Friday, September 27, 2024



He just isn't smart enough to come up with anything like what was done on his own and as documented on here they both have the signatures of previous intelligence operation.

So who do you think really staged it?

Then when you click on the link its almost like you're reading a different story than the one that was first presented:

Its not a conspiracy theory,
it's the truth.

34 unanswered questions I think it was.

Just tell me who the Doctor was that saw him and said it was a bullet wound to his ear, then? Tell me who performed the autopsy on the shooter and who did the cremation.

If its such a conspiracy?

Just those two things alone would help to make the case that its not a conspiracy but if they come out with that information? Then the question becomes why did you wait so long before releasing it?


It's literally that easy to understand.




"The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released an interim report on its investigation into the shooting in Pennsylvania."

(This is from the Senate
we have already had a preliminary report from the House.

"Sweeping failures by the Secret Service directly contributed to a gunman’s ability to carry out an assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump at his July 13 rally, according to an interim Senate report released Wednesday."

"The bipartisan report from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee pointed to multiple critical failures by the Secret Service, including ones related to planning for the event, communications and crucial security decisions."

"The panel accused the Secret Service of failing to clearly lay out responsibilities or plan security. 

(Because they weren't behind it, your intelligence services were.)

"Agency personnel denied to the committee that they were individually responsible or deflected blame, according to the report."

(Because they weren't, so they did. You could tell by the combative approach of the interim director of the secret service when he testified to the house exactly where all of this is going, nowhere.)

"In one example included in the report, the Secret Service special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh field office did not have a working radio with him during the July 13 rally, after giving the lead advance agent his original radio because hers was malfunctioning."

(There is your sign. You really think that is an accident?
Where is the funeral home that did the cremation of the shooter again?)

"The committee also found that the Secret Service did not properly ensure that the building where the gunman accessed the roof was secured during the rally

(Because they weren't running the show that day and it wasnt supposed to be. Sign number two.)

"one counter sniper had an obstructed view of the roof. Local law enforcement, according to the report, told the Secret Service in advance of the rally that they did not have the manpower to cover the building."

(And they still did not cover it?
This is hard to understand?
People know whats going on and quite frankly they are tired of this shit. Some of us been seeing it a long time now. Sign number three.)

"A Secret Service official responsible for countering unauthorized drones told the Senate committee that he also requested additional equipment and personnel but those requests were denied. Trump’s Secret Service detail, according to the report, also requested certain assets for July 13 that were not approved."

(Cause they weren't running the show that day. Sign number four.)

"According to the committee’s interim report, Secret Service personnel were notified of a suspicious person with a rangefinder around the building roughly 27 minutes before the shooting. But the Secret Service’s lead advance agent, site agent and site counterpart all told the committee that they did not receive that information until after shots were fired."

(Because they werent supposed to.
Sign number five.)

"And a Secret Service counter sniper told the committee that they also saw local law enforcement running toward the building where the shooter was located with their guns drawn, but that it “did not cross [his] mind” to alert Trump’s protective detail to get him off the stage."

(Because the plan was to let him stand up there and fist pump ect for a few minutes etc.

Its just sickening, it really is.)

"As part of its interim report, the committee is making a series of recommendations, including increasing planning for protective events and designating a single individual responsible for approving all plans. They are recommending that Congress require the Secret Service to record radio transmissions for all protectee events, as well as having the agency send additional resources and assets to future events."

(That all sounds great but it is ignoring established history:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Archives on Tuesday requested that the Secret Service investigate “the potential unauthorized deletion” of agency text messages sent and received around the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol."

Pass what ever laws you want to these people are simply not subject to them.


"Counter snipers were sent to the rally in response to a “credible intelligence” of a threat, according to the report. But the committee noted that “nearly all” of the Secret Service personnel interviewed by the committee said they were not aware of any credible intelligence of a threat."

(That seems to be a reference to the Iranian threat on Trump that was put out AFTER it was determined that events like this one in Penn do not warrant counter sniper teams, only presidents with a credible threat usually get that. So why were they even there? Oh yeah the non-existent Iranian threat against him issued a day or several days later to justify your counter sniper team being there. Right...gotcha...makes perfect sense.)

"Even as the committee released its interim report, it made clear that it still has a long list of questions that it wants answered. It also knocked the FBI, which it said had only produced 27 pages of documents. And they are still seeking information from Trump’s team, more information on known threats before July 13, and information related to the crime scene."

(Good luck, you're never gonna get it and the community has a list of questions we would like answered as well.

"Trump could be heard on the video saying at least twice, "Let me get my shoes,"

After almost getting killed? Why?

"Trump got to his feet moments later and could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his face, which was streaked with blood."

Why was there no blood on his hand right after he put it to his ear? It was only when he "got to his feet moments later" that there is any blood.

"Secret Service agents fatally shot Crooks, who attacked from an elevated position outside the rally venue at a farm show in Butler, Pennsylvania, the agency said."

The secret service have never identified the building in question as being from where the shots came from only, "an elevated position outside the rally venue". WHY?

When was "the alleged shooters funeral? 

Who attended? 

Where was it conducted? 

Who was the funeral director in charge? 

Was it open or closed casket? 

Who saw the body removed from the rooftop? 

How was it transported away from the scene? 

Where was it transported to? 

Who transported it away?

Who pronounced him dead? 

Where is his death certificate?

"One attendee was killed and two spectators were critically injured, authorities said."

Was an autopsy done to try and figure out bullet trajectories? Why or why not?

Of the two who were critically injured do we know where they were standing when they were injured and have bullet trajectories been traced back to a point of origin? Why or why not?

"Video posted by an aide showed the former president deplaning his private jet flanked by U.S. Secret Service agents and heavily armed members of the agency’s counter assault team, an unusually visible show of force by his protective detail." Why were they so visible? Why weren't we told of the Iranian threats against Trump when they happened instead of afterwards? Were supposed to be on the look out for all things suspicious.

"Officials said members of the U.S. Secret Service counterassault team killed the shooter."

What officials? Why did they wait till Sunday to say it and not Saturday when it allegedly happened?

"A video posted to social media and geolocated by the AP shows the body of a person wearing gray camouflage lying motionless on the roof of a building at AGR International Inc., a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds where Trump’s rally was held."

A video posted by who? To what social media platform? And how did the AP find out about it? And why didnt AP inform anyone of any of that information?

"...shows the body of a person wearing gray camouflage lying motionless on the roof of a building at AGR International Inc., a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds."

How did AP make the determination it was "the body of a person...lying motionless" from a video source shared by means that we don't know?

"Secret Service agents fatally shot Crooks, who attacked from an elevated position outside the rally venue at a farm show in Butler, Pennsylvania, the agency said."

Why didn't the secret service mention the AP geolocated position of "the roof of a building at AGR International Inc" in their statement?

Why has it not been confirmed by "law enforcement" that Trump was shot in the ear? What medical official has confirmed this?

"The Secret Service did not have a speaker at a news conference Saturday night where FBI and Pennsylvania State Police officials briefed reporters on the shooting investigation. Why not?

"Stephen Colo, who retired in 2003 as an assistant director after a 27-year career in the service. Colo said presidential candidates and former presidents don’t typically get the same level of protection as the sitting president. In fact, Colo said he was surprised that the agency had staffed the event with a counter-sniper team. "Such a valuable resource — there are not many of those highly trained agents — is usually reserved for the president. Candidates don’t usually get such teams."

Why was there a team there then? What information did they know in advance?

"One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, and that’s when Secret Service snipers shot him, said the officials, who spoke to AP on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation."

Who was the "local police officer? Has he been interviewed? How does he explain his behavior that day?

"Law enforcement officials have not confirmed Trump was hit with a bullet."

Why not?

"Law enforcement officials said on Saturday that Crooks carried no identification to the site of the shooting and had to be identified using other methods. “We’re looking at photographs right now and we’re trying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation,” 

If he doesn't have any ID? And the FBI special agent in charge said, "were trying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation" How then did they know who he was? 

Thats approximately 36 questions.

Truth simply does not create problems to solve.

Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.)

“We’ve put a lot of meat on the bones here, but we are a long way from getting the information we need,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the top Republican on the investigative subcommittee.

Like I said, good luck, its never gonna happen.
They are above your laws,
or so they have repeatedly acted etc.

They have shown us so,
time and time again.

Sad really...
The difference between what this country 
could have been and what it became.

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