Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I've been

 saying it for a while now, and its already happened a minimum of four times previously, and it's a shame people don't understand, simply don't believe and don't take it to heart what I am trying to convey to them, so once again, (since its happened a fifth time in the last 48 hours), those who stand opposed to US, those who harbor ill will to US, those who have evil intentions in their hearts for US




And it doesn't matter how strong your faith is, how long you have went to church, how long you have taught Sunday School, or been a youth director, or a minister, or a district superintendent, or a bishop, etc. watever, Gods will, will be done, he knows the intentions of your heart and he simply will not allow you to stand in his's not "US" that people are opposed to, it's the power of the Holy Spirit working through US, that people are opposed to. "The Church" has been full of infiltrators and pretenders for far to long.

Again, it has happened once more in the last 24-48 hours, and the consequences keep getting more and more sever, I have warned people, the Holy Spirit will flat out knock you dead. How many times do you gotta warn people? 

How many times people gotta see it happen first hand before they start believing it? 

If I was on the outside looking in at this situation? I wouldn't be taking any chances, I'd leave well enough alone, God's will, will get accomplished, regardless the intentions of anybody's heart.

Isaiah 54:17

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper;

and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment 

thou shalt condemn. 

This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, 

and their righteousness is of me

saith the Lord.

Somebody didn't take to kindly to that part about:

"every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment 

thou shalt condemn."

And now they are paying the price.

Drew, wow... you are just so...hardcore so times."

Ive said it plenty of times before now

"Agent of God's wrath"

Stand opposed 

or come with evil intentions in your heart 

and watch what happens to you.


Remember this, 

the consequences of your hostile intentions 

(executed or not) 

keep getting more and more sever.


"their righteousness is of me, 

saith the Lord."

Nobody else 

I mean nobody

gets any say so.

Deal with it accordingly.

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