Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Exactly :-)


TTYS honey.

I love you baby.



it about time?



kinda agree...

cause it gives them thr pretext to do what they knew they were gonna do already.

(All out attack on Ukraine, her killer supposedly ran off to Estonia, so the Russians have reason to go after them too, etc.)

Darya Dugina’s death in Moscow car bomb leads to more questions than answers

“The whole thing looks like a false flag operation by the FSB,” one senior Western intelligence official told Yahoo News of the Dugina car bombing, similar to the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings. The official was careful to add that this was just speculation and not a formal intelligence assessment. “They were probably gunning for Dugin, but got his kid instead.”

“The only thing I think we can state with certainty is that the Kremlin is lying,” said John Sipher, the former deputy head of “Russia House” at the CIA. “I have no clue who did it or why, but frankly, that fits most things that happen in Russia. There are so many possible motivations for a murder like this. An attack carried out by Ukraine is at the bottom of the list.”



I really need to say anything?


"The O.T. prophets


are all the while rebuking their people for failing to see what God was saying to them in events whose meaning should have been perfectly clear...Century after century men have confronted life with unseeing eyes and unhearing ears. It seems sometimes that loud speakers are shouting forth the meaning of events but that men refuse to listen to their words."

Revelation 16:4-8

The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. 5 Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say:

“You are just in these judgments, O Holy One,

    you who are and who were;

for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets,

    and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.”

And I heard the altar respond:

“Yes, Lord God Almighty,

    true and just are your judgments.”

The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire.




here is what I am talking about:

Russia and the U.S. are entering ‘dangerous and uncharted’ nuclear territory

"Russian forces took over the plant soon after Russia launched its large-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, though the facility continues to operate under the watch of Ukrainian staff."

"large scale invasion"

That used to not be what was said. It was always just "invasion"

Why the change unless there's been some push back and they knew it really wasn't "large scale" all along. So now they double down on the falsehood and everybody ends up believing it more.

Yup, its how it works.



is good news.

US Freight Railroads Reach Tentative Deals With Three Unions

"A group of large US freight railroads has reached tentative agreements with unions representing more than 15,000 workers, a step to avoid a widespread strike after years of failed labor talks.

The deals with three of the 12 rail unions come several weeks after a mediation board appointed by the White House issued recommendations including wage increases and expanded health coverage."



mean you know...

If it walks like a duck?

Quacks like a duck?

It's probably a duck.


Maybe US mainstream media should begin using the term ‘fascism’



knucklehead :-).

Just now really getting going if that tells you anything :-).

I love you sweetheart.


"Levels of disrespect...:-)"

Thats a classic :-).

Hey I gotta briefcase full of notes we ought to compare :-).

Killing me...just killin me smalls...

Tuesday, August 30, 2022



jaw was it that dropped again?

who exactly 

"was doing all kinds of  crazy things to get your (my) attention?"

Who did I flat out bust in the parking garage not once, not twice, but on three separate occasions?

More on the last of those tomorrow since it's the 10th anniversary of that specific event :-).

I told you there would be a "residual effect" for a while after everything we have been through and there will be. We've conquered everything else, we will conqueror that as well, it just might take a minute

I love you honey.

More than life itself.

I couldn't imagine my life if you hadn't come into it.


Would rather die alone than think what I know we both felt those days wouldn't be replicated forever at some future point in time.

Hopefully that time is finally here.

I'm rambling and I got brownies to go eat :-).


I love you.



know more good news :-)

Powell warns of ‘some pain’ ahead as the Fed fights to bring down inflation

"In his annual Jackson Hole, Wyoming, policy speech, Powell added that higher interest rates likely will persist “for some time. The historical record cautions strongly against prematurely loosening policy.”

"Specifically, Powell said the inflation of 40 years ago provides the current Fed with three lessons: That central banks like the Fed are responsible for managing inflation, that expectations are critical and that “we must keep at it until the job is done."

(I'd love to ask this guy two questions neither one of which he would like very much (go figure, seems to be something I do :-).

One, given that "The historical record" cautions strongly against prematurely loosening policy.” doesn't it also show that interest rates half of the inflation rate have never brought inflation down to appropriate levels? (ie 2%?)

The second question is given that one study has suggested 50% of inflation is due to fiscal situation (that the fed helped to create (through QE, bond buying, stimulus etc ) and another study that 30% of inflation is being driven by supply shocks to the food and energy sectors), how does the Fed raising interest rates solve the problem if all it is attacking is only 20% of the problem?

In the first post I did today? that guy was absolutely correct. They can nott tell you how bad it is and they don't want you to know how bad is it going to get, if they did? Everybody would stop spending everything they didn't have to. They want you to think they have all the answers, that they are in control, when in reality?

"Some sort of energy 

that didn't dilute as the universe expanded 

and didn't follow a power law."

is whats in charge.

I 'd accept it if I was you.

I love that BTW :-).

"Some sort of energy 

that didn't dilute as the universe expanded 

and didn't follow a power law."

I cant wait till the next time it comes up in a conversation and I ask:

"Well how did we get here then?"

"IDK, Big bang I guess."

"Great, so glad you believe in God too :-).


Well  to believe in the cosmic inflation that led to the big bang one has to believe in Some sort of energy that didn't dilute as the universe expanded and didn't follow a power law."

Is that not God?



I know I am a handful.

I had enough a long time ago. I tried telling you what I would be like if people didn't "pull back", or "let off the accelerator" etc. 

I had been trying to tell everyone for a long time and I didn't feel like I was getting listened to. 

It kinda sucked.

I love you, its gonna be amazing, everything's gonna be fine :-).

That word :-).

Fine :-).

Thanks for the brownies :-).

Dinner Los Amigos :-).

And if I cant express my own views in my own residence? Then turn off the monitoring equipment.




Count on it.

Somebody else telling the truth, wow, what happened all the sudden?

'Big Short' investor Michael Burry says the US government is backstopping markets and the economy - and warns too much fiscal support will end in disaster

 "...suggesting the government is functioning as a put option for investors by limiting their potential losses.

(has been for a long time with "loose monetary policy".)

"Not just for COVID anymore," he continued. "And will be as good for America's economy as sugar for babies," he added, implying that fiscal support may stave off declines in asset prices and economic growth in the short term, but it inevitably results in a worse crash down the line.

(I agree with him and Peter Schiff, all this rearranging deck chairs on the titanic aint gonna do a thing when the time comes, we hit the iceberg, its unavoidable at this point.)



don't think that was all they were talking about.

Zelenskyy convenes secret meeting to discuss situation at the front

Quote: "The meeting was attended by the heads of the Armed Forces, intelligence agencies, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine and other defence forces.

The participants in the meeting, which was classified as ‘secret’, heard information about the combat situation at the front and discussed [several] other security and defence issues. In particular, they focused on the needs of the Ukrainian army and coordination with Ukraine's international partners at various levels."

(Oh I am sure hey did.)



take a guess?

yeah, aint gonna happen...

Keep spending though

Keep that economy moving

Everything is gonna work out fine etc.

Trust us, were the experts

(Oh it will, eventually, for some of us :-) Everything is gonna work out fine that is)

Global crop problems point to years of high food prices

"The world has perhaps never seen this level of simultaneous agricultural disruption, according to agriculture executives, industry analysts, farmers and economists interviewed by Reuters, meaning it may take years to return to global food security."

Agricultural disruption.

Political disruption

Social disruption

Geopolitical disruption

Resource depletion

Wealth inequality



If only there was some sort of road map to what is really going on:

It's still birth pains...we've not started in earnest yet.

I love you baby.



somebody is actually telling the truth!

Truth alert!

Look out.

The World’s Energy Problem Is Far Worse Than We’re Being Told

"No politician wants to tell us the real story of fossil fuel depletion. The real story is that we are already running short of oil, coal and natural gas because the direct and indirect costs of extraction are reaching a point where the selling price of food and other basic necessities needs to be unacceptably high to make the overall economic system work. At the same time, wind and solar and other “clean energy” sources are nowhere nearly able to substitute for the quantity of fossil fuels being lost."

"This unfortunate energy story is essentially a physics problem. Energy per capita and, in fact, resources per capita, must stay high enough for an economy’s growing population. When this does not happen, history shows that civilizations tend to collapse."

"Politicians cannot possibly admit that today’s world economy is headed for collapse, in a way similar to that of prior civilizations. Instead, they need to provide the illusion that they are in charge. The self-organizing system somehow leads politicians to put forward reasons why the changes ahead might be desirable (to avert climate change), or at least temporary (because of sanctions against Russia)."

Psalm 146:3-4

Put not your trust in princes,

    in a son of man, in whom there is no help.

When his breath departs he returns to his earth;

    on that very day his plans perish.

(There is not a politician alive that gonna solve his mess, like they are gonna tell you that.)

1) "Citizens around the world can sense that something is very wrong. It looks like the economy may be headed for a serious recession in the near term."

(It's not gonna be a recession, 

its not gonna be a depression, 

it's not gonna be a "Global slowdown." 

It's going to be an entire reset of the world financial order, nothing short of a global financial collapse is already on it's way, with the UN being a relic of the past. The faster you can wrap your head around that and accept the times that we are living in? The sooner you'll be able to deal with the situation we find ourselves in going forward. Everything is procedding right on course, it wont get better it will nly get worse and there is nothing anybody can do but be ready spiritualy, mentaly and phyically when the time comes. We got the playbook, 

we know whats gonna happen, lets resign to meet our fate(s) in glory.)

"The US is also implementing Quantitative Tightening, which also tends to raise interest rates. Thus, central banks are intentionally raising the cost of borrowing. It doesn’t take much insight to see that the combination of price inflation and higher borrowing costs is likely to force consumers to cut back on spending, leading to recession."

(Quantitative Tightening = Tapering the purchases of Mortgage backed securities back until the federal reserve is no longer purchasing them. This was in addition to the stimulus was doing during Covid/Financial crisis)

"2) Politicians will avoid talking about possible future economic problems related to inadequate energy supply."

(OMGoodness have I been talking about this already. All three of the following entities have an agenda to push.)

"Politicians want to get re-elected. They want citizens to think that everything is OK. If there are energy supply problems, they need to be framed as being temporary, perhaps related to the war in Ukraine. Alternatively, any issue that arises will be discussed as if it can easily be fixed with new legislation and perhaps a little more debt.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Zechariah 10:2 

For idols speak deceit and diviners see illusions; they tell FALSE dreams and offer empty comfort. Therefore the people wander like sheep, oppressed for lack of a shepherd.

"Businesses also want to minimize problems. They want citizens to place orders for their goods and services, without the fear of being laid off. They would like the news media to publish stories saying that any economic dip is likely to be very mild and temporary."


1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Zechariah 10:2 

For idols speak deceit and diviners see illusions; they tell FALSE dreams and offer empty comfort. Therefore the people wander like sheep, oppressed for lack of a shepherd.

"Universities don’t mind problems, but they want the problems to be framed as solvable ones that will offer their students opportunities for jobs that will pay well. A near-term, unsolvable predicament is not helpful at all.'

"[3] What is wrong is a physics problem. The operation of our economy requires energy of the correct type and the right quantity."

"The economy is something that grows through the “dissipation” of energy. Examples of dissipation of energy include the digestion of food to give energy to humans, the burning of fossil fuels, and the use of electricity to power a light bulb. A rise in world energy consumption is highly correlated with growth in the world economy. Falling energy consumption is associated with economic contraction."

"In physics terms, the world economy is a dissipative structure, just as all plants, animals and ecosystems are. All dissipative structures have finite lifespans, including the world economy."

("What is the synonym of dissipative?

"Some common synonyms of dissipate are dispel, disperse, and scatter. While all these words mean "to cause to separate or break up," dissipate stresses complete disintegration or dissolution and final disappearance.")

"Also, economic researchers are not expected to study the history of the many smaller, more-localized civilizations that have collapsed in the past. Typically, the population of these smaller civilizations increased at the same time as the resources used by the population started to degrade. The use of technology, such as dams to redirect water flows, may have helped for a while, but eventually this was not enough. The combination of declining availability of high quality resources and increasing population tended to leave these civilizations with little margin for dealing with the bad times that can be expected to occur by chance. In many cases, such civilizations collapsed after disease epidemics, a military invasion, or a climate fluctuation that led to a series of crop failures.

(Well go figure, 

so lets review:

1) The Second Law of Thermodynamics 

states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time.

 Entropy = lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

It's happening to your world right in front of you, our geopolitical alliances and our world economic system have already started the "gradual decline into disorder."

"Typically, the population of these smaller civilizations increased at the same time as the resources used by the population started to degrade. The use of technology, such as dams to redirect water flows, may have helped for a while, but eventually this was not enough."

(See the Colorado river, lake Meade and lake Powell as examples.)

"The combination of declining availability of high quality resources and increasing population tended to leave these civilizations with little margin for dealing with the bad times that can be expected to occur by chance."

(Or not, see Mirror World)

"In many cases, such civilizations collapsed after:

 disease epidemics, 

a military invasion, 

or a climate fluctuation 

that led to a series of crop failures.

"disease epidemics", (check).

"military invasion" (Not yet anyway)

"climate fluctuation" Check.

that led to a series of crop failures." Check

Global crop problems point to years of high food prices

This years corn crop in the US is expected to be the worst in three years. USDA lowered projections 5% from just two weeks ago. It will not get any better.

[4] Many people have been confused by common misunderstandings regarding how an economy really works.

(Most have no idea at all.)

"...the extraction limit is really an affordability issue. If the cost of extraction rises too high, relative to what people around the world have for spendable income, production will stop because demand (in terms of what people can afford) will drop too low. People will tend to cut back on discretionary spending, such as vacation travel and meals in restaurants, cutting back on demand for fossil fuels."

"A surprisingly large share of demand is tied to the need for food, water, and basic services such as schools, roads, and bus service. Poor people require these basics just as much as rich people do. There are literally billions of poor people in the world. If the wages of poor people fall too low relative to the wages of rich people, the system cannot work. Poor people find that they must spend nearly all their income on food, water and housing. As a result, they have little left to pay taxes to support basic governmental services. Without adequate demand from poor people, the prices of commodities tend to fall too low to encourage reinvestment."

(And that is exactly where we are)

"We know that Revelation 18:11-13 in the Bible provides a list of a number of commodities, including humans sold as slaves, for which prices dropped very low at the time of the collapse of ancient Babylon. This suggests that at least sometimes during prior collapses, the problem was too low demand (and too low prices), rather than too low supply of energy products.

(Oh I don't think it's applicable to just ancient Babylon :-)

"The goal of politicians seems to be to keep citizens from understanding how awful the situation really is by reframing the story of the decline in energy supply as something politicians and economists have chosen to do, to try to prevent climate change for the sake of future generations."

1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Zechariah 10:2 

For idols speak deceit and diviners see illusions; they tell FALSE dreams and offer empty comfort. Therefore the people wander like sheep, oppressed for lack of a shepherd.

"The rich and powerful can see this change as a good thing if they themselves can profit from it. When there is not enough energy, the physics of the situation tends to lead to increasing wage and wealth disparities. Wealthy individuals see this outcome as a good thing: They can perhaps personally profit."

Revelation 6:6:

 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, 'Two pounds of wheat for a day's wages, and six pounds of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!'

(Rich get richer, poor get poorer, been harping about it for years now.)

[6] We are living in a truly unusual time, with a major energy problem being hidden from view.

"Politicians cannot tell the world how bad the energy situation really is. The problem with near-term energy limits has been known since at least 1956 (M. King Hubbert) and 1957 (Hyman Rickover). The problem was confirmed in the modeling performed for the 1972 book, The Limits to Growth by Donella Meadows and others."

"Most high-level politicians are aware of the energy supply issue, but they cannot possibly talk about it. Instead, they choose to talk about what would happen if the economy were allowed to speed ahead without limits, and how bad the consequences of that might be."

"Militaries around the world are no doubt well aware of the fact that there will not be enough energy supplies to go around. This means that the world will be in a contest for who gets how much. In a war-like setting, we should not be surprised if communications are carefully controlled. The views we can expect to hear loudly and repeatedly are the ones governments and influential individuals want ordinary citizens to hear."

(Like I was saying, the recent pro-US government propaganda they found on social media sites Internationally? 

It's the tip of the ice berg. 

It's the "here, there's a crack here, look at this" While all the while there's a wall that's been blasted to bits they dont want you to see type of deal.


It's here.

Matthew 24:4

Don't be deceived.



consider the Brownies a peace offering.

Nice touch/step etc.

Send more :-).

And a dinner at Los Amigos :-).

Com on its taco Tuesday.

$1.50 tacos.

Two pastor tacos and a side of beans and a coke and hot sause :-).

And please continue to work your way up the continuum.

Theres a ways to go just yet.




like a train wreck over here.

After a while?

You just cant help but look :-).





much sums it up.

ad infinitum.

It gets old.




You really wanna talk about 'levels of disrespect?"

This is an honest to goodness conversation you wanna have with me RN?

I don't think you do.

Quid pro quo babygirl.

Not gonna be in a relationship with one set of rules for one and another set of rules for another.


Don't ever ask me to do something for you that you cant do likewise for me.

You want consistency? 

Be consistent.

You want compassion?

Show some sometimes.


I can give you more than what you ever dreamed of, all the things you always wanted.

Weather I do or not depends a lot on your attitude/demeanor.

I love you.

Lighten up.

For goodness sakes somebody help this woman find her big girl pants.

I mean if I can take it for a decade from a small army but she cant take it back from me?

Give me a break.

This is what I don't like bout practical joker types, as long as they're the ones calling the pranks its all good. All the sudden theyre on the defensive and they don't like it so much.


I love you baby.

I really do.

Send more brownies, and a dinner al Los Amigos :-).

Yup :-).

Or Im just gonna keep hammering away at ya :-).

Relentless I believe is the term.

Seriously, a dinner at Los Amigos and I'll back off :-).

Two weeks ridin huh?


Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, nice...

If we ever make it there...



 blessings have become curses:

"poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood"

Undrinkable perhaps?

Unusable would have been a better word than undrinkable. At least unusable in the manner which they were previously.

Monday, August 29, 2022



is 100% correct.

‘The US could lose the right to vote within months’: top official’s democracy warning

Sun 28 Aug 2022 02.00 EDT

"Colorado’s secretary of state, Jena Griswold, is warning anyone who will listen that the fate of free and fair elections in the United States hangs in the balance in this November’s midterm contests."

"In many of the most competitive races for offices with authority over US elections, Republicans nominated candidates who have embraced or echoed Donald Trump’s myth of a stolen election in 2020."

(You simply can not claim the truth and support a lie at the same time.)

In Arizona, Mark Finchem, a prominent election denier who said he would not have certified Joe Biden’s victory in the state, is now the Republican nominee for secretary of state in Arizona. 

In Michigan, Kristina Karamo, who baselessly claimed to have witnessed voter fraud as an election observer in 2020, is the Republican party’s choice to be the state’s chief election official. 

And in Pennsylvania, where the governor appoints the secretary of state, the Republican gubernatorial nominee is Doug Mastriano, a far-right lawmaker who led the brazen attempt to reverse Biden’s victory in his state and chartered buses to the rally that preceded the Capitol riot.

In November, Griswold will face Pam Anderson, a Republican former county clerk who prevailed in her party’s primary over an election conspiracy theorist indicted for tampering with election equipment. Anderson is running on a pledge to keep politics out of elections administration and analysts anticipate a competitive race.

Never before has the truth been under such attack.


Our phones and social media have made it all possible.

Matthew 24:3-4

 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

The fascist are trying to take over the mechanism(s) by which free and fair elections take place in this country. My guess is they will probably succeed.



over the world:



United States


Revelation 16:4-8

The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say:

“You are just in these judgments, O Holy One,
    you who are and who were;
for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets,
    and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.”

And I heard the altar respond:

“Yes, Lord God Almighty,
    true and just are your judgments.”

The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire.

Your blessings have become curses:
"poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood"
Undrinkable perhaps?

(It's kinda hard to argue we aren't living it right in front of our eyes. We are past the tipping point, it's never gonna get any better.)

Job 1: 21-22
Job Loses His Children and Possessions

...saying: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.” In all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrongdoing.

Luke 17:32-33
Remember Lot’s wife! Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.



just gotta be able to put two and two together...

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres

at this moment of 

“maximum danger for our world.”

“Humanity’s future is in our hands."

said if Russia uses a nuclear weapon on Ukraine, 

there probably wouldn’t be a 

“U.N able to respond anymore” 

and that 

“we all might not be here anymore."

"Kyiv is bracing itself for fresh Russian attacks that its President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has warned may be “particularly nasty.”

"We are at the edge of war with Russia and China on issues which we partly created, without any concept of how this is going to end or what it's supposed to lead to."

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

No more than 45% missiles that Russia had before the war remain Chief Directorate of Intelligence

"This is why Ukrainian intelligence predicts that Russia will use other means of destruction."

(Oh they're gonna use other means of destruction alright, just not the ones that article is telling you.)

Leader says Belarusian warplanes made ready to carry nukes

“Do you think it was all blather?” Lukashenko said to reporters Friday. “All of it has been done.”

He saidthe targets have been selectedfor retaliation, if his warning is not heeded.

"Kremlin propagandists blamed Ukraine and the Ukrainian political leadership for the murder of the daughter of Putin's ally, demanding strikes on the "decision-making centers" in Kyiv - including the President's Office and the Central Directorate of the SBU."

(I didnt share links because most of the quotes have been shared previously except for the one(s) I did share the link with. Also I couldn't find the quote from a Ukrainian general or intelligence official who stated, "It's pay back time." The article was framed like it was Ukraine's time to pay back, but I don't think that is what he meant. They know whats coming as does the Sec General of the UN. 

It's the totality of things put together, not to mention all those cargo planes landing continuously  in Southern Belarus, all the Russian naval assets in the waters around Ukraine, the hypersonic deployment to Kaliningrad etc...

You ought to be getting ready to see some things you didn't ever think you would see in your lifetime. Like I said, inflation gonna be the least of your worries here in a bit.)


 Morning my Sunshine.

I love you baby :-).

Hate this shit :-).

Butt I love you.