Monday, September 16, 2024


You couldn't even go with 


You had to go with:

"And I think that Aliens in outer space don't use rocket ships, they don't use that, rocket ships because they crash, they have problems with gamma rays, food, radiation whatever, they have digitized themselves, placed their consciousness on a laser beam and there is a laser highway that could be right next to the earth for all we know carrying the digitized SOULS of ancient civilizations and we are clueless, we are totally stupid..."

So lets talk about wormholes for a minute.

"A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime (i.e., different locations, different points in time, or both).

"Wormholes are consistent with the general theory of relativity, but whether wormholes actually exist is uncertain.'

(Not for me its not.)

"Many scientists postulate that wormholes are merely projections of a fourth spatial dimension, analogous to how a two-dimensional (2D) being could experience only part of a three-dimensional (3D) object.

Most people visualize them like this:

Enter a point in spacetime on one side.

Exit out 

a different place or time or both, 

on the other.

(Id go both BTW)

But it doesn't work like that.

These are not huge structures 

built in the fabric of spacetime 

like Sagittarius A

(the supermassive black hole 

at the Galactic Center of the Milky Way.)

Wormholes are best though of more like:

they are localized 

and temporary.

Best thought of like 

Sabine Hossenfelder wrote:

The case for why our Universe may be a giant neural network

A non-locally connected Universe would make sense for many reasons,” Hossenfelder writes. “If these speculations are correct, the Universe might be chock full of tiny portals that connect seemingly distant places. The physicists Fotini Markopoulou and Lee Smolin estimated that our Universe could contain as much as 10 (to the 360 power) of such non-local connections. And since the connections are non-local anyway, it doesn’t matter that they expand with the Universe."

Only they are temporary.

Not permanent.

And if you don't honestly believe in the creator of them? 




I was saving this story but I have already told my pastor (like the day after it happened or so, cause you know, I make it a habit to go lie to preachers.) and I've told some other close friends as well, so here goes.

I was watching a Sunday Night football game at my buddys establishment a few years back. It was during the holidays and the lil town I was living in had their snowflakes all lit up on the telephone poles. They are huge BTW. It had been warm and then it had rained and the temp had dropped and there was a mist/fog thicker than you could imagine. It looked like London it was so thick. You couldn't see 20 -30 feet in front of you. I hadn't had anything to drink besides pepsi and not all that much to smoke either. :-). You know me lol. Leaving out to walk home it was eerie, silent, nobody around at all. Your talking 10:00 PM on a Sunday night in a quite lil sleepy town. it felt like a movie TBH. I was like well, time to go home. I started walking, I mean its weird looking with all the fog and the light from the huge electric snowflakes hung on the telephone poles reelecting off of it everywhere, just surreal, anyway as I passed the lil local laundromat I felt like I had passed through something, a membrane? invisible ectoplasm? Something. It physically cause my body to squiggle I guess for lack of a better word, so much so? That I looked back at the sidewalk to make sure I didn't trip over something. There was nothing there, just the sidewalk. About three steps later I heard people across the street on my left talking on their front porch, I thought well that's weird, that row of houses isn't normally there but whatever and a few steps later I could see the steeple to the local Baptist Church. Only one problem, the Baptist church is over a half mile down the road and I had only taken a handful of steps. I went on and walked to the Baptist church to make sure thats what it was lol (practically hyperventilating at this point) And the almighty asks "Are you doing okay?" I said "Yeah...kinda" (I had had mystical experiences before this so it wasn't all that crazy but still, this was a lil extreme) lol...He ask, "You know what that was all about right? I said, "I think so", he said tell me then, "I" He said "Yes, exactly, you have to get used to it so that when it happens in front of people you are comfortable and dont seem shocked with it." At this point I am just all smiles...I turned around and started walking home and I said, "Hey...just let my street be there when I get to it okay?" He didn't say anything at this point, he just wanted me to show my trust in him. So I went home, slept for about 16 hours even though I was feeling perfectly fine, and woke up the next day feeling like I had been hit by a Mack Truck.

So here is what I want all the physicist to understand. First of all understand that I know you are reading this even though nobody has told me so:

  • Wormholes exist but only when produced by the creator locally. They are not permanent. 

  • You can only be moved forward, never backwards, always with the arrow of time.
  • Only the creator of spacetime can do what he wants to with it. (Joe Rogan and others are warming you up to the idea that spacetime can be folded, what they are not telling you however. is it can only be done by its creator.)

  • Only his creation that believes on him will be allowed to move through it.


Laser highway dude

even if you had went with wormholes?

God has you coming and going 

and you will not escape his truth.

Psalm 139:5-6

You hem me in behind and before,

    and you lay your hand upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,

    too lofty for me to attain.

To all the people who would say:

"You are nuts!"

I would say, 

the laws of physics allow for it.

For the physicist that would say:

"Its to difficult for matter to get through it, 

its much easier for 

information and energy 

to do so."

I would say:

What are we 

but 99.9999999999999% 

electric and magnetic energy 

with some information 

(our genetic code) thrown in?

You either believe in a god that can do anything
or you don't. To think that the creator cant do exactly as he pleases with his creation is just utter nonsense to me.


Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, 
but with God all things are possible.”

Queue brother Brian:

"Its not complicated!"

Now I want to address this issue of:

"carrying the digitized SOULS of ancient civilizations"

Laser highway guy spoke of

The only book in exitance that gets time space energy and matter coming forth as we know it had to have? In a continuum? All at the same time all dependent on one another?

Also says:
God created your soul, (Gen 2:7), God owns your soul (Ez 18:4) and he most assuredly will judge it (Rev 20:11-15).

26 physical constants of the universe?
But multiple creators of souls?

On a side note,
later, when talking to my pastor I asked her if she had ever heard of a tesseract

And she said she had and asked me if I had ever read the children's book "A wrinkle in time
And at that time I hadnt but since I have.

Thats exactly what that "membrane" or invisible "ectoplasm" that I had felt when I looked back at the sidewalk was.

But a wrinkle in time.


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