Monday, February 6, 2017


just don't understand what is at stake.

Republicans in Congress for forty years have wanted to privatize (let their buddies make money off of):

Social Security
Public Schools

So when you pay the taxes you're already paying, then pay more for the benefits you've paid into for years, not to mention having to pay for the use of infrastructure if they finance it's revamping with tax cuts (i.e. you'll have to pay to use roads, bridges, tunnels etc).
Seriously, let Wall Street have your Social Security money that sounds like a great plan right?
What could ever go wrong?

Don't say you weren't warned.

A noted economist I respect and follow said on his FB page that a former congressional Republican told him the plan is for Republicans to use Trump to push through their radical agenda then set him up with some bait he'll surely take given his ignorance and ego for which they will impeach him and remove him from office and Pence (one of their own) would become president. I mean they got the perfect fall guy and they know it. It just sounds like something they would do. Underhanded fucks.

And that lil fucker Paul Ryan is as despicable as they come.

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