Friday, July 19, 2024

Good Greif yall, I mean come on!


Trump has given no official info about his medical care for days 

since an assassination attempt

Because there wasn't any medical care given!

How can you give info about something that didnt happen?

Lies create lies folks by simply ignoring common sense questions?

Then you don't have to create more cover stories.

Simple, easy.

What have we heard of the shooters funeral again?


I wonder why?

"MILWAUKEE (AP) — Four days after a gunman’s attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, the public is still in the dark over the extent of his injuries, what treatment the Republican presidential nominee received in the hospital,..."

(What hospital did they go to?

What doctor/doctors attended to him?

You already know then answer(s),

 you just don't wanna admit it to yourselves.)

"and whether there may be any long-term effects on his health."

"Trump’s campaign has refused to discuss his condition, release a medical report or records, or make the doctors who treated him available, leaving information to dribble out from Trump, his friends and family.

(because there is nothing to discuss, there is no medical report or records, nor any doctors who treated him...Like I keep saying some of us have seen this TV show a few to many times.)

"The first word on Trump’s condition came about half an hour after shots rang out and Trump dropped to the ground after reaching for his ear and then pumped his fist defiantly to the crowd with blood streaming down his face. The campaign 

(Not the intelligence services,  or the Secret Service, or the FBI, or homeland security etc., "The campaign.)

"issued a statement saying he was “fine” 

(of course he was.)

and “being checked out at a local medical facility.”

(Which one and who was checking him?)

"It wasn’t until 8:42 p.m., however, that Trump told the public he had been struck by a bullet as opposed to shrapnel or debris. 

(Or nothing, no blood when he takes his hand off his ear.)

"In a post on his social media network, Trump wrote that he was “shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part” of his right ear."

“It’s an understatement to say that it’s bizarre that a presidential candidate has sustained an injury from an attempted assassination and no medical report is issued to describe his evaluation and the extent of his injury,” Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine and surgery at The George Washington University, wrote on the website X, formerly known as Twitter, on Thursday."

(This is how stupid they really think we are folks.)

"Trump has appeared at the Republican National Convention the past three days with a bandage over his right ear. But there has been no further word since Saturday from Trump’s campaign or other officials on his condition or treatment."

"Instead, it has been allies and family members sharing news."

(Well of course it has been)

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