the stage for legitimizing political violence in the future.

3) Loose the election and he gets taken out who is surprised really?)

"The Trump campaign’s approach reflects the plainly different political circumstances the former president is facing now versus when a shooter’s bullet struck his ear..." 
















"Now, Trump is entering the final weeks of the presidential election locked in a tight race against a new opponent he has struggled to undercut."

(Reason for phony assassination attempt #2 anybody? This is hard to figure?

And no I aint voting for Kamala so don't even start that nonsense.)

Five main points:

1) If the court records were unsealed on Monday? Why was it reported that "an FBI agent alleged" the suspect was there 12 hours at 5:40 pm  Monday evening. And how did "an FBI agent alleged" at 5:40 PM Monday evening turn into "Cell phone records reveal" at 7:39 AM Tuesday?

2)  If Trump playing golf Monday was unscheduled according to the acting head of the Secret Service? Then how does the alleged shooter know to camp out there for 12 hours?

3) How does a roofing contractor with money problems from North Carolina end up with a million dollar home close to a beach in Hawaii?

4) Why are AP, CNN, The New York Post and Politico all reporting the same lies about Trump being shot in the ear?


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