Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 some others.


Chuck Missler Genesis session 2

"a lot of background on the mysterious nature of light."

"...the first quote of God is let there be light 

and we also 

to this day 

light represents one of the most paradoxical mysteries 

in the field of science."

(What he is trying to tell you is that is not an accident.)

"and I want you to notice the description of Eden it's very different than your Sunday school coloring books 

(My view equates to a different Dimensionality, or different layers of dimensions)

every precious stone was thy covering the sardius the topaz the diamond the barrel the Onyx The Jasper the sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle and gold this is a classic way of describing colored light to speak in terms of jewels semi-precious Jewels we find it here we find on the breast of the high priest we find it in the New Jerusalem and so forth it occurs frequently we do understand that God is a God of Light we know the that that the angels and also Adam and Eve before they fell were clothed with light."

"...and God said let there be light and there was light this is the first direct quote of God in the Bible it also turns out that light itself even in in the very frontiers of the most advanced science today it still poses astonishing discoveries and and Mysteries"

"first direct quote of God let there be light there was light I want to insert here a little side study because I think it's relevant to our understanding to talk a little bit about the nature of light its first direct quote of God all of us have different views of what that really may mean light has a paradoxical nature is does light consist of waves or does light consist of particles."


"you're both right depending on who's looking.

"'s obvious that the individual particles are not operating individually they're operating organically as a group and that creates a real mystery because on the one hand light can be demonstrated to be a stream of particles it also behaves like waves both and that created all kinds of problems."

"it's quantized but so is light it's quantized so is everything quantized."

"you know if you take you start studying the attributes of God you can come up with a number of things he's obviously infinite located at infinity or however you want to express that he obviously is capable of infinite power right he represents omnipresence he can be anywhere all the time he also is omniscient he knows everything anyone have a problem with that good okay it's interesting that light has properties analogous to those

(I always thought the same thing, long before I ever read this.)

"light has no a perfect light has no Parallax it's located at Infinity light has a velocity limit but it's limited by the intrinsic physics of the universe it's also omnipresent it turns out they've also discovered we'll talk about this next time photons lack locality they've discovered that all photons in the universe know what the other photons are doing."

(That right there alone should tell you there is a God.

Back to Parallax for a second:

Never really knew or understood much about it. 
Maybe a few years ago I read about it or something 
but I never gave it much thought.

Few days after posting the notes from Misslers second session on Genesis?



"...light is the fundamental revelatory mechanism it's the primary way we reveal things because when the light comes on we can see and we can understand and so it it fits the attributes of God it's interesting that in James 1:17 it's every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of Lights with whom is no variables nor shadow."

I like a lot of what she says or points out:

"Super radiance 

(Remember that word)

seen in tryptophan across microtubules 

showing they emit 

super radiance 

via entangled quantum states 

across distance 

way farther 

than would be expected 

in a neuron 


macroscopic entanglement 

(Thats us)

in our warm wet environment 

offering proof that we are 

quantum light beings

 doing internal computation 

within our brain..."

My comment:

"There are both Jewish and Christian sources that hold that before the fall, Adam and Eve were clothed in light."

Quoted from:

"There are both Jewish and Christian sources that hold that before the fall, Adam and Eve were clothed in light. This became intermingled with Hellenic speculation to say that the Primordial Pair were creatures of light only, purely spiritual beings, rather than creatures of spirit and matter, this despite the clear indication to the contrary, and this despite the union of spirit and matter was seen by God to be the finishing act of creation, the act that was not simply good, as were the works of the five previous days.

(It was only, "very good" after he had created mankind:

Genesis 1:31

 God saw all that he had made, 
and it was very good. 
And there was evening, 
and there was morning—the sixth day.

"Even Origen, who taught himself Hebrew (one of a very few Fathers to do so), held that the soul was enfleshed to arrest its fall – based on Platonic thinking."

"Rabbinic insight is that the clothing of Adam and Eve was glory, or radiance ... The white light is the same covering of the Bride of Messiah in Revelation. 

(His true church waiting on him.)

The Bride reflects the Lamp of the New Jerusalem,
(The oil that burns, the Holy Spirit.)

the Lamb. In terms of the menorah, there was a spiritual covering over the first couple’s earthly bodies, a covering or radiance pictured when Moses spoke with Adonai on the mountain, receiving the Torah covenant for Israel. Like the Holy One in whose image they were made, they had corresponding covers of light like garments.” (Dr. Alewine in The Creation Gospel Workbook Four: The Scarlet Harlot and the Crimson Thread, p. 175).

Again, this light is of great significance to the Essenes

(Interesting group, got a lot right, 
not that dualistic worldview though...)

it figures in the Transfiguration of Christ, and is used in the Johannine writings.

The serpent implies that Adam and Eve are 'blind' in some way. They were (outwardly, or physically or materially) naked but had no shame, because they saw with 'spiritual eyes' that looked beyond the surface to the truth and hearty of things, they saw with understanding and insight in the light of Elohim."

"This was the serpent's deception, 
a minor truth to cover the greater lie."

(Been warning about 98% right but the 2% so off as to make you shudder for a while now.)

"The eyes of them both were opened to the material world because they lost that spiritual luminescence, that insight. They saw only the surface of things, they saw themselves as separate, as other, as distinct, as naked ... and felt shame, and hid.

In their disobedience, they forfeited the Light, the Grace of God."

Also Note:

I love this guy.
I really do.
I don't agree with everything  
he has ever said 
but this here is 100%

Sorry the screenshots are so blurry.
Its only 5 minutes or so 
very much worth your time.



The eye is simply to intricate 
and to complex 
to have "evolved."

It had to have had a designer.

"To suppose that the eye 
with all its inimitable contrivances 
for adjusting the focus 
to different distances, 
for admitting different amounts of light, 
and for the correction of 
spherical and chromatic aberration, 
could have been formed by natural selection, 
seems, I confess, absurd in the highest degree..."


Based solely on the paradoxical 
and other attributes of light, 
combined with the complexity 
of the human eye/sight etc, its
pretty easy to see

(Pun Intended lol)

Thats there's a lil more to

Genesis 1:3

And God said, 
“Let there be light,” 
and there was light.

Than meets the eye :-).

had too.

Love you baby.
Relax honey.

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