Monday, July 15, 2024



is so very desperately 

trying to tell you 

what you want to here.

Dont fall for it.

We know better.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

9 Even him

whose coming is after 

the working of Satan 

with all power and signs 

and lying wonders,

10 And with 

all deceivableness 

of unrighteousness 

in them that perish; 

because they received not 

the love of the truth, 

that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause 

God shall send them strong delusion, 

that they should believe a lie:

Truth don't cause questions,

it answers them.

JFK assassination

RFK assassination

MLK assassination

Malcolm X assassination

George Wallace assassination attempt

Regan assassination

Trump assassination attempt

Each grossly negligent security failure to the point of disbelief, increases exponentially the likelihood of ALL of them not being an accident.

(Not going back to Lincoln

Starting in our times).

For illustrative purposes only:

JFK assassination

Ten to the first power = 10.

RFK assassination

Ten to the second power

10 x 10 = 100.

MLK assassination

Ten to the third power

10 x 10 (100) x 10 =1000.

Malcolm X assassination

10 to the forth power.

10 x 10 (100) x 10 (1000) x 10 = 10,000.

George Wallace assassination attempt.

10 to the fifth power.

10 x 10 (100) x 10 (1000) x 10 (10000) x 10 = 100,000

Regan assassination

10 to the sixth power

10 x 10 (100) x 10 (1000) x 10 (10000) x 10  (100,000) x 10 = 1,000,000.

Trump assassination attempt

10 to the seventh power

10 x 10 (100) x 10 (1000) x 10 (10000) x 10  (100,000) x 10 (1,000,000) x 10 = 10000000.

In other words

A one in ten million chance

of what you are being sold 

as being the truth.

Either all the security has been so grossly negligent through the ages as to be considered unbelievable 

(plus they never learn from their mistakes).

Or something way more sinister is at play.

Best guess with the logical brain and rationality God gave you?

Doctors verified it was a gunshot wound on his ear yet?

Anybody seen the body bag drug off the roof the shooter was killed on?

Anybody seen the ambulance the body of the shooter was put in and seen it drive away?

This has all the hallmarks of an intelligence operation.

This is why this populace was intentionally dumbed down through the gutting of public education, so that you wouldn't have the critical thinking skills needed to see through this kinda shit, not to mention so indebted so as to keep you constantly occupied with your own existence. Too bust trying to make a $ to get by on to ever stop and think about what is really going on.

What entity could be capable of such a thing?

Queue Bishop Mari


The partys in power change.

Elected leaders change.

Control of the legislature changes.


And now you know why.

You can forget all about Mr Trump ever being a maverick outsider anymore.

From this point forward?

He is as mainstream as any of the others that preceded him.

God help us all.

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