Friday, July 5, 2024

Misc Notes on

 Chuck Missler 

Genesis Session 01

if you want to read the entire thing.

I was just keeping some notes for myself in a very rough form before I decided to share in the manner that I am, so therefore the notes are...well notes lol and might not have time stamp, entire comment etc...Now that I got an idea for the format hopefully that will improve...This guy aint for everybody, but he is right up my alley and I love his thing on the return of the Nephelium as well as his stuff on Daniel and Jude...Jude in particular really stands out...

Funny I got in my notes the names of four individuals that I am supposed to look at their work, I shown my pastor this a long time ago...Missler is one of them, as are, Clarence Larkin, DL Moody and Gerald Schroeder. In this session Missler mentions his friend Gerald Schroeder, that he or a friend of his had dinner with and that he has a very interesting Book, Genesis and the Big Bang.

Point is?
Nothing is an accident.
Its a causal universe.

Vibrations don't cause themselves.

"Effects without causes 
is faulty logic 
and even worse theology."

And I would add even worse science.

Anything with a beginning
has an ending.

Ecc. 3:1-2

"To everything there is a season

To every thing there is a season, 
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die;...

There is no eternal cycle.
Thats anti-scripture 
Not to mention?
It's not observed anywhere in nature.

It started.
It ends.

Why do I think that?
Because everything else 
that ever did,
Thats why.

What evidence do you have to the contrary?
Wishful thinking?

What ancient text being proved right
(Once again)
right in front of you face:

Zechariah 14:1-2
Behold, the day of the LORD is coming

And your spoil will be divided in your midst.
For I will gather all the nations 
to battle against Jerusalem;
The city shall be taken,
The houses rifled,
And the women ravished.
Half of the city shall go into captivity,
But the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

do you get that from?

Do you subscribe to the tenants 
of the rest of that book that you don't have?

Come explain it to me please
Love to hear it...

from the companion piece 
to the study/commentary)

"There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “world view” in addressing these issues.

(What is it? What is your worldview?
Comprehensive, complete, and coherent
start to finish, universe formation, to your souls final resting spot. If you don't have the right one? (World view) You might wanna get it, real quick like in a hurry, seems like all the other available options have just about expired if you ask me.)

 And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident

(The cosmologist, whether they want to admit it or not, KNOW there is no way the 26 physical constants of this universe are an accident.)

or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.

It comes as a shock to many to discover that every major theme and doctrine in the Bible has its roots in this “Book of Beginnings”: sovereign election, salvation, justification by faith, believer’s security, separation, disciplinary chastisement, the Divine Incarnation, the “rapture” of the church, death and resurrection, the priesthoods (both Aaronic and Melchizedekian), the antichrist, and even the Palestinian Covenant, which is being challenged by the continuing tensions throughout the world today, (This was originally recorded in 2003) all have their roots in this critical foundational book of the Bible.

Breakthroughs in the fields of physics, technology and biology led Chuck Missler to record this wonderful study in Genesis. 

(Those breakthroughs BTW, 
have continued, 
are continuing 
and will continue, 
and you should already know why that is by now.)

With over 24 hours of teaching, this verse-by-verse study of the book of Genesis has been one of our most sought-after and best-selling series in the history of Koinonia House.
This is a Study Companion for the Genesis Commentary.

Missler Genesis Notes:

Genesis session #1

"this whole idea is that we have the New Testament 
is in the Old Testament concealed. 
And the Old Testament 
is in the New Testament revealed" 

"The Old Testament is basically the account of a nation. The New Testament is an account of a man." 

"Many of you that know me know that I'm kind of a science buff. I have a lot of physics in my background and so forth."

(Resonated lol) 

"So that's 1 of the reasons because Genesis is full of that of course. Another reason is that Most of you know that I'm a prophecy buff. I'm very much interested in eschatology and so forth. 

(Well yeah, resonated as well lol) 

"...are there hidden codes in the Bible? And There absolutely are. There's so much nonsense and so much contrived foolishness around that many people get disenchanted with the idea of hidden messages in the scripture. But there are there and I want to show you a few."

"The equidistant letter sequence." 

"See, 1 thing about the Bible, it's all interlocked. Once you discover that, each piece strengthens all the others. You start pulling 1 piece out or another, the whole thing will start to unravel."

(Thats why you go with what the early church fathers did in regard to the Sons of God being angels in Genesis 6)

"As we look at Genesis and Revelation we find an interesting contrast."

"In Genesis we have the earth created. In Revelation the earth passes away. In Genesis we have the sun to govern the day. In Revelation there is no need for the sun."

"Darkness he called night in Genesis. There is no night there in Revelation. The waters he called the seas. There is no more sea in Revelation chapter 21."

"In Genesis you find a river for earth's blessing. And in Revelation we have a river for the new earth. The earth's government is mentioned in Genesis 37, and we have the earth's judgment relative to Israel in Revelation 16. Man is made in God's image in Revelation, excuse me, in Genesis, and man's headed by Satan's image in Revelation."

"We have the entrance of sin in Genesis. We have the end of sin in Revelation 21. The curse is pronounced in Genesis, and there is no more curse in Revelation 22. Death enters in Genesis 3, and there is no more death in Revelation 21.

"We have a man driven out of Eden in Genesis 3, and we have man restored in Revelation 22, And that's the climax that God alludes to in chapter 3 as he declares war on Satan. Tree of Life is guarded in Genesis 3. Why is he guarded by, by the way? A cherubim.

Why? What's he there for? To keep Adam out, it wouldn't take a cherubim, a normal angel would have been plenty. What was that angel guarding?

The way of the tree of life. Who is he guarding it from? Another cherub, huh? We'll talk about that next time.


"The right to the tree of life. The tree of life's guarded in Genesis. The right to access it is returned in Revelation 22. Sorrow and suffering enter the world in Genesis 3 verse 17."

There is no more sorrow in Revelation 22. Nimrod founds Babylon in Genesis 10. Babylon falls in Revelation 17 and 18. And I'm 1 of these is beginning to believe that the Antichrist will come out of Assyria.

(I go Turkey with that one, I do not agree with him on everything
(He was a pretribulationist) but he is a very enlightening individual and i like that he comes from a scientific/engineering background).

"He is called by Micah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel the Assyrian. I think it is Nimrod, not literally, but in effect Nimrod returned. God's flood destroyed the entire evil generation, chapter 6 through 9 in Genesis. Satan's flood to destroy the elect generation is attempted in Revelation 12."

"We have a bow, God's promise in Genesis 9. We have a bow for remembrance in Revelation 4. Sodom and Egypt typify the corruption and judgment in Genesis 13 and also 19. And Sodom and Egypt is an allusion to Jerusalem, strangely, in Revelation 11.

(Know a lil bit bout that one :-).

"We'll sort that out when we get there. A confederation was put together against Abraham's people In Genesis, there's a confederation versus Abraham's seed in Revelation 12. There's a bride for Abraham's son in Genesis 24 and there is a bride for Abraham's seed in Revelation 21."

"The marriage of the first Adam is in Genesis 2 and the marriage of the last Adam in Revelation 19. Man's dominion ceased and Satan's begun in Genesis 3, verse 24, Satan's domain ended and man's restored in Revelation 22. One integrated design from Genesis to Revelation. The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed."

The Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed. 

"There's not a book in the Bible that isn't a key part of God's plan of redemption. So if I look at how much space is accorded a subject, I can argue the creation is important but not nearly as important as the plan of redemption. The other way to measure value is what did it cost him? Well the creation cost God what, 6 days?"

"And 1 of your questions for your homework assignment before we get there will be, why is, why was not Monday blessed? Each 1 of these days, God saw what he did and it was good, right? But he didn't say that about what happened on Monday. So I'll let you chew on that in preparation for that time when it comes."

"The word of God is inexhaustible. That shouldn't surprise us, but we should also recognize 1 of its features. I don't care how many times you go through a book, each time you go through, you'll discover something new."

(Thats how you know it is mystical 
and from outside this time space continuum BTW.)

How many believe the universe is 15 billion years old? My hand is up, by the way. Okay, not so politically correct. You can, okay.

( my wheelhouse yo...)

"I don't think God is in the deceiving business. He may hide some things

(For our own good.)

make us dig for it a little bit, but I don't think God's in the deception business, quite the contrary."

(He shows you his truth everyday
 in his creation, 
in his physical 
and moral laws etc.)

"See, if you go into a navigation as a pilot or as a seaman or whatever, you'll take a course in spherical trigonometry, in which you can have 90 degrees in each corner. And see, when you encounter something that seems to violate the rule. See, the rule we all learned in school, that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees, is only true for a universe of 2 dimensions."

"That's why they call it plane geometry or plane trigonometry. It's only true for a flat plane, you see. If you have more than that, you're dealing with a convex surface. And if you have less than 180 degrees, you're dealing with a hyperbolic paraboloid.

"But I don't think that is something you're normally gonna want to go into. But when you encounter something that violates a rule you've learned, one of the possibilities is that you've encountered a dimension that you didn't know existed. 


"You see, and so it's that kind of insight that caused Dr. Albert Einstein, as he was grappling with the nature of space, 
to realize that space is not limited to 3 dimensions."

"And that's no longer just a conjecture. This four-dimensional continuum that we now know we live in has been confirmed 14 different ways to over 19 decimals. And It happens to include an insight that gets around many of the problems we encounter."

"I love, this is my favorite quote of Dr. Albert Einstein. 
People like us who believe in physics 
know that 
the distinction between the past, 
the present, and the future 
is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. 
Einstein himself said this." 

"All of us bring preconceptions to a topic. But 20th century science has vindicated the biblical perspectives of reality that the Bible portrays."

(This was 2003. And they just cant stand it, they just hate it, they went out to try and prove the opposite (non-vindication of biblical perspectives) and just got the ultimate "bitch slap" from infinite wisdom.

In Steveph C. Meyers book, Return of the God Hypothesis, he used recent discoveries in the fields of Quantum Physics, Molecular Biology and Cosmology to help make his case.)

there is only 1 way you can be certain to avoid truth. Edmund Spencer summarized, there is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.

That principle is condemnation before investigation. So what I want you to do as you come to these studies, try to set aside the presuppositions. We've all been conditioned from our schooling and from the culture at large, because we're gonna discover who the ruler of this world really is as we begin to examine the kind of stuff that you and I have been programmed in, even though we may come from a technology background. The scripture has an equivalent expression in Proverbs 18 13, he that answereth a matter before he hearth it, it is a folly and a shame to him.

"We know that heat flows from hot bodies to cold bodies. You notice that I assume right? Well if the universe was infinitely old, the temperature throughout the universe would be uniform."

"See, it's cooling. If it's always been around, it's always been cooling until all temperatures are equal, when the ambient equal, there is no temperature, all engines depend on temperature difference. It isn't uniform, therefore it's not infinitely old. It had a beginning."

(And if it had a beginning?
it will have an end.)

"That's interesting conjectures. Don't misunderstand me. Cosmology, in my opinion, is a field of interest, not a field of science. It's not subject to empirical verification."

(I bout fell out of my chair laughing lol...Its only gotten worse dude lol.)

"Dr. Gerald Schroeder, dear friend, lives in Jerusalem. He's a world-class nuclear physicist. He's not a Christian.

He's a Jew. He's an observant Jew, but had the privilege of being in his home celebrating Passover some years ago. And they're good friends. He wrote a book called Genesis and the Big Bang."

"You won't find a Christian book store, you'll find it in the banner books in regular stores, but it's a very interesting book. His stretch factor, he takes the stretch factor, 10 to the 12th, he makes an interesting observation. The 16 billion years times 365 means there are 6 times 10 to the 12th days, right? So if you divide 6 to the 12th days by the expansion factor, 6 to the 12th, you get an expansion factor of about 16 billion years from the day 1 through the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth day."

"So as a physicist, he has no problem with the idea of the 16 billion years, because his point of view is that a clock on the earth and a clock at the perimeter, if I can put it that way, of the expansion are going to differ by 10 to the 12th. And if you take the parent age of the universe and divide the expansion factor you get, guess what, 6 days. Which is what the Bible said all along. So that's his perception of the thing which I think is kind of interesting."

(Me too, very.)

"We've discovered all photons know what all other photons in the universe are doing instantaneously. That shatters our notions of reality." 

"Photons in space slow down the forward movement of objects in space. It's a thing like solar wind, if you will."

(So if an Alien "spacecraft" were to get here? It would not only have to exceed the expansion rate of the universe (faster than the speed of light) it would also have to overcome the "drag effect" (Im going to call it) of photons in space slowing down forward momentum. 

Breaking the laws of physics isnt good enough,
you have to really really break the laws of physics.


Only what?
24 more to go?


I love you baby.

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