Sunday, July 14, 2024

Quite frankly? I think this one is a no-brainer...

As in 

you would not have to have one 

to NOT see what is going on here.

 Trump injured but ‘fine’ after attempted assassination at rally, shooter and one attendee are dead

"Trump could be heard on the video 

saying at least twice, 

"Let me get my shoes," 

with another voice heard saying, 

"I've got you, sir."

(Somebody tries to blow your head off 

and you're worried about your shoes?

Not once but twice?

Makes perfect sense right?)

"Trump got to his feet moments later and could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his face, which was streaked with blood." 

(Its only after he comes up

"moments later" 

that there is blood.

Watch the video.

He puts his hand over his ear

takes it off and looks at it,

no blood on his hand, 

no flesh, 

no nothing.

Then he goes down and comes up a few minutes later

with an injured ear and blood on his face.)

"He then pumped his fist in the air and appeared to mouth the word "fight" twice to his crowd of supporters, prompting loud cheers 

and then chants of "USA. USA. USA."


"Secret Service agents fatally shot Crooks

who attacked from an elevated position 

outside the rally venue at a farm show in Butler, Pennsylvania, the agency said."

(Why couldn't they have said they did so yesterday?

And notice:

"who attacked from an elevated position 

outside the rally venue 

at a farm show in Butler, Pennsylvania, the agency said."

They didn't say that where he was dead 

was where the was shooting from.)

"One attendee was killed and two spectators were critically injured, authorities said. All were identified as men."

(Where were they when they were hit?


the trajectories of the bullets fired 

should be traced back to their points of origin 

and the public should be made aware of them.

There is nothing that says they couldn't have been hit by stray

bullets from the Secret Services 

"Anti-sniper squad."

(more on that later)

We simply do not know and probably never will

as I doubt any of the above information will ever be released.

It seems to be how these things work.)

"The attack was the most serious attempt to assassinate a president 

or presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981."

(Back then?

Coming right after Carter?

I remember that day BTW,

It was all about 

rally around the flag 

back then as well.

People felt sorry for him.)

"Video posted by an aide showed the former president deplaning his private jet 

flanked by U.S. Secret Service agents and 

heavily armed members of the agency’s counter assault team, 

an unusually visible show of force 

by his protective detail."

(Gotta market this to the masses as real somehow.

Same with the guards around McConnell's residence etc.)

"President Joe Biden, who is running against Trump, was briefed on the incident and spoke to Trump several hours after the shooting, the White House said.

“There’s no place in America for this type of violence,” 

the president said in public remarks. “It’s sick. It’s sick.”

(No place?

More like common place 

these days clueless Joe.)

"Many Republicans quickly blamed the violence on Biden and his allies, arguing that sustained attacks on Trump as a threat to democracy have created a toxic environment. They pointed in particular to a comment Biden made to donors on July 8, saying “it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”

(Unfortunately the toxicity is only going to continue to get worse.)

"Officials said members of the U.S. Secret Service counterassault team killed the shooter."

(What officials said it and why didn't they say so yesterday?)

"A video posted to social media and geolocated by the AP shows the body of a person wearing gray camouflage lying motionless on the roof of a building at AGR International Inc., a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds where Trump’s rally was held."

"A video"?

Posted by who?

to what social media platform?

and how did the AP find out about it?

And why aren't they telling you any of that?)

"...shows the body of a person wearing gray camouflage lying motionless on the roof of a building at AGR International Inc., a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds.

"Secret Service agents fatally shot Crooks, who attacked from an elevated position outside the rally venue at a farm show in Butler, Pennsylvania, the agency said."

(So why didn't they mention

"the roof of a building 

at AGR International Inc., 

a manufacturing plant..."

when they said made the statement?

Cause Its not gonna gel with the bullet trajectories 

would be my initial thoughts.)

"Asked at the press conference whether law enforcement did not know the shooter was on the roof until he began firing, Kevin Rojek, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh Field Office, responded that 

“that is our assessment at this time.”

“It is surprising” that the gunman was able to open fire on the stage before the Secret Service killed him, he added.

(Flat out gives it away what's going on.)

Fall guy much? 

And of course he is dead now.)

"After the first two or three bangs, 

people in the crowd looked startled, 

but not panicked. 

An AP reporter at the scene reported the noise 

sounded like firecrackers at first 

or perhaps a car backfiring."

(That aint what a AR sounds like:

 "like firecrackers 

at first 

or perhaps 

a car backfiring."

You are talking to somebody that knows.

My old neighbor used to target practice continually...I mean continually, we lived maybe 1/8 a mile away, and we would be inside and my son would be upstairs playing video games and would come downstairs and complain about the noise and ask me when was he gonna stop.
Thats me back in the day shooting his AR BTW.)

So sounded like firecrackers?
I bet they did 
"At first"
then the real shit started flying around.)

"North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Sen. JD Vance, the three men on Trump’s shortlist for vice president, all quickly sent out statements expressing concern for the former president, with Rubio sharing an image taken as Trump was escorted off stage with his fist in the air and a streak of blood on his face along with the words 

“God protected President Trump.”

(Thats exactly what they want you to think,
lest I remind you:

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
(The man of lawlessness)

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness 
in them that perish; 
because they received not 
the love of the truth
that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause 
God shall send them strong delusion, 
that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned 
who believed not the truth
but had pleasure 
in unrighteousness.

(Oh they will be damned alright
you can take that to the bank.)

"Law enforcement counter snipers"
Okay who exactly? 
Which ones? 
From what agency?
With high powered binoculars?
 and they cant see 
somebody getting on a roof 450 feet away?

"A barrage of gunfire set off panic, 
and a bloodied Trump, 
who said he was shot in the ear, 

(He is the only one who has said he was
(cause he is such an honest guy)
and it has not been confirmed by 
"law enforcement"

was surrounded by Secret Service 
and hurried 
to his SUV as he pumped his fist in a show of defiance."

(Some of us my age have seen this TV show a few times.
Don't forget, when there were protestors a few blocks from the White House?
Trump ran to the bunker and was the last to leave, and that is much more in line with his character as displayed throughout the years, that what we saw yesterday.)

"Former top Secret Service agents told The AP that 
Crooks should never have been allowed to gain access to the roof,

(Exactly what I told my son when we talked today, 
that target gets neutralized immediately 
and questions asked later, period, issue(s) avoided.)

and the agency will have to figure out how that happened. They said such a lapse could have been caused by officers neglecting their posts or a flaw in the event’s security plan."

(Cause he is the loner outcast fall guy 
they lured to the spot 
like they have all the others.
We have seen this crap since JFK yall.
I told you, some of us have seen this TV show 
a time or two already.)

"The Secret Service did not have a speaker at a news conference Saturday night where FBI and Pennsylvania State Police officials briefed reporters on the shooting investigation. FBI Special Agent in Charge Kevin Rojek said it was “surprising” that the gunman was able to fire at the stage before he was killed."

(Why didn't they have someone there at the press conference?

Why wasn't he taken out before he got on the roof?

Cause it wasn't the plan.)

"The agency is “going to have to go through the security plan and interview a number of people from the director on down” to figure out what went wrong, said Stephen Colo, who retired in 2003 as an assistant director after a 27-year career in the service.

Colo said presidential candidates and former presidents don’t typically get the same level of protection as the sitting president. In fact, Colo said he was surprised that the agency had staffed the event with a counter-sniper team. 

(Know in advance much what the plan is 

and what you are going to do?)

"Such a valuable resource — there are not many of those highly trained agents — is usually reserved for the president. Candidates don’t usually get such teams."

(So why were they there again?)

"James Comer, a Kentucky Republican who is the House Oversight Committee chairman, said he contacted the Secret Service for a briefing and called on Cheatle to appear for a hearing. Comer said his committee will send a formal invitation soon."

“Political violence in all forms is un-American and unacceptable. There are many questions and Americans demand answers,” Comer said in a statement."

(Thanks and I agree somewhat but the Warren commision didn't really solve anything, so what makes anybody think an investigation into this in todays ultra partisan environment is gonna really matter much?

See kids

back in the day?

We had a thing called

the Kennedy Assassination

You might have heard about it.

Nah...probably not.)

What we know about the 20-year-old man who tried to assassinate Donald Trump

"Bomb-making materials were found inside Crooks’ vehicle near the Trump rally and at his home, according to two officials who were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity."

(Always trust the guys not authorized to speak but do so any way right?...Of course...right...gotcha...sure thing...everything else mentioned just stacks up so well.)

"One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, and that’s when Secret Service snipers shot him, said the officials, who spoke to AP on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation."

(Cause that makes so much sense too right?

And "spoke to AP on condition of anonymity"

Its like they are following 

their false flag play book at this point.)

"Was Trump shot?

Trump released a statement on his Truth Social platform shortly after being whisked away from the rally, saying he was “shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.”

"Law enforcement officials have not confirmed Trump was hit with a bullet."


I don't know about you?

But I got:

Hand to ear, 

no blood no flesh

Down to ground.

Up a few minutes later 

with a damaged ear and blood, 

asking about his shoes


"Law enforcement officials 

have not confirmed 

Trump was hit with a bullet."

Truth don't cause questions

truth answers them.

At some point in time?

You have just got to wrap your alls heads around the fact that our own intelligence services took out a sitting president in 1963 and that this country just is not what you had convinced yourself it was.

Once you do that?

The downward spiral of our county ever since will start making a lot more since to you.

Think about that for a second.

Not to mention:

Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The truth doesn't create more problems to solve,

it solves problems by being the truth.

What we are being sold in this insatnce

is anything but the truth.


"The Satanic Order of The Earth

In this sphere Satan rules over unregenerate mankind. He secured the scepter of government from Adam by right of conquest (Genesis 3:1-6, Matt 4:8-9, John 12:31), and has organized the present world system upon his own cosmic principals of PRIDE, selfishness, force, greed and pleasure (John14:30, Eph 2:2, 6:12, 1 John 2:15-17). Imposing, outwardly religious, scientific, cultured, elegant, this world system nevertheless is, dominated by Satanic principals and is beneath its deceptive veneer a seething cauldron of national and international ambitions and commercial rivalries. Satan and his elaborately organized hierarchy of evil (Dan 10:13, Eph 6:12) are often the invisible agents, and the real motivating power and intelligence behind the dictators, kings, presidents and governors, who are the visible rulers. Armed force and periodic wars (try continuous) with wholesale murder and violence, are its indispensable concomitants."

Merrill Unger

Biblical Demonology

Ill break it down real simple for you.












Psalm 146:3-4

Do not put your trust in princes,

    in human beings, who cannot save.

When their spirit departs, 

they return to the ground;

    on that very day 

their plans come to nothing.

Why is this so hard 

for American Christians to understand?

Almost like they just don't want to or something.

More you need any more at this point.

Trump rally shooting live: questions raised over security service failings after assassination attempt

(As well it should.)

"Law enforcement officials said on Saturday that Crooks carried no identification to the site of the shooting and had to be identified using other methods.

(Such as?)

“We’re looking at photographs right now and we’re trying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation,” 

(If he doesn't have any ID? And the FBI special agent in charge said, "were trying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation" how did they know who he was? Kevin Rojek, FBI special agent in charge, said during a press briefing.)

Crooks’ father, Matthew Crooks, 53, told CNN that he was trying to figure out what happened and would wait until he spoke to law enforcement before speaking about his son.

(Gotta make sure the story's match up much?)

and he didn't have any military training 

and he hit an ear without a scope on an AR style weapon

(Of course BTW)

from 450 feet 

and and and...

people plz...wake up.



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