Tuesday, September 24, 2024

You ever


heard a preacher sound like this?

ancientexplorers (IG)

"A recent discovery in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh, has uncovered ancient cave paintings that challenge our understanding of prehistoric human interaction. These 10,000-year-old paintings, found in Charama, Chhattisgarh, depict extraterrestrial life and what appear to be UFOs. One fascinating find is a set of paintings that act like an ancient calendar, potentially predicting future visits from these beings in the years 2030 and 2046, though exact dates remain uncertain. Local myths speak of the "Rohela people," celestial beings who shared knowledge and technology with villagers before vanishing. This discovery supports the ancient astronaut theory, suggesting extraterrestrial influence on early human civilizations, including possible descriptions of flying machines."

(Anything but one God as creator of all

and fallen angels 

(Genesis 6:1-4)


And no I dont do it very often five times or so now maybe, but one of the comments on here was 100% correct, this is straight up AI created content, WHY IS AI PUSHING THIS CRAP NOW? Ought to be the question people ask themselves.

One of the reasons I do this from time to time is just to see what peoples responses are. They are usually very limited if any at all. The ones that can make a valid point here and there are overwhemingly obviously bot generated responses.

(See Dead internet Theory.)

How did they overcome the expansion rate of the universe? Its not a physics problem, it a laws of nature problem. 25000 years at light speed to reach the next galaxy, space dust, gamma rays, radiation, weightlessness etc etc etc. Genesis 6:1-4.

Didn't answer any of my questions, it's not a technological problem, it's a law of physics problem. The alien hypothesis is dead.

The Almighty doesn't allow things that are not his creation to move freely through it. Period. 26 physical constants signifies one creator, not multiple. Genetic information in the DNA is a highly complex, sequential 3 billion character code that only an intelligence could have written, as is the case with all information. Interestingly, everything that has ever processed oxygen to exist on this planet has had DNA in it. There's a book that explains who the author or life is and is just happens to get time space energy and matter correct and has light in two instances in its creation story. Zero point energy we can't harvest? Sure, but two authors of life? Yeah, naw. The assumption that somehow "aliens" are somehow more advanced is erroneous. There's no guarantee they would be any more intelligent than us IF they existed and they don't. IF they did, they'd probably figure out a way to invent an intelligence smarter than themselves and be wiped out by it just like we are about to. Only the creator allows his creation to move through it. Arguments from silence aren't arguments, translation, go find me an alien. Assuming any other life anywhere else assumes it was an accident here and the three billion character genetic code in your DNA proves that it wasn't. The universe and life in it were intentionally designed, it's what all the SCIENTIFIC evidence points us toward. Seriously three billion character codes do not randomly evolve and even if so 17 different quantum fields would have somehow randomly conspired together to randomly create life, it's beyond preposterousness. Only higher level beings have access to zero point energy true, but they ain't aliens, angels were there before creation, they assisted in it, they know how things work. Promise. How you think all the old megalithic sites got built? Genesis 6:1-4. Enjoy.

The one who asserts "There are other sheep that are not of this fold" assumes the burden of proof. To assume intelligent life anywhere else is to assume it was an accident here and the complex sequential information contained in our genetic code simply says it wasn't an accident. 3 billion character code doesn't randomly evolve. 17 quantum fields didn't randomly decide to come together and create life, and even if they did, that doesn't explain the creation of information which evolutionary biologist concede is never the result of biological, physical, or chemical processes, information is always the result of a conscious, sentinent intelligence. So where'd it come from how did it get there. Number don't equal life. Marcelo Glaser. 26 physical constants of this universe signify one designer, not several, the one who designed it designed it for life here, this is what all the scientific evidence points to. We can't even find a exoplanet like Mars. Arguments from silence aren't arguments. If there are other sheep not of this fold and there's not, I just explained why) they can't get here via craft. Not to mention, it's erroneous to assume they would be more advanced than we are, what's to keep them from having invented a form of intelligence more advanced than themselves and then be wiped out by it which were about to see happen here? Life here wasn't an accident, 17 quantum fields didn't randomly decide to create life, your genetic code came from a sentinent intelligent entity, the alien hypothesis is hereby declared dead. And philosophicaly? What's the difference between something existing that well never see or have contact with and it not existing? Enjoy.

What verse in John? And what other intelligent life in him image besides man did he create? Where does it say so in the scriptures? If you are reading it to see what it doesn't say? I think you are going about it the wrong way. The only thing the creator created in his image was man and on this earth.

What did Jesus mean when He said, “Other sheep I have which are not of this fold” (John 10:16)?

It's not an assumption. Matter can't be created so something outside the laws of physics had to have done it. Either that or it creates itself which no one has ever observed.

How many books do people read to see what's not in it? As stated earlier an argument from silence isn't an argument, find me an alien, find me a crashed craft, these days who would be shocked? Everybody believes they're real anyway, so why doesn't a government just come out and show us? How did a single cell know it needed to be able to repair itself? How did that evolve. The fact you told me not the reasons I'm putting forth tells me that they are most certainly correct and me and my partner are going to reach tons w this message. You and your ilk and your overlord? Have fun, you know what awaits you.


No you haven't heard a preacher like this before 

and you wont ever again. 

Know why?

I do.

Matthew 24:21

For then there will be great distress, 

unequaled from the beginning of the world 

until now

—and never to be equaled again.

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