Thursday, March 9, 2017

I had

an interesting conversation with someone yesterday.
Keep in mind I've only ever talked to this person for less than a minute, even that was nothing more than exchanging pleasantries.

"Hello, how are you?"
"I'm great, you?"
"I'm doing good, it's been a crazy day, first I was at the blah blah blah, then I went to help with blah, blah blah and now I'm here."
"It beats the alternative."

(Meaning, it's always good to have something to do, however small or insignificant it may seem. Trust me. For someone who doesn't do all that much sometimes, okay lots of times, shut up already! I know the importance of having something to do each day no matter how small will give that day a plan, some meaning, as well as an objective to be accomplished. Doesn't matter whether it's laundry, walking the dog, grocery shopping, doing the dishes, whatever, having an activity planed for the day is a good thing.)

The response startled me.
"I don't worry about that, I know I'm going to heaven."

A few minutes passed when I explained that wasn't what I meant.
That I thought having activities planned for the day beat the alternative of not having any planned.


Inside I was like, WTF?
Where did that come from?
Why on earth feel compelled to tell that to someone you don't know from Adam?
No, "I can help you get there as well do you want to know how?"
No other explanation, nothing, just a curt, "I know I'm going to heaven."
What was really said, was what was implied, not spoken.
The real message being delivered was,
"I'm going and I don't think you are.
I'm better than you,
I know it and I'm going to tell you."
It reminded me of the "A rich man doesn't need to prove he's rich" story.
He knows he's rich.
Why should he feel compelled to prove it to anyone?
I mean if you know you're going?
Why do you feel so compelled to convince me of it?
Happy for ya.
And then to go on and not even share how you know or to try and explain or help a stranger get there as well?
WTF was your point other than being smug and self-righteous?

And we wonder why church attendance and membership is falling.

The ironic thing is?
I was reading about how it's possible to have heaven here on earth when this conversation started :-).

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