Monday, September 30, 2024

Are you ready?


Iran's supreme leader 

taken to secure location, 

sources say

(Think he don't know whets comin?)

"Sept 28 (Reuters) - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been taken to a secure location inside Iran amid heightened security, sources told Reuters, a day after Israel killed the head of Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah in a strike on Beirut.

The move to safeguard Iran's top decision-maker is the latest show of nervousness by the Iranian authorities as Israel launched a series of devastating attacks on Hezbollah, Iran's best armed and most well-equipped ally in the region."

(They weren't scared before, 

now they 


what's gonna happen.)

"...warned Iran that 

Israel could hit it anywhere"

As in your bunker

 isnt safe anymore bubba.

Said the guy that just put 80 tons of bunker busters 

in the heart of downtown Beirut,

 leveled six buildings 

and took out your closest ally's HQ 

and has/is pretty well 

just dismantling Irans 

"best armed and 

most well-equipped ally in the region."

People are not understanding.

This is a major turning point in the region.


"...warned Iran that 

Israel could hit it anywhere"

means you are next.

The following kinda backs that up as well:

 US boosts air support and hikes troop readiness to deploy for Middle East

September 29, 202410:24 AM CDT

(9:30 in the AM on a Sunday.

Think that's an accident?)

Pentagon warns Iran against expanding conflict

US increases air support capabilities in Middle East

US troops on heightened readiness to deploy

"The U.S. military said on Sunday it was increasing its air support capabilities in the Middle East and putting troops on a heightened readiness to deploy to the region as it warned Iran against expanding the ongoing conflict."

"The announcement came two days after President Joe Biden directed the Pentagon to adjust U.S. force posture in the Middle East amid intensifying concern that Israel's killing of the leader of Iran-backed Hezbollah could prompt Tehran to retaliate."

(Everything was pretty much in place before he ever said anything, do figure


"The Pentagon statement offered few clues as to the size or scope of the new air deployment, saying only that "we will further reinforce our defensive air-support capabilities in the coming days."

(That's not for us 

that's for Israel.)

"The strikes have dealt a stunning succession of blows to Hezbollah after almost a year of cross-border fire, killing much of its leadership and revealing gaping security holes. But it has also raised questions about Washington's publicly declared goals of containing the conflict and safeguarding U.S. personnel throughout the Middle East."

(Duplicitous as ever are we.)

"White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said on Sunday that the United States is watching to see what Hezbollah does to try to fill its leadership vacuum, "and is continuing to talk to the Israelis about what the right next steps are."


The Israelis are calling the shots here,

were gonna give the air defenses

they are gonna need.)

The fact that it was released at 9:30 Sunday AM 

tells you they really don't want you to know much about it.)

Israel killed Hezbollah leader Nasrallah 

with 80 tons of bunker-buster bombs 

after spies spent years penetrating his entire network

(This happens sometimes too.

You'll get high quality information

stuffed inside tabloid packaging.)

"The devastating airstrike that killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was the result of a years-long operation by Israeli intelligence that penetrated the terror leader’s entire network — allowing him to be tracked to his underground command center in Beirut."

(That could be another point in going after Irans nuclear program/bomb etc. All this advanced planning is coming into play for a larger objective that is coming, up.)

"Unbeknownst to Nasrallah, Israeli intelligence was well aware of the movements of Hezbollah’s leadership following years of hacking and surveillance work on the Lebanese terror group — which is one of the largest and best armed militias in the world."

"Israel spent months developing bombs that would dig through the earth and reach Hezbollah’s underground bunkers."

"Narrowing its targets, the Jewish state then began hacking into the terror group’s communication devices, with spies able to track down the exact movements of Hezbollah’s operatives — sometimes through their wives’ cell phones."

"Israel’s spies also tracked Hezbollah leaders’ movements by hacking surveillance cameras in Lebanon, and even reading their cars’ odometers."

"As a result, Israel learned that whenever the routines of the terror group deviated, an attack was imminent, Israeli officials told the FT."

"That very thing occurred on Friday as Israel bombarded Beirut, with officials learning that Nasrallah was en route to his “command and control” bunker."

"The Jewish state had been planning the attack for months as it developed bombs outfitted with timed explosions that would dig through the earth, allowing the next bomb to reach further down, the Wall Street Journal reports."

(It wasn't but a week or two ago me and honey sat here and were talking about this is the only way they could go after Irans nukes, just one after the other drilling down on top of each other, and now they just exercised that tactic right here. This HQ was 60 feet underground, different sites in Irans nuke program are thought to be 260 - 328 feet down. Did I mention there's an attack sub in the area with 149 or whatever tomahawks, which can be equipped with bunker busters?

And as already demonstrated earlier on here:

"The U.S. military said on Sunday it was increasing its air support capabilities in the Middle East


As mentioned on

August 31, 2024

Australia is taking over the Red Sea Taskforce for the US in Oct.

I gotta draw a map or something?)

"Unlike the US, which has heavy bombers and massive 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator bombs for destroying bunkers deep underground, the Israeli military has only fighter jets — limiting the size of ordnance warplanes can carry.

"The Israeli bombardment successfully reached Nasrallah’s hideout 60 feet underground."

"The attack was one of the largest Beirut had ever seen, leveling six buildings as it shook the area located near the terrorist headquarters."

"Netanyahu touted Nasrallah’s death as a “historic turning point” amid the ongoing escalation in conflict between Israel and Hezbollah that threatens all-out war in the region."

It absolutely is.

The largest armed non state actor 

in the world has lost

 its leader,

an estimated 50% of its rocket capacity,

its HQ, 

and a generation of leadership 

and as I have stated numerous times recently, the speed and efficiency with which they have done so along with all the advanced planning that has been shown to have taken place and our having extra air defenses in the region and Australia taking over the Red Sea Task force  and "Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei" (now hiding in his hole, see below) and  Netanyahu having: "...warned Iran that Israel could hit it anywhere" its should be pretty obvious what's about to transpire.

Revelation 6:15

Everyone hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. This included the kings of the earth, the princes and the generals. It included rich people and powerful people. It also included everyone else, both slaves and people who were free.

An Iranian nuclear facility is so deep underground that US airstrikes likely couldn’t reach it

(That was five years ago.

Not anymore it aint...

Not with the recent capabilities demonstrated  by the Israelis combined with ours, see why we got that much fire power in the region now? Along with enhanced Air Defense capabilities etc.?)

"Based on the size of the spoil piles and other satellite data, experts at the center told AP that Iran is likely building a facility at a depth of between 80 meters (260 feet) and 100 meters (328 feet). The center’s analysis, which it provided exclusively to AP, is the first to estimate the tunnel system’s depth based on satellite imagery."

"Such underground facilities led the U.S. to create the GBU-57 bomb, which can plow through at least 60 meters (200 feet) of earth before detonating, according to the American military. U.S. officials reportedly have discussed using two such bombs in succession to ensure a site is destroyed. It is not clear that such a one-two punch would damage a facility as deep as the one at Natanz."

(But that one two punch?

Along with the Israeli capabilities?

That would do it.)

How Israel Killed Hezbollah’s Leader in Underground Bunker

"Israel's air force struck the bunker with about 80 tons of bombs, according to several people familiar with the situation. The attack used a series of timed, chained explosions to penetrate the subterranean bunker, a senior Israeli military official said. When it was over, a pillar of orange smoke rose above Beirut. And Hassan Nasrallah, the fierce and charismatic Islamist who had led Hezbollah for more than three decades, was dead."

(Thats why 


"...warned Iran 


Israel could hit it 



Better go get in your bunker bitch 

and it wont belong 

before we will be going after you too.)

"His death (Nasrallah) leaves a void at the top of the world's most heavily armed nonstate militia, which is designated as a terrorist group by the U.S. It was a transformative event for the Middle East. Friday's strike capped a series of killings by Israel that wiped out nearly an entire generation of Hezbollah leaders, throwing Iran's most valuable militia ally into disarray."

"The killing showed Israel's leaders are prepared to blow past the red lines that previously defined the country's slow- burning conflict with Hezbollah to ensure its own security. Israel, which has hit Lebanon with more than 2,000 airstrikes in recent days,..."

"What Israel is doing with this campaign against Hezbollah has opened the door to a new era in which Iran's influence in the Middle East is going to be significantly weakened," said Lina Khatib, director of the SOAS Middle East Institute, a think tank based in London. 

(This is going to be strengthening Turkeys position in the region.)

"Israel's operational planning for Friday's strike began months ago, with military officials identifying how to pierce an underground bunker in southern Beirut with a series of timed explosions, with each blast paving the way for the next one. The attack was one of the largest single airstrikes on a major city in recent history."

(Lots of first here.)

"In Washington, the strike was met with frustration from top members of the Biden administration after days in which the U.S. had tried to restart negotiations toward a cease-fire in both Gaza and Lebanon. Netanyahu had earlier in the week cast doubt on an American and French-led cease-fire initiative. U.S. officials said they weren't informed ahead of time about the strike, something Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin expressed concern about during a call Friday with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, according to an official familiar with the call."




And now you kinda 
get the idea 
wats going on.

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