Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Overheard at the Electric Sheep Bonfire Incident

If you heard more snippets of conversation you thought were funny and you think should be included here, click on the comment link below the post and e-mail them to me and I will do my best to get them posted...

"You ought to do this more often..."

"For a bottle cap to be included in the porch chair cup holder, a drink must have been..."

"Your stool is in a mole hole", "That doesn't just happen anywhere!"

"I told her congratulations, I didn't say I was happy for her!"

"I believe you have recreated your way to professionalism..."

"every moment with you is one less that I can stumble, listen to music, and work on my own projects..."

"..do you remember the day we met?...." "...I remember saying, hey Nicholas, come look at this idiot riding a horse bareback across the lake..."

"whats that?....that's not from around here..."

"I got my own private Electric Sheep going on in my head"

"...they don't know me like you do." "Yes they do." "No they don't." "Yes they do, I tell them..."

"...Those $%#$#@*#'s took CHEERS off yesterday morning for some model #@#$%^#&hit reality show????"

"...where are you going?" "mumblemumblemumble" "I got one beer left and there are 5 songs left on the playlist, meet me on the porch in a minute" "You know me I'm a cowboy." "Well cowboy up then."

"...so what does an IT guy get fired up about?" "Figuring out something in Dreamweaver..."

"...where did he go?" "To go get cigarettes." "He doesn't smoke" "He blew smoke in your face when he was leaving" "Oh"

Now playing: MoFro - Front Porch Funk via FoxyTunes

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