Monday, September 2, 2024

More Yet!

 My buddy says lol.

Turkey Bids to Join BRICS 

in Push to Build Alliances Beyond West

(They just sided with Russia and China 

economically basically.


is going to overthrow the dollar

and sooner than you think.

Turkey knows it.

Why shouldn't you?)

"The bid is also partly a result of rifts with fellow NATO members after Turkey maintained close links with Russia following its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the people added. Turkey’s foreign ministry and presidency declined to comment."

(And the coup attempt we attempted that failed.


Friday, August 25, 2017


for all the gory details...)

"The BRICS touts itself as an alternative to what its members see as Western-dominated institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. New members can potentially get access to financing through its development bank as well as broaden their political and trading relationships.

Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party has long accused Western nations of thwarting Turkish aspirations for a self-sufficient defense industry and strong economy. The president has repeatedly called for an overhaul of the United Nations Security Council to broaden its five permanent members, and expressed interest in joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, set up by Russia and China as a rival to NATO."


("...and expressed interest in joining 

the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, 

set up by Russia and China as a rival to NATO."

Well I wonder why?)

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