Chuck Missler
Genesis Session 2
The transcript isn't as accurate as the one for session one so if you are reading along and a word or something doesn't make sense, that's probably why.
These are just the highlights that I found important or interesting, that is why I have included the entire video so people could watch the whole thing and decide for themselves what they think.
Keep in mind this guys avionics firm was awarded the electronics contract on the B2 Stealth Bomber.
And yes I remember the day they rolled it out, it shocked the world. I think he talks about that in his presentations on "The return of the Nephilim" (I Cant remember if its pt1 or 2). So he is familiar with covert programs and how they work (Siloing off of component pieces, funding etc) as well, he comes from a highly technical background, Aerospace Electronics Engineering.
I tell you this because if you think of yourself as a simpleton, or are not willing to come with an open mind to what is presented here then you are probably just wasting your time.
He is presenting to a highly technical audience. This was 2003. Lots of what they knew then, has filted into more ordinary folks wheelhouse these days and plenty of us understand at least the basics of most of the concepts presented.
Im merely trying to take his work and present it to a more general audience as I think it is relevant for the times we live in.
I do not agree with him on everything he presents,
(My comments as usual are in paratheses)
but the overwhelming majority of what's presented I do agree with. Besides, I find his commentaries fascinating and thought provoking, so I to have to come with an open mind as some of my preconceived notions get challenged from time to time as well
Its not for the faint of heart.
Your illusions may get destroyed.
Leave all your presupposed notions behind.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
I should uh emphasize that we we are going to include especially in this first few sessions some technical material that's strictly extra uh we will rather than exclude it because it's maybe of narrow interest we're including some technology issues for those that do have the background because one of the problems we have as Christians is that we've all been brainwashed with pseudoscience falsehoods That masquerade as truth and the more technical background you have the more you get barraged with that on the one hand and yet to the extent that you have competent current technical background it's an asset not to be Hoodwinked by the foolishness that masquerades as science
(This is 2003, its only gotten way worse since then.)
and so there are many views many competent views of these early chapters we're going to present but one of them but at the same time I think we want one of our intentions is not only to try to put it in the context of current scientific discoveries but also put it in the context of stretching our imaginations a bit because many of the problems that people feel or imagine are really from misunderstandings either misunderstanding the text or misunderstanding science because where they're both where they're both accurate they agree there's no reason for Science and the biblical text to be at variance it'll appear at variance because there are incomplete understanding of the text on the one hand and some unfortunate conjectures masquerading as science on the other and so there will be times we'll get in some technical material I'll do it lightly.
("The more you know about the world around you and the way it works, on a subatomic scale to the large scale structures of the universe. the more you will come to the conclusion that not only CAN there be a god? But that, THERE HAS TO BE ONE?" Whos says that :-)?")
"...if you believe in Jesus Christ you've got no problem with the Book of Genesis and who wrote, it if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you've got much bigger problems than who wrote the book of Genesis..."
"the more you discover the Integrity of the Bible as a whole the more you begin to realize it each of these issues all interlock with each other so you need to deal with it."
(Genesis 6:1-4 anybody? All that interlocking over 1600 years by 40 different authors who weren't in contact with each other, couldn't exchange scrolls etc, is just simply not humanly possible., no matter what anybody tries to tell you.)
"...well we're now in what I'll call Sunday day one had to be a Sunday if the seventh day is the Shabbat right so I'll call this Sunday day one and it's the verses two through five of chapter one and the primary thing we're going to encounter here is the Holy Spirit is beginning to move and but we're going to discover there are some other topics that we'll encounter as we get into this chapter the so-called Gap Theory what is it and what does it mean which will lead us to a little bit of an exploration of the origin of Satan what's that all about and then the technical addenda to the discussion will be a discussion of the mysterious nature of light itself because we'll encounter the first quote of God is let there be light and we also to this day light represents one of the most paradoxical mysteries in the field of science we'll talk a little bit about that as we go and then the next session will be the second day where we'll talk about Big Bang models and we'll talk about the nature of space itself hyperdimensions and some quantum physics just a touch of that on the third day the Tuesday we'll talk about life vegetation and so forth the origin of Life what does that really mean that'll introduce us a little more into thermodynamics and entropy and those things and some fascinating insights from molecular chemistry then the fourth day we'll talk about stars and planets we'll explore the so-called nebular hypothesis which many people still get taught in astronomy classes which is uh astonishing really when you when you understand it but the anthropic principle we'll talk about the search for extraterrestrial life and the incredible benefits you and I get from those studies and the signs of the heavens and some discoveries in the text of the Genesis having to do with the appointed times the seasons (Sacred) some surprises I think the fifth day will be fish and fowl we'll talk about the fallacy of evolution we'll focus on the evidences of design and a surprising perspective from this issue of biodiversity that we'll talk about sixth day of course will be animals and man and of course we'll explore the DNA and the role of information and all this and we'll get into the architecture of men himself some surprising materials there I suspect that leads us of course to the seventh day with its surprises so that's what we're about so here we are the first five verses of the Book of Genesis
" the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth if we took those that verse last time if you understand and believe that verse everything else will fall into place if you have problems at verse you've got problems and you need to hit that head on and uh in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth period. Done. verse 2. and the Earth was without form and void
and uh the way it it uh reads here is not the way it would read if you translate it taken advantage of what I just told you it would verse 2 would read sentence one is unchanged in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth verse 2 but the Earth had become or became without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep now the idea here is the language hints at the possibility that there may be a gap between verse one and two that's why people call this the Gap Theory and it's a you'll find when you look at some of these words in um Isaiah 34 verse 11 and Isaiah 45 18 and Jeremiah 4 23.that these very words take on a very strange application let's just take a look at some of these passages in Isaiah 34 11 it's it it's the passage includes the phrase but the karma and the bitteren shall possess it the owl also in the Raven shall dwell in it and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion and the storms stones of emptiness I just put this in here for vocabulary here again is Toho means confusion without form and emptiness is another word for for without form and void or confusion and emptiness is the idea confusion implies that it was once ordered but it's now confused you follow me and so let's take a look at Isaiah 5 45 18. Isaiah 45 I hesitated I almost put the whole chapter into the slide so we could go through it but I didn't we will be referring to this chapter again and again over the coming sessions and I encourage you in your devotional study to read chapter 45 for two reasons it's a prophetic chapter in some surprising ways uh Cyrus the Persian has just conquered Babylon and as he makes his Victorious entry into the city of Babylon he is greeted by Daniel of all people who shows him a letter written to him by name 150 years earlier it's in Isaiah 45 the last few verses of 44 and the Friday 45 where God says to Cyrus because I am calling you by name you'll know that I'm the god of Israel and he highlights his career and Cyrus is stunned it's a matter of History he in fact because of that incident not only frees the Hebrew slaves that he's just conquered he gives them Financial incentives to go home and build their Temple and so it's a very famous passage but in that passage as God is writing this letter to Cyrus it's one of those rare places where God really um argues for himself you know the Bible generally doesn't argue for God it generally just assumes it this is one of those passages where God really challenges the reader not just Cyrus but whoever's reading it who as to who God really is and he makes some interesting remarks that's why you want to read the chapter yourself but one of those verses in verse 18 of chapter 45 God says a very strange thing let's read it for thus saith the Lord that created the heavens God himself that formed the Earth and made it he hath established it he created it not in vain he formed to be inhabited I am the lord
17:50 and there is nothing else there's that very word In this passage for vain the same without form confused he didn't create it confused yet we find it confusion verse 2 is the argument
(Of the Gap Theory)
let's go on Jeremiah has a vision there's an entering passage in Jeremiah chapter 4. verse 23 and following he says I beheld the Earth and lo it was without form and void there's that same phrase again same words without form confused void empty waste I beheld the Earth and Lord was without form and void and the heavens and they had no light and it continues I be held the mountains and lo they trembled and all the hills moved lightly and I beheld and lo there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled I beheld in a low the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord and by his Fierce anger so this seems to describe a judgment there were cities but they were empty uh it was fruitful at one time but now it's not it's a wilderness Jeremiah is seeing this desolation uses the same phrase so at a minimum here we get the impression that this in fact we discovered by examining the scripture is a phrase that almost is always Associated not just with confusion and void but as a result of a judgment and so this sounds like a judgment now
19:23 maybe it was a historical scholar some would argue well this was maybe some historical judgment except the language is pretty sweeping so some suspect that maybe Jeremiah is getting a glimpse of a judgment that preceded Genesis verse 2. and that uh see when we look when we uh look at this passage and the Earth became without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep the word Darkness there isn't the normal word for Darkness it's crosseck which means an unnatural Darkness this was the darkness that we saw in Exodus 10 that was so thick they could cut it it wasn't just absence of light it was something else it was dark a different kind of Darkness that's what's and darkness was upon the face of the deep what is the Deep the word for deep is Tejon in the Hebrew you'll recognize it in the Greek it's the abuso it's the abyss it's the place from which the Antichrist emerges and other things strange place in the Greek is abuso or buses from which we get the word Abyss it is described in the scripture many different ways to be the home of the demons and evil spirits so Darkness was upon the face of the deep so this is spooky this is spooky verse
20:39 now what we've looked at here there's some basic issues we need to ask ourselves when were the Angels created well obviously they're created in verse one in the beginning God created the Heaven the Earth the phrase is intentionally all-encompassing no problem there but there's something very interesting we'll discover we wonder where the Angels were created and when did Satan fall we know that Satan fell right and the whole issue is is it possible this happened in the gap between verse one and two the Gap theory is something that was originally suggested by Thomas Chalmersin 1814. and it's been supported by guys like GH Pember Donald Gray barnhouse g Campbell Morgan Arthur customs and others that doesn't mean they're right but I want you to understand this isn't a fringe thing there are some really well-known highly competent conservative Scholars that Embrace this View I don't think any of them sell it hard they all just allow that it's very likely a possibility you follow me and I don't want to oversell it either in my enthusiasm to get across to you I want you to be aware of the view I want you to be recognized the possibilities that it might include okay because it still is a conjecture and we need to discern the differences it's highly speculative and controversial but it does seem to link a lot of different passages and it's it is very provocative but there's something else I want to point out right up front even if you accept the Gap theory if you think Jesus release makes sense it does nothing for you as far as dinosaurs the age of the Earth is concerned a lot of people take the Gap Theory and they try to use it as their way to get the millions and millions of years for diamonds that's nonsense the dinosaurs were in the time of Adam they died that means they were after Adam's death there's a whole you'll discover that even if you accept the Gap Theory it isn't appropriate to solve some of the problems that you and I will encounter Downstream
(This is the whole reason I started going through this series of his commentaries on Genesis, to see what his opinion was of the gap theory as I had never heard of it until I started reading:
22:42 but there is an interesting implication we know from job and I'll show you the passage in a minute that the Angels witnessed the creation of the Earth see when we look at Job 38 is one of these other chapters that you want to jot down for your devotional time sometime it's at the end of The Book of Job they've had all these dialogues and things job's conducted himself pretty well but it gets to the point where God steps in and he gives job a science quiz chapter 38 is filled with questions that God is asking job where were you when this and that and the other thing and so it's a fabulous fabulous chapter we could spend a whole semester just going through that chapter and and drawing on the technical science things that are in that chapter but let's just look at verses four through seven God's speaking to job where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth declareth thou Hast understanding see him challenge challenging job's arrogance here who hath laid the measures thereof if thou knowest or who hath stretched the line upon it where are the foundations thereof fastened and who laid the Cornerstone thereof when the morning Stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for Joy the sons of God in the Hebrew is barah Elohim it's a term always used in the Old Testament of angels four or five times that specific term always refers to Angels so what this tells us something interesting here is that apparently the Angels were there applauding at the watching the creation when this morning Stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy all the sons of God shouted for Joy sons of God are angels all the Angels at you know apparently when the Earth was were cheering interesting well this brings us to talk about a problem angel because we're going to encounter this guy in chapter 3 when we get to chapter 3 he will already have fallen so it raises the question when did he fall he's already fallen chapter three he was created in chapter 1 verse 1 somewhere in there it doesn't tell us when he fell but let's find out what we can by a quick glimpse of his origin his agenda and his destiny there are two passages that are pivotal here one is in Ezekiel 28 and one is in Isaiah 14. it's easy to remember they're both multiples of seven Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. let's take the Ezekiel one first for two reasons you'll learn something about Satan but you'll also discover a technique that the Bible uses to communicate very often in the scripture God will direct his Prophet or whoever to address a certain person but the language will go beyond the individual involved to the power behind him the first is almost just the occasion that gives forth a whole nother disclosure that happens frequently and this is one of the places you want to get used to that because until you recognize that that's a rhetorical technique it may throw you here uh Ezekiel God says to Ezekiel son of man that's just the term he uses of Ezekiel all through here son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tire of Tyre and say unto him thus saith the Lord God thou sealest up to some full of wisdom perfect in Beauty thou has been in the garden of God every precious stone wait wait whoa wait a minute here what's this thing I should explain by the way the verses prior to this Ezekiel is told to take up a discussion against the prince of Tyre there's a verse or two about him then it gets to this verse 12 son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tyre different phrase and we infer from what's coming from having read ahead we're going to be looking at the power behind the prince of Tyre you follow me? Sometime the prince the prince is a term used of a super Angel sometimes it's used of a potentate
(Rev 9:11 "They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss.")
as we would think of it but here we have any sentiment pick up lamentation against uh upon the king of tyre and Sam thus saith the Lord God thou sealst up the sum full of wisdom perfect Beauty in other words this guy apparently is the epitome of wisdom thou sealest up the sun you're it full of wisdom and perfect in Beauty this guy is perfect that is completely beautiful that's interesting you need to get rid of this idea that Satan's ugly if Satan was ugly no one would follow him he's the most attractive creature in a sense that God created because let's be on here's the next phrase this is real this is the real tip-off thou Hast been in Eden the Garden of God there's no way the little king of tyre would even know where Eden was but I don't be there right so this suddenly we're beginning to realize the focus of this message that Ezekiel has been that God told his Ezekiel to deliver isn't the literal King it's the power behind him thou has been in Eden the Garden of God
28:09 and I want you to notice the description of Eden it's very different than your Sunday school coloring books
(My view equates to a different Dimensionality, or different layers of dimensions)
every precious stone was thy covering the sardius the topaz the diamond the barrel the Onyx The Jasper the sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle and gold this is a classic way of describing colored light to speak in terms of jewels semi-precious Jewels we find it here we find on the breast of the high priest we find it in the New Jerusalem and so forth it occurs frequently we do understand that God is a God of Light we know the that that the angels and also Adam and Eve before they fell were clothed with light this may be nothing more than a rhetorical problem if they're solving that way it may be more than that but notice goes on the workmanship of thy tablets and thy pipes was prepared in the in the day thou was created so this is a guy is that's created he's not an offspring of the king of Tyer he's not a son he is a created being okay...
30:04 but thou has been eat in Eden the Garden of God so that narrows it down because there's only three people we know that we're needing right Adam and Eve and this nakash The Shining we'll talk about that when we get to chapter three of Genesis but uh and he is a created being but then the next verse says Thou Art the anointed cherub that covereth that's old English for saying that he was a cherub that's the super Angels these are the these are the the top rung of the organizational ladder these guys are the the muscle Guys these are guys they're always associated with the protection of the deity of God they surround his throne they're emblazoned on the Ark of the Covenant and we're going to discover there's a cherub that was authorized to guard the way of the tree of life and most people don't understand what that means
30:49 I'll deal with that when we get to chapter three why did it have to be a cherub why not a regular Angel there's some reasons for that Thou Art anointed the anointed cherub that covereth that means that's old English you're saying he's in charge he's covering he's in charge of the whole operation Thou Art the anointed cherub that covereth he's got the authority the anointing to be in charge okay and I have set these so God says thou West upon the holy mountain of God thou Hast walked up and down in the
31:18 midst of the stones of fire that was there's again the stones of fire a strange phrase for us but these precious stones I suspect are speaking of light
(And I suspect dimensions)
not not not can contain gems if you will you'll follow me anyway bear in mind see we're here we're dealing with hyperspace as we'll talk about that next time but there's no reason to presume that this is all in three dimensions it might be in more that's my point
(Mine too.)
31:42 but let's go on that was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created there's his report card it starts off great that was perfect complete in thy ways from the day that thou West created he is a created being and by the way some news for you you might want to write this down he was not Christ's brother okay I just thought I'd get that out of the way that was perfect in my ways from the day that that was created and here is this painful Milestone word till iniquity is found on me you could probably undertake an interesting study to write down all the untils in the scripture and track him down some of them are quite trivial some of them are major milestones of incredible theological importance and this is one of them that was perfect in my ways from the day that I was created until iniquity was found in thee and that's where we all should just gasp in horror here's the perfect environment we're in heaven here's the number one guy Mr Uno he's the guy running the place for God himself he's in charge he's beautiful he's perfect he's got everything going for him and he blows it sin enters in the situation in his heart let's take a look the anointed cherub that covereth is the guy we're talking about till iniquity was found in thee by the multitude of thy traffic or merchandise it's the same word they have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou has sinned therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the Mountain of God and I will destroy the old covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire thine heart was lifted up because of thy Beauty thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness I will cast thee to the ground
(Eventually to the ground, air first: Eph 2:2, Eph 6:12)
I will lay thee before o kings that they may behold thee wow it goes on but let's just catch a breath here oh covering Terror thy heart was lifted up see that's where sin always begins in the heart and it was through Pride thy heart was lifted up because of thy Beauty and thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of the brightness
Pride Satan fell through Pride when you understand the consequences of that you can begin to understand why God hates Pride in all of us it's Echoes of the first of this problem it also is Illuminating to understand then that God uses leaven as a symbol of Pride of sin because leaven corrupts by puffing up and you say that's a pun yes it is puns are very common rhetorical devices I will because I will cast thee to the ground (Again, eventually, see Eph 2;2 and Eph 6:12 listed above agian.)
I will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee thouest defiled thy sanctuaries thy sanctuaries gee that's interesting by the multitude of thine iniquities by the iniquity of thy traffic therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee and it shall devour thee and I will bring thee to ashes upon the Earth in the sight of all them that behold thee all they that Know Thee among the people shall be astonished at thee Thou shalt be a terror and never shalt thou be anymore that's obviously later in other words he's going to be a terror for quite a while but ultimate ultimately he's going to be taking care of his outline here well let's shift to another passage of a
35:26 similar kind in Isaiah 14 in this case Isaiah is asked to address the king of Babylon but quickly you discover if you read the passage from verse 12 on the language goes beyond the king of Babylon and speaks of the power that he represents the power that's behind him and verse 12 starts out how Thou Art fallen from Heaven o Lucifer son of the morning this is the only place the word occurs it's occurred here as a title The Shining one the bright one the morning stars all these are all equivalent kinds of constructions how art thou fallen from Heaven o Lucifer a son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground (Eventually) which did weaken the Nations for thou has said in thine heart I will Ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the mountain of the congregation in the sides of the north I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high these are the famous five I Wills these are the expressions of ambition The Pride led to ambition and the ambition led to the fall I will Ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God he's got a throne that's interesting I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides and Earth I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high doesn't say he's going to supplant the most high is going to be equal it's technicality still it's still blasphemous one of the things that I begin to suspect is that one of the reasons he hates Adam for lots of reasons one of which he probably saw Adam's arrival because his Adam's ultimate destiny will be through the birth through the birth Ministry and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to be heir to that which Satan forfeit plus a lot more actually but God contains you yet Thou shalt be brought down to Hell or sheol to the sides of the pit
they that see thee shall narrowly look upon me and consider these saying is this the man that made the Earth to tremble that did Shake kingdoms that made the world oh as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof that opened not the house of his prisoners what on Earth is verse 17 talking about nobody knows some of that could be prophetic in the future when the world will be a Wilderness because of the judgments that are coming whatever some Scholars suspect that maybe there's a hint that there was a world of some kind that was destroyed as part of the Judgment against Satan there's even conjectures that the original Earth may have been his throne or his primary seed of of operation and through through his fall and so forth it was destroyed and it may have laid this way barnhouse opens his book on called The Invisible War it may have laid in ruin for billions of years because Satan was incapable of creating anything and it lay in ruin as a result of this fall until the spirit of God brooded over the waters and we have the creation that we see in Genesis verse 2 following so that leads to a view not certainly a correct one a conjecture that maybe what we're looking at with from the from verse two on is a creation and an era and a whole universe that was subsequent to some subsequent to something that happened earlier something in the celestial realm something because Satan's already a bad actor
(Lucy is 3.2 million years old...just sayin.)
he comes on the scene as Adam begins to get a start huh so it's a possibility are we certain of it no but it's a provocative conjecture so we read this in Genesis chapter one the first two verses and the Earth was without form and void and darkness is on the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light this is the first direct quote of God in the Bible it also turns out that light itself even in in the very frontiers of the most advanced science today it still poses astonishing discoveries and and Mysteries now
the spirit of God moved the word is matter of fact which means to hover above or flutter brood or vibrate spirit of God is is the image the language seems to suggest it's almost like a hen sitting on her cheeks brooding over the Holy Spirit the spirit of God and it's a one-time occurrence and uh and by the way this it's the same word that's used what elsewhere second Peter chapter 1 verse 21 that men spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit same same word same word it wasn't the Greek what's Hebrew but the same same thought is underlying all that and uh so okay first direct quote of God let there be light there was light I want to insert here a little side study because I think it's relevant to our understanding to talk a little bit about the nature of light its first direct quote of God all of us have different views of what that really May mean light has a paradoxical nature is does light consist of waves or does light consist of particles how many think that light is like waves you see any short hands anyone you feel that way okay about 30 20 how many feel that light is a stream of particles okay that's that's about two-thirds you're both right depending on who's looking you'll see what I mean we'll talk about the velocity of light and that's this is kind of fun because when I gave my the study of Genesis a decade or two ago at Calgary Chapel I mentioned it then at that night light was not a constant and some of my dearest friends who are very very expert nine cents theory of relativity uh one of the guys that came to Lord my first revelation study at my home many years earlier dear friend and also he's chairman of a Ministry that is a prominent apologetic Ministry in which the leaders are very very bright guy they're both physics sophisticated people and they told me they took me apart privately Chuck you get you got to understand light's a Constant you know I mean I really took a lot of abuse for this
(This is the second time I have ever heard any of this BTW, courtneyhuntmd(IG) was where I heard it first and I just kinda ignored it but it has crazy amazing implications)
because I banked on Barry Centerfields and papers that had just come out about that time and it amuses me because I'm going to give you the same material I gave then but I can give it to you confidently now because suddenly in the last couple of years the physics Community has finally discovered guess what the speed of light's not a constant
(Its more accurately a parameter, nothing can violate it (in a vacum) whatever it is at that time, but it is slowing down over time. Courtneyhuntmd (IG) is right? Interesting.)
so I'll talk a little bit about that I'm going to give you an analogy of holographs that I think you might find interesting but let's talk about the central Paradox of light Sir Isaac Newton of course is probably without pure in the history of science 17th century he viewed light as a stream of particles and he had reasons for doing so and because he did everybody did it was to follow the leader kind of thing right a guy that was about 13 years older than him uh Higgins developed a wave theory of light because he from the fact that light can be refracted and reflected implies it acts like waves but he was um not really listened to because I everywhere listen Sir Isaac Newton had the Insight on on truth a couple other guys Leonard Euler and Ben Franklin were also ignored until two developments occurred in the early 19th century well there was a father of geometry trig calculus he discovered the uh the imaginary as square root of minus one integration he's a very very prominent mathematician and of course Ben Franklin was quite a a broad Renaissance kind of guy too but we had wave discoveries Tom a guy by name of Thomas Young conducted an interesting experiment called The two-slit Experiment I'm going to show you what that is because it totally shattered the scientific world at the time and still does to anyone that hasn't researched this the two slit experiment which demonstrates the wave that it's really a wave-like thing a guy by name of Fresno uh he his experiments are more complete and he concluded also that the that light was behaved like waves the Fresno lens is uh was designed for lighthouses that he designed lenses that were uh the light would come out parallel if you will in effect and uh this is all about time in Napoleonic Wars and so forth so um Young by the way is an interesting guy for lots of reasons he has he's made contribute contribution science and capillary actions uh he elasticity he's also the one that was Monumental in deciphering the Rosetta Stone and hieroglyphics the people that period were incredibly broad gauge that's why these term renaissance man I guess now see Newton was knighted in 1705 and he died in 1727 actually excuse me 1705 and died in 1727 so it was still too early to Dethrone him I mean he had his views and people would be very reluctant to examine evidence in view of those years we got to be careful ourselves because most of what we've been taught in school is wrong
("Dont let them fool ya
Or even try to school ya"
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(Light going through two slits. Thats how light work folks, lil weird huh? When I took Physics 103, light color and vision? This wasn't known yet. Or at a minimum it wasn't taught. This Missler video was originaly done in 2003, I graduated college in 1987.)
(Since proven, repeatedly tested and verified.)
and you think and I'm not joking this is this we'll talk a little bit about that next time because it will alter your whole understanding of what you and I call reality and that's where we'll get into that because it all impacts our understanding of the first chapters of Genesis let's shift to another subject the velocity of light
(Knowing what I have read about the quantum world? I have absolutely no problem with what he just said. None. This is how our reality works. Who? What entity? Besides infinite wisdom, could have made it work in such a fashion?)
52:37 in the 17th century the Johannes Kepler the famous astronomer Rene de carte the famous mathematician and their following of course believed that light was instantaneous they felt that light its speed was infinite that light traveled instantly and that was the sacred dicta until 1677 a Dutchman by the name of Olaf Romer he measured the elapsed time between the eclipses of Jupiter with its moons he noticed that if you measured the eclipse of of the moons at Jupiter you'd get about a 15-minute difference depending on where you were on the orbit if you did at certain times of the year it would be different it began to realize that those distances were such that if he did this cleverly he could actually measure the speed of light which he did and he found out first of all that light had a finite speed a very high speed roughly 300 000 meters per second 186 000 miles per second as we would say but the point the main point was it was finite That Shook everybody no one no one would believe him he had his data the physics were something else you need to understand scientists like to brag that they're objective that's baloney that's utter baloney they cling to their presuppositions
(Multiverse much?)
with the same tenacity that we all cling to our prejudices it takes an abundance of effort evidence and effort to get these incorrect Notions unseated and romer's experiment was repeated 50 years later by James Bradley an Englishman he confirmed romer's work and finally they began to acknowledge yeah maybe light is not instantaneous it has a finite speed so that was the big breakthrough over the last 300 years light has been measured 164 times at least by 16 different methods and I thought I'd take you through each one right no of course not
(He just pulled a funny lol)
two guys Barry Centerfield a dear friend an Australian and Trevor Norman a mathematician we're troubled by something by the way Barry Centerfield is a one of the most deeply committed practicing Christians I know and he was wrestling with the whole problem a certain problem physics and he and and he took in a prayer as he describes it how could this be if light is a constant it was almost like a voices who said it's a constant and he suddenly realized that he was he was down a blind alley because he he was a situation to solve this problem he'd have to challenge the idea is light relay constant so he and Trevor Norman decided to collect information they went back and were able to dig up the raw data from these experiments through the centuries of the measurement speed of light in 1677 when Romer measured the Iowa Eclipse his conclusion was that it was a that smile right was about 307,600 kilometers per second with an error range of about 5400 kilometers per second okay not bad in view of those times of course in 1875 Harvard using the same method repeated the experiment and because of better technology over you know uh you know more than 100 years they had a lower error ban instead of 5400 kilometers per second it was down to 13 kilometers give or take you follow me and uh then in 1983 the National Bureau of Standards using a laser ran their experiment and they got the error down to .0003 kilometers per second so as you look through the you know a couple of centuries here you realize that the technology is improving the error band is getting much more precise but that's not what caught Barry centerfield's eye what Disturbed him is look at the mean it went from 307,600. down to 299,921 then down to 299, 792. it's this this the time the the excuse me the speed is slowly decreasing it's actually getting asymptotic a guy a a mathematician by the name of Allen Montgomery took all the data and subjected to a rigorous computer analysis and came to the conclusion that the regression not just of these three experience I just give you three to give you a summary that if you look at all the data there's a 99 correlation to what he calls a cosecant squared curve in other words it's been if it's going slower now it went faster in the past how much faster somewhere between 10 and 30 percent faster in the time of Christ somewhere about twice as fast in the days of Solomon somewhere about four times as fast in the days of Abraham and about 10 million times as fast prior to 3000 BC now this of course was it was started to be published here over a decade ago was given the the horse laugh by all the classical physicists who are these characters and and don't they understand those speed lights everybody's been in physics the more you know about physics the more you've been into atomic structures you discover the speed of light is a factor on almost every equation to get into in terms of energy transfers and on and on the speed of light's a very fundamental parameter but that's the point it's a parameter not a constant and so the idea that it's not a constant shook them but even Einstein expressed surprise during his lifetime that anything would be constant in the universe he accepted as a constant but reluctantly because he just he had a uh he withheld some disbelief so this first of all pulls the rug out from under any Reckoning of time you're talking radiological time we're talking orbital times these suddenly you raise some serious questions here and in the first six days let's rephrase that in the first five days of the creation
(One day didn't have a sunrise thats why 5. Scientist are not accounting for the slowing down of light over time in their equations, they are plugging it in at the same speed with no adjustment, as stated it throws off all of their equations.)
week who was around only God so I'll take him at his word okay so and this is why more and more scientists are beginning to accept the many evidences in many fields of science that the Earth is actually far younger than most people have any idea less than ten thousand years not millions and millions and millions now we went through a few of those last time we'll give you some others before our series is over now there are other confirmations here this kind of thing was mentioned in uh French astronomical journal in 27 Tom Flander van flanderin in the U.S Naval Observatory um points out that atomic clocks are slower relative to orbital clocks I'll come back to that in a minute ago in in uh Gorky in in Moscow independent of Centerfield about the same time published back in 87 a similar kind of insight and there have been other there now tell you what really bothers me in the last 18 to 24 months there have been literally dozens of articles in the reputable journals nature science these these the highly reputable journals by different guys who've discovered the speed of light's not constant what frosts me about watching this parade on the one hand i'm gratified to see that we're not we're not out in left field with some weird idea that this is this is now becoming uh accepted but I find it significant that none of these guys have had the integrity or the character to acknowledge Barry centerfield's original papers the abuse that he had from the profession for more than 10 years you'd think would at least Merit a reference but there are none forthcoming there are now articles around that betray that and there's plenty of the stuff on the internet on the internet for those Edition this Atomic versus orbital time you know see before 1967 the second was defined as a a very very small fraction of one Earth orbit around the sun I won't bother with the decimals here but you get the idea in 1967 they redefined the second to become a certain number of oscillations of the cesium atom so the definition of one second got nailed from the one system to the other you follow me and so that means that all the measurements of time since 67 are done in atomic terms not in orbital terms you with me well they've also discovered something or uh van flandering in the at the observatory points out if atomic clocks are correct then the orbital speeds of Mercury Venus and Mars are increasing that can't happen of course because there's where's the energy coming from so that the opposite must be true see if the gravitational constant is truly constant then the atomic vibration the speed of light are decreasing and so you see if a planet's orbital speed increased it would violate the law of conservation of energy first law of thermodynamics if the atomic clocks are correct the gravitational constant should change and no such variations have been detected so this is if the atomic frequencies are decreasing then five properties of the atom such as Planck's constant should also be changing and statistical studies support both the magnitude and the direction of this change so there's four out of five of the properties of the atom are confirming the idea the speed of light is slowing down has profound implications for science it has drastic implications for our understanding of the universe and that's why I'm dragging you through this...
(Know what you call someone explaining complex things simply and doing so ahead of their time? A prophet.)
1:04:34. I'm changing the subject a little bit here you know if you take you start studying the attributes of God you can come up with a number of things he's obviously infinite located at infinity or however you want to express that he obviously is capable of infinite power right he represents omnipresence he can be anywhere all the time he also is omniscient he knows everything anyone have a problem with that good okay it's interesting that light has properties analogous to those light has no a perfect light has no Parallax it's located at Infinity light has a velocity limit but it's limited by the intrinsic physics of the universe it's also omnipresent it turns out they've also discovered we'll talk about this next time photons lack locality they've discovered that all photons in the universe know what the other photons are doing
(Only a creator could have designed it that way, why not spend eternity with him?)
that's that's a that's a Layman's way of trying to express what they mean when they say there's non-locality um we'll talk about that next time we get into particle physics a little bit um but also um uh the light is the fundamental revelatory mechanism it's the primary way we reveal things because when the light comes on we can see and we can understand and so it it fits the attributes of God it's interesting that in James 1:17 it's every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of Lights with whom is no variables nor shadow of turning the word variableism is the word from which we get the word parallax I mean he's at Infinity just thought I'd throw that in for fun let's get back to the the text at hand
(WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 Might as well lol
"Darwin himself confessed that it was "absurd" to propose that the human eye evolved through spontaneous mutation and natural selection."
And now you know why that is.)
1:06:08 God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness God called the light day the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning were day one how many have read that before ever bothered you the the evening in the morning were day one I thought it was morning to evening. Well you can pick if you want to say evening to evening that's 24 hour day right but even if I was going to use idiomatically a half a day as my idiom for the day we have a Tennessee? from morning to evening a full day morning to evening right this says from evening to morning because it does the Jews have adopted the concept that Eve the day starts at evening at sundown but that derives from this they do that because that's what the text says it applies it made some other reasons too for all I know but there's something else that occurs we'll discover each day day one second day Third Day fourth day 5, 6th Day evening and morning was day x right you get to the seventh day right chapter two deals the seventh day something very weird there's no evening in the morning did the Seventh Day have an evening in the morning I'm sure it did you know they were Spinning You Know by then everything's you know in order is it possible that Adam and Boker the two Hebrew words here don't didn't mean evening and morning is there something else that's being communicated here let's examine this by the way in Isaiah 45 verse 7 says I form the light and create Darkness I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things the create Darkness you know it's just I always thought Darkness was the absence of light no God says I form the light and I create Darkness he's not talking about just the absence of light I suspect he's talking about the possibility that there are things that light can't escape we call them black holes that gravity is so intense that even photons can't leave the black hole so that's black that's black anyway we'll talk about that next time I want to um uh before I get the Arab Booker thing
1:09:18. modern holographic images really derived from the work of Emmett Leith at the University of Michigan and I had the privilege of being with him in his laboratory in the early 60s looking at some computer-generated Holograms so Holograms are it's worth your trouble to stick with me here to see what a hologram is let's assume I have a three-dimensional object I'm using here the bust of Lincoln as an idiom on the slide and now the piece of photographic film okay I can arrange a laser beam to flood that image directly okay and I'll call that the reference beam because the laser is very collimated I use a beam splitter a spreader to spread that over the spread of the image I can also have that same laser deflect some of its light and shine it directly on the object of interest you with me so far so I've got the laser driving and illumination of the film plate and the object simultaneously by highly highly organized light that's what a laser does it's temporarily uh it's in Phase all together so light will reflect from the bust onto the film and it'll also get light from directly from the laser what you end up with on the film when you process the film in the dark room you hold up the light and it looks like a fog piece of film you think it's a darker mistake until you set it down and you shine the laser on that piece of film and you discover it acts like a window into a three-dimensional space that was in front of it when this thing was formed and it has some very unusual product that's called the Hologram it's some people call it lensless photography it's a little misnomer because you do have some lenses trying to organize the light to get it where you want but but so the point is there's a what's on the film is what mathematically is a Fourier transform of the image it's not in the space domain it's in the frequency domain
(My friend is happy lol and I have no problem with the idea of the far reaches of space being a hologram, none. All these astronomers/cosmologist etc are studing is based on what? Light. Why couldnt the creator of it create a hologram to simulate what he wants to? This explains the JWST finding galaxies that didnt fit models of galaxy formation etc. In fact we see this all the time, what scientist think it has to be like and then it gets completely destroyed, why? Because the encoder of the hologram has a terrific sense of humour. They study his creation (light) and then he changes the encoding up on them after they figure something out...How hard is that to understand? Why wouldnt you want to spend eternity with the encoder of it all?)
and that has some profound implications it acts like a window in three-dimensional space let's imagine how three-dimensional hologram three-dimensional space and as we look at it as we move our eye around you can look around things let me give you an example: let's assume that I held up my Bible and you took a photograph of me you would not be able to see my tie would you but if you took a hologram you could move your eye around the Bible and see my tie and tell what color it was follow me that's what I mean by a three-dimensional effect and so it uh it requires proper illumination it's useless in natural light you really need to have it illuminated by laser I'm talking about a true hologram not a synthetic one um something interesting the information of the Hologram is spread over the entire piece that doesn't I could cut the Hologram in half and get two complete pictures if I took a photograph and cut it in half you're going to get one half or the other right but if I take a hologram cut in half you each have one and gives you a complete picture one might not be as sharp as you know not quite as sharp as it was you lose a little resolution you can cut a hole in the Hologram and doesn't hurt you because you can look around it see what was behind it follow me see every piece of information is on every inch of the Hologram it's spread okay there's no loss from dropouts it's also resilient to specific interference there's no way to jam it so to speak it anticipates hostile jamming now where I'm headed here as you can probably tell you have the equivalent of a hologram in your lap (Their Bibles) just like a natural hologram in normal white light there's it has no form to come to this there's no reason for you to desire it but you illuminate it by the light that created in the first place you get an image and we take your Bible and it's illuminated by the Holy Spirit you get an image of what Jesus Christ it goes oh by the way if you illuminate it with a laser that's of a different frequency than created you get a false image oh you're with me you're get you pick it up I could tell okay good the Bible's a hologram it has Fourier transform properties it's it's a transcendent of any parallax and that's exactly what Isaiah says is the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little there a little what's he saying these the message of God in the Bible is spread throughout the entire Bible you could conduct an experiment take your Bible randomly tear out a page don't literally do it but do it conceptually what have you lost there is no important Doctrine no important truth in scripture you will have lost it's immune in fact it's been designed in anticipation of what we would call a Communications during hostile Journey there's no chapter on baptism there's no chapter on salvation there's no Chapter and pick a Doctrine it's not all in one place it is deliberately spread and that if you're a Communications engineer and you're given a certain bandwidth between two points and your job is to design a communication system to communicate between those two points in a lot of ways you can go about it but if you say if you want you they want you to design it in anticipation of hostile jamming someone's going to try to jam your signal what do you do you do several things one of which is you spread your message over the available bandwidth you don't concentrate it you spread it because it's harder to jam that's exactly what's been done in the scripture the scripture has been designed with a sophistication that will astonish you as you get into it so we have the Bible as a hologram we have what we what the engineer would call spread Spectrum design it exploits the entire bandwidth and therefore has immunity to hostile jamming I've often threatened to do this we're going to have a meeting tonight and we're going at the meeting we're going to tear out the page of the Bible That's unimportant and then when everybody gets together I'll take the page between the old New Testament and tear it out and it's one book not two okay I thought that would smoke out the fundamentals okay
(he just pulled another funny lol)
if I take disorder the opposite of that is order do you understand what I'm going to say order and disorder they're opposites right you understand interesting noise and Signal signals what's desirable noise what's getting the way there's music in this cacophony I won't ask which kind our teenagers listen to there's chaos in the cosmos those in the Greek are intentionally opposites chaos we understand Cosmos is a term for order Auto chaos okay and Randomness and design do you see that each of these are opposites you with me disorder noise cacophonic chaos Randomness are a description of what some people would call entropy think of it as synonym of randomness that which is just there by accident if you will order signal music Cosmos design speaks of information they are opposites they are opposites in fact almost any information any kind of data you happen to get your hands on will fit somewhere between the two extremes some of it will be very very precise pure information more unlikely they'll have some errors or some allowance for error or it can be totally totally random I might mention by the way trying to find a totally random number is a is an elusive task we can get pseudo-random numbers you can't get it either extreme of this Continuum but you can imagine a Continuum here where entropies at one end information at the other now what's interesting there is a law observed in every field of science called The Law of entropy things always tend to move towards entropy and that has some profound implications but let me give you a simple way to prove it to yourself take your closet at home your desktop at work your locker at school your Workshop or garage
(The cabinet in the kitchen you use for your food storage containers is my personal favorite :-)
spend a Saturday morning cleaning it all up and getting it orderly what happens in a few days a few weeks what does it tend toward right back to where it was before randomness it takes energy and it takes information to sort it not just energy that you move it somewhere you have to have a logical pattern you alphabetize the book so you do you know whatever your scheme is but the point is it takes conscious intelligent effort to create order it doesn't happen by itself nev ever.
(That right theree "randomly assembled itself? That violates that natural law, so how then is it possible? "it takes conscious intelligent effort to create order it doesn't happen by itself nevever." Come prove me wrong...anybody.)
1:18:26 so the point is there's a law of entropy now this shows up most dramatically perhaps in thermodynamics everything goes from that it's hot cools everything is moving towards the ambient temperature whatever heat there is in say a bottle as it cools that energy contributes a slight increase in the ambient so that tells you several things first of all it means that there will eventually be a day if nothing else happens there's a day when the entire universe will wind down when things are a uniform temperature no work can be done all work all energy is a function of temperature difference it also means that somebody wound it all up, all the sources of energy had to be established by someone they didn't just happen everything we see throughout the entire universe everything we see in every field of science except one
(Oh yeah, they are special alright...)
will come to understands what they call the law of entropy the law they're really two laws one is a conservation of matter and energy Law of Conservation you can't matter and energy can't they can be transformed one to another but they can't be created or destroyed the total amount of mass or energy in the universe is constant That's the Law of Conservation no problem there the second law is the tough one second law says you can't create a transfer without something being lost putting another way you can't build a machine that's 100 efficient you're going to lose something to friction you're going to lose something to the ambient Ambience so every machine has a efficiency that is less than 100 percent
(My buddy taught me that one, I was looking at specs on a bike and I asked him why it had two different horsepower ratings and he told me one was the engine by itself just running and the other was what the horsepower was actually reaching the rear tire, cause it was lower, friction etc.)
so the way you can remember the law first law says that you can't win the second well the second one you are going to lose there's always a loss you can't uh there's a third one too that you can't get out of the game but that's a whole other thing
(Thats another funny too lol, I love this guy, he is right in my wheelhouse.)
1:20:20. um every field of science leans on the value of the law of entropy laws except one and that's the field of biology because when they try to tell you that organization and life happen on its own or chance that is a bald-faced refutation of everything we know about the law of entropy can't happen cannot happen all mutations are degenerative all mutations are a loss of information
(Thats ONE of the reasons neo-darwinism fails, besides the fact that its just false lol)
1:20:58. we'll get to that in subsequent sessions and the evening and the morning were day one that's the last verse of our little tour de force tonight the word or first of all uh evening morning were day one Yom what does the word mean that one's easy one hero Israel the Lord is one is a hat One Singular Yom is a problem nobody knows what your means because it's used for 54 different words however out of 1480 uses in the Bible 1181 of them it means day like you and I think of a day when there's a number associated with it it is always a literal what we would call a 24-hour day there are some cases where 67 of those cases called time or detail or forever continually age in the context it can be used as a synecdoche it can be used as a rhetorical figure of speech in certain cases but not when there's a number associated with it makes it the Precision that's implied is quite clear so much for that so a day is a day but let me tell you our problem about is that God created in six days is not autogenesis you can find ways to weasel word your ear around that if you really insist the problem you've got is Exodus chapter 20 verse 11. where God writing in stone says the following remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath the Lord thy God in it Thou shalt do no shall not do any work thou are thy son or thy daughter men servant and so on nor thy stranger that isn't within thy Gates Four notice what he says here four in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day therefore wherefore the Lord bless the Sabbath day and how it clearly God intends us to understand that the days of Genesis were literal days
(From his viewpoint of creation, not ours looking back.)
because that's what he says their problem is here not in Genesis if those are millions eons of millions years then God is being deceptive God cannot lie God does not deceive so that's why we can take comfort in the fact we know from the Scripture it was six days and we also are gratified that as we start looking at science carefully we discover it supports those views.
(God wasn't being deceptive, he did do it in six days,(Okay 5) but just like the Atomic clocks in London and Colorado are different and both are correct? What God has done in 6 days from his perspective looks to us like 13.8 billion now. Here is my question, How exactly was he supposed to explain all of this to Moses except through the concept of an actual day?. My line of thinking is more in line with Gerald Schroeder than Mr Missler on this point, perhaps by the end of going through his commentaries on Genesis my view will evolve. What follows is Misslers explanation from his first session on Genesis of Dr Schroaders view which is mine also:
"Dr. Gerald Schroeder, dear friend, lives in Jerusalem. He's a world-class nuclear physicist. He's not a Christian.
He's a Jew. He's an observant Jew, but had the privilege of being in his home celebrating Passover some years ago. And they're good friends. He wrote a book called Genesis and the Big Bang."
"You won't find a Christian book store, you'll find it in the banner books in regular stores, but it's a very interesting book. His stretch factor, he takes the stretch factor, 10 to the 12th, he makes an interesting observation. The 16 billion years times 365 means there are 6 times 10 to the 12th days, right? So if you divide 6 to the 12th days by the expansion factor, 6 to the 12th, you get an expansion factor of about 16 billion years from the day 1 through the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth day."
"So as a physicist, he has no problem with the idea of the 16 billion years, because his point of view is that a clock on the earth and a clock at the perimeter, if I can put it that way, of the expansion are going to differ by 10 to the 12th. And if you take the parent age of the universe and divide the expansion factor you get, guess what, 6 days. Which is what the Bible said all along. So that's his perception of the thing which I think is kind of interesting.")
1:23:19.and we'll try to do that in our thing here but let me get back to evening in the morning day one the word evening is Arif the word morning is bokar arav and Boker were day one let's set aside our presuppositions of what era of and Boker mean the only barrier to truth the only certain barrier truth is the presumption you already have it if you want to know what those words mean let's set aside what we suspect they might mean and let's look at them and see what they say by the way neither of these words are recorded during the seventh day so that's a clue that they don't mean what we think they mean the term comes from a root which means obscuration also to mix a mixture a mathematician would say that means it speaks of mixing increasing entropy and see when encroaching Darkness begins to deny our ability to discern forms or shapes or identities right it becomes a synonym for Twilight that's a time of approaching Darkness so the word later becomes to mean evening but it's original root meaning may have been something more fundamental. Sunset make a marking the duration of impurity you know it's interesting in Leviticus 15 that when a ceremonially unclean person became clean again was at the end of the day it was it that's that was that's why it was the end of the day but it becomes the beginning of the next one you follow me that's why the Jews have the the evening be the beginning of the 24-hour day right but even if you accept that as this it's still strange that it's the evening through the morning is day one that sounds like he's only talking about the night time that's where she doesn't quite fit when you think about it okay but this is the beginning of the Hebrew day today what does it mean originally we're going to see the other term is in the morning Booker Tov good morning Boker means becoming discernible distinguishable visible it's the perception the beginning perception of order it's the relief of obscurity a mathematician called the decreasing entropy it's the it's accompanied with the tenant ability to begin to discern forms shapes distinct identities the breaking forth of light revealing and because of that it becomes a name for the dawn or the morning well let's take let's make an entropy profile of the universe okay I have a little chart here divided with seven days the left side is entropy with maximum at the bottom and minimum at the top in other words what I want to do is go from chaos at the bottom to order at the top as shown on the right hand side you with me Okay so Adam means obscurity disorder later it means evening Boker means orderly or discernible so we have we go from to Boker and that becomes day one day one is the beginning of the introduction of order out of Chaos
(You don't think that's what we got going on right now? Chaos? You dont think order is coming?)
1:26:26 okay that becomes day one we then go from Outer of to Boker and that's day two we go from arav to Boker and that's day three we go from Arab to Boker and that's day four we go from error to Boker that's day five we go from error to Boker and that's day six we get to day seven there is no error to Boker there is no creation going on there is no addition to order God saw everything and it was good you with me so I'm not minimizing the the uh they are still talking 24-hour days as far as I'm concerned because God said so in Exodus 20 verse 11.
(I 100% dont disagree with that, see my comments about Gerald Schroeder above.)
1:27:10 but I think what clearly is going on is a step-by-step design going on from the general to the specific and climax of course with the creation of man is God's handiwork and then the seventh day has no error
(This is why the invention of a brain more powerful than the one God gave us is such an abomination/idolatry and simply will not be allowed to stand. Period.)
1:27:27 and Boker did it have an evening and morning of course it did but there wasn't creative action going on it was a day of repose in fact God isn't just resting he imposed he imposed a Repose on the earth on the on the universe that's when the law scientific laws probably got solidified is the in the speculation of some so anyway that's what we're doing we've been through day one versus two through five
(It Only took an hour and 28 minutes for four verses lol.)
1:27:49 talked about the Gap theory a bit, origin of Satan and a lot of background on the mysterious nature of light in our next session we're going to talk about God stretches the heavens What on earth does that mean we'll talk a little bit about the Big Bang models what is all that about but more importantly we talk about the nature of space what do we really mean is it emptiness not at all and what do we mean by hyper Dimensions we get some very simple ways of understanding those and we'll talk a little bit about the peculiar conclusions of quantum physics and from there we'll go next time we'll go on the third day Tuesday we'll go into the origin of life and we'll talk a little bit about thermodynamics Centric and molecular chemistry in the fourth day we'll talk about stars and planets we'll talk about the nebular hypothesis the anthropic principle we'll talk about some things we've learned from the extraterrestrial life and things of that nature and we're talking fifth day we'll talk about fish and fall and we'll face head-on some of the fallacies of evolution we'll talk about the evidence of design and some other surprises sixth day the animals and man we'll talk about fallacies and frauds one of the field of paleontology is probably the most disgusting series of deliberate frauds not misguided well-meaning people people deliberately fabricating evidence.
(Satan runs this wicked world system)
1:28:59 we're talking about DNA and that is fun there's some exciting things we'll go through there and above all the top of the architecture of man how's how are you organized inside a hardware software and the seventh day we'll talk about some surprises there so so that's for the next session I want you to think about what is the big bang you've heard about it get your thoughts together how can space be stretched rolled or torn the Bible is full of passages which talk about space being stretched or rolled up what does that mean or torn and what two concepts in mathematics are totally elusive as far as our physical universe is concerned there's two concepts in mathematics fundamentals that you cannot find in the physical Universe we'll talk a little bit about that so that's our that's what we're about let's stand for closing word of Prayer.
1:29:55 father we just thank you for your handiwork how it speaks of you father as we the more we learn the more we stand in awe of what you've done and who you are we also recognize father the your Peak achievement is not the creation but your Plan of Redemption because it cost you so much we thank you Father for your word we do pray father you help each of us to grow in Grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we thank you Father that he is on every page we do pray father that you would help each of us more fully understand what it is that you would have of us in the days ahead that we each might be better stewards of the opportunities that you've crafted for each of us we do pray father you increase in each of us a hunger and appetite your truth we ask all these things in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen.
Were two sessions in, its been three hours and were to vs six chapter one lol...Only 22 more 90 minute sessions to go!!
There is a Lil more to it than:
"And God said let there be light."
Not to mention I still got eight more chapters to get through in this lol...
And a failed intelligence operation to cover lol...
Prayers yall, prayers please...
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