Sunday, July 28, 2024


 getting ready to say have at it!

Revelation 7:1

And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

(Once those angels let go? Look out. My personal opinion? When Israel and Hezbollah  finally go at it, and then everybody else gets sucked in? Thats when the angels let go and to think its not just around the corner is to be kidding yourself.)

At least 12 killed, including children, in Golan Heights rocket attack; Israel and U.S. blame Hezbollah

"A rocket attack Saturday on a soccer field in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights killed at least 12 children and teens, and wounded several others, Israel said, hours after an Israeli airstrike on south Lebanon killed three members of the militant Hezbollah group."

The strike, the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians since the fighting between the two foes erupted on Oct. 7, raised fears of a broader conflagration in the region. 

Hezbollah chief spokesman Mohammed Afif told The Associated Press that the group "categorically denies carrying out an attack on Majdal Shams." It is unusual for Hezbollah to deny an attack."

(Thats not what it said earlier. It said they normally do deny attacks.)

"However, a U.S. official told CBS News Saturday night that "there's no real doubt here this was Hezbollah." 

(It aint beyond Netanyahu to pull a false flag either, these were Druze, in an annexed area most countries don't recognize as belonging to Israel, why didn't Iron dome shoot the missile down? To low? To fast? Or just turned off because its Druze in an annexed part of Syria? This is how evil our world has become:

Genesis 6:5

Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said early Sunday, "Every indication is that indeed the rockets were from or the rocket was from Hezbollah."  

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Hezbollah "will pay a heavy price for this attack, one that it has not paid so far."  

"Cutting his nearly week-long trip to the U.S. short, Netanyahu departed Washington, D.C., Saturday night en route to Israel, an Israeli official told CBS News."

Saturday was a day of "almost all-out war" between Israel and Hezbollah following the rocket attack that killed children in Majdal Shams in northern Israel a U.S. official confirmed to CBS News. Officials said the strike was a "nightmare scenario" feared by Biden administration officials — and mass casualties would force a heavier Israeli response than the usual tit-for-tat."

(Fuck the Biden Administration.

a "nightmare scenario"

for the world.) 

"There is no doubt that Hezbollah has crossed all the red lines here, and the response will reflect that," Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz told Israeli Channel 12. "We are nearing the moment in which we face an all-out war."  

"Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Mideast war and later annexed them in 1981."

"CBS News has learned the latest round of in-person hostage talks are set to take place Sunday in Rome, Italy, with CIA Director William Burns traveling to the Italian capital to meet Mossad Director David Barnea, Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, and Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel, in an attempt to finalize a deal."

(Anybody else curious why so many intelligence chiefs for hostage negotiations?)

Israel weighs response to Hezbollah after a rocket from Lebanon kills 12 youths on a soccer field

"On Saturday, a rocket slammed into a soccer field where dozens of children and teens were playing in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, about 12 kilometers (7 miles) south of Lebanon and next to the Syrian border. Twelve were killed and 20 others wounded, according to the Israeli military."

"The Israeli military said it was investigating why the rocket wasn’t intercepted and questioned whether it would have been possible due to its short journey and short reaction time. A bomb shelter was next to the blackened field, steps away."

"The Druze are a religious sect that began as an offshoot of Shiite Islam and has communities in Israel, Syria and Lebanon. There are about 25,000 Druze in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, according to Yusri Hazran of the Hebrew University."

"The Druze are considered among Israel’s most loyal citizens, although those in the Golan Heights have a more fraught relationship with authorities. Israel captured the Golan, a strategic plateau, from Syria in the 1967 Mideast war and annexed it in 1981. Much of the international community considers the area to be occupied territory. While Druze leaders there profess allegiance to Syria, relations with Israel are normally good."

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was weighing options Sunday after hurrying home from the U.S. and warning that Hezbollah “will pay a heavy price for this attack, one that it has not paid so far.” The security Cabinet authorized him and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to decide how and when to respond."

(We will know soon.)

"Hezbollah has far superior firepower than Hamas. Igniting a war in Israel’s north while it’s engaged in Gaza would overburden the military, Barak Ben-Zur, a researcher at the International Institute of Counter-Terrorism, told journalists."

(Ive been saying that all along.)

"Any conflict could bring in Iran, which warned Israel that a strong reaction would lead to “unprecedented consequences.” Iran and Israel’s shadow war burst into the open in April, when Iran launched 300 missiles and drones at Israel, most of them intercepted, in response to the killing of an Iranian general."

"How could this impact the war in Gaza?

Officials from the United States, Egypt and Qatar were meeting Sunday with Israeli officials in Rome in the latest push for a cease-fire deal in Gaza."

(Notice how AP doesn't tell you who the officials were, that aint hostage negotiations folks, there sgetting ready to be a massive war in the middle east. Three heads of intelligence services? For hostage negotiations? No wonder AP didnt say who they were.)

And what you didn't hear about was:

B-52 Traverses Middle East as US Troops in Iraq and Syria Are Attacked

"A U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber flew from Europe across the Middle East on July 25, making a 32-hour flight as U.S. troops came under attack in Iraq and Syria on July 25 and July 26, U.S. officials told Air & Space Forces Magazine."

The bomber took off from Romania, 

(Bout to be the largest NATO airfield)

where it was deployed on a brief Bomber Task Force mission, traveled east over the Mediterranean Sea, then crossed into the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of operations. Flying over Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, it reached the Persian Gulf, then turned back, headed for the Atlantic Ocean, according to open-source flight tracking data reviewed by Air & Space Forces Magazine."

The B-52 mission showcased ”extensive options … for fielding combat-ready forces to protect and defend the region from adversary aggression,” Air Forces Central (AFCENT) said in a July 27 press release. The mission was focused on practicing maritime firepower support, AFCENT said."

"The mission also included flying with USAF A-10s from Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mich., and KC-135 Stratoankers from both Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., and McConnell Air Force Base, Kan., AFCENT said. The B-52 did not land while in CENTCOM, but did rendezvous and fly with Qatari F-15QAs, a U.S. official said."

(Oh, you mean one of the parties involved with the "Hostage negotiations"? Interesting.)

“These missions amplify the U.S.’s ability to integrate with coalition forces and regional partners while demonstrating the strategic bomber fleet’s ability to operate anywhere with decisive impacts,” the official said."

"It seems, however, that not everything went according do plan. A frequent poster on the X social media platform published apparent radio transmissions from the B-52 as it flew home solo to the United States, in which the crew stated “the second aircraft had a mechanical problem and did not take off.”

"The U.S. Embassy in Doha originally said two B-52s would fly over Qatar."

(Sounds about like us these days.)

"On July 26, two rockets were fired at Mission Support Site Euphrates in Syria, a U.S. official told Air & Space Forces Magazine. No injuries or damage was reported, the officials said, and it is not clear which groups carried out the attacks."

Brother Joe in his bible study on the Book of Revelation never referred to it WWIII, he always called it "The Euphrates War."

"On July 26, two rockets were fired at Mission Support Site Euphrates in Syria..."

It ends with Armageddon,

you can believe that.

Revelation 7

7 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

Interpreters Bible on REV 7:1.





Before the end of this age actually arrives, a great persecution will bring the number of the martyrs to the necessary total (cf. 6:11). Consequently there is a cessation of woes until those who are to become martyrs are sealed. For this reason the four angels at the four corners of the earth hold back the four winds, causing a temporary pause in the infliction of plagues on the peoples of the world.

( We have had the two woes, Financial crisis, Covid the third is Gods wrath in the second half of the tribulation but I still I don't see it just like that, the angels are holding back the world powers who are destined to come into conflict. Angels holding them back till the time is right as decreed by God.)

"According to a cosmology probably derived from the Babylonians, the earth was considered to be a square, with an angelic watcher of each of the four winds stationed at each corner. The idea of these four winds as destructive agents of God is found in a number of the apocalypses: e.g., in Dan. 7:2-3 the four winds of heaven broke upon the sea, causing the four fearful beasts of destruction to appear; in the Syriac Apocalypse of Peter, God warns that when he looses the four winds, brimstone will go before the sea wind, a flaming fire before the south wind, and mountains and rocks will be broken in two by the west wind (the effects of the fourth wind are not mentioned). According to the Apocalypse of Pseudo-John 15, God promises that he will permit four great winds to sweep the face of the earth from one end to the other so as to cleanse it from sin. In another source, the Questions of Bartholomew 4:31-34, four angels are set over the four winds to restrain them lest they destroy the earth. Nor should we forget that the archetypes of the four destroying horses with their riders in 6:1-8 are the four chariots of Zech. 6:1-8, which are identified with the four winds. The probable relationship of the four living creatures to the four winds should also be recalled (cf. 4:6)."

Is your soul ready?

Have you talked to you creator lately?

All he wants i s a personal relationship with you.

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