Thursday, July 18, 2024

"More yet" anybody?


And now NPR, 

again, not exactly a solid bastion of pro-Trumpism,

now they are just stating things like its fact.

Starting to see how it works now?

Why do you have to hear about it from a  foreign owned source?

Why is it buried at the middle/bottom and not placed at the top of the news feed?

Im glad they will have hearings but its all just more of the show, window dressing etc, nothing will ever come out of it.

None the less I am going to create  list of questions I want my representative in congress to ask when they do have them and I will share here with what I am now refereeing to as "The Community."

The Aljazeera article goes on to say:

"Trump was shot in the ear by a gunman that witnesses say had taken up a position on a rooftop with a direct line of sight of the rally stage, raising questions about what security measures were put in place before the event."

The only person who said he was shot in the ear was trump,

there still has been no medical confirmation, 

nor confirmation from so called "law enforcement.".

People saw somebody climbing up and down the ladder to the roof.

AP somehow got access to a social media post that had "a body" 

lying on it that they geolocated to that roof.

Who saw the body being removed from the roof?

Who saw it loaded up and carried away?

 When was the funeral for the shooter?

Was it closed or open casket?

Just on and on and on 

and they will never tell you 

what they did that day

they simply can not.

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