Monday, April 18, 2016


lets review shall we?

That would be:
The Ace of Spades, not letting you get away with me just having your phone number. 
The King of Spades, me busting your ass in the parking lot multiple times. 
Once? Late at night, on a vacation day? 
A vacation day?
Keep in mind, this was a parking lot in downtown Louisville, nobody has business in downtown Louisville late at night on a weekday that happens to be a vacation day.
This was a specific trip, to a specific place, for a specific reason.
I even checked with the security guard afterward, I thought you might have come in the building to grab something, "No, she didn't come in." 
Says a lot, obviously :-).

The Queen of spades.
Your jaw dropped lol.
All this from a woman who says:

Yeah, I can tell.


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