Wednesday, November 9, 2016


election thoughts.

Hillary was a flawed candidate from the start.
Ask yourself this, if the democratic nominee wasn't female and their last name wasn't Clinton and they were under investigation from the FBI would as many people have voted for them in the primaries?
Very unlikely.

Like a lot of people, I wasn't really thrilled with the choices we had.
Living in a state that I know is going to go red in presidential elections affords me the opportunity to cast a protest vote.
So I did.

Keep in mind we are electing electors here to go elect people for us.
(Article 2, Section 1, and the 12th Amendment of the constitution.)

A woman will win the Presidency here soon.
I'd be lying if I said I was sad that it won't be Hillary.
Just never really liked her.
She came across for decades like it was just inevitable that this was going to happen for her.
A very polarizing figure with lots of baggage does not a good candidate make.

Dems did what Republicans do. 
They put party loyalty in front of what was best for the country.
I've been a registered Democrat all my life. 
First chance I get? 
I'm changing to independent. 
I don't care about voting in the primaries any more.
Hopefully they all become open here before long anyway.

On a brighter note lol.

Only once in my lifetime has a party that has held the White House for two terms went on to win a third term.
Talking party here not individuals.
That would be the first "W" after Reagan.
It's just a hard feat to pull off.

So anyway, now somebody actually has to govern.

These "free trade" agreements have been horrible for the working class of this county.
European countries do need to pay more for their portion of NATO.
But a couple of policy positions I agree with will never make me change my mind of what an utterly classless, tasteless individual is now the president elect of this country. 

Now the democrats will pull out all the obstructionist tricks they learned from their Republican counterparts.
Takes about a year to put a team together to start with.
(This is something Mr. Trump has never excelled at BTW).
Last year of his term he'll be in lame duck status with another election coming.
In between you have about two and a half years to get something done.

It's like my buddy Lonnie used to say, 
"One thing about it, these aren't boring times we're living in."

When's the Midterms again?
Anybody seen Elizabeth Warren?

Love you Lucy.

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