Friday, May 23, 2008


The real deal "porch funk" is pictured to the left. This is what was the actual inspiration behind the "Porch Funk Voodoo" play list that has been a favorite of mine and some of my buddies for a few years now. Look close and you will see: a part of a humming bird feeder, pine needles, dirt, leaves from oak trees, acorns, hickory nuts, pieces of a fern, "helicopters" from a tree, a piece of weed eater line, a cigarette butt, misc pieces of paper, mulch, dirt, etc.... By itself, it's really not all that bad, but when it gets wet and is allowed to sit and stew and fester, well then it starts to get "so funky you can smell it" as Buddy Guy would say.....Anyway, I plan on posting the actual "Porch Funk Voodoo" play list at a later time...peace... Now playing: The Allman Brothers Band - Melissa

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