Thursday, March 2, 2017


but I gotta go on a rant.
If I don't get it out of me?
I'll blow a gasket at the most inopportune time and that's not what I or anyone else would want.

I see the snide looks from people around here.
They might as well scream: "I can't believe he's making her pay back child support with all his money."
First of all, what money?
I'm just sick of hearing about it or sensing it from people.
So for once and for all I'm gonna put it out here and what ever happens happens.
People don't wanna be my friend or quit talking to me over it?
So be it.
Good fucking riddance.

The fact is I never wanted child support.
It was only after the other party started making as much as I was that I asked for it.
I'll be damned if you're gonna make almost what I do and not help support your child.
Fuck that.

Then there was an overage.
I mean what do these people think?
That I was the one crunching the numbers?
That I came up with the determined amount of monthly support?
That's what the lawyers and the judge decided was applicable.
Not me.

All I ever wanted was to be left alone from someone who stated they would "make it their purpose in life to make him miserable as hell."
So how's that working for ya these days?
Seems to me like shit like that always comes back to bite you in the ass.

So I had an idea.
Lets just go back to no child support.
Forget about the overage now and I'll save you thousands more over the course of years and we won't have any reason to keep dragging shit in front of attorneys and judges, using the court system etc.
The response?
I'll never forget it.
"Nooooooo, I want to paaaay."

11 motions made in fifteen years.
One approximately every sixteen moths.
All part of the "make it their purpose in life to make me miserable as hell." plan I suppose.

"But you could go back and ask for more child support at any time." they say.
But by this time?
I was so done with all this shit all I wanted was for the whole issue to go away.

But noooooo.
Somebody had a better plan.
Poor mans disease.
Short Sightedness.
Forget about what you're gonna pay later.
Get what you can today.

The whole thing was to keep all the drama and bull shit ongoing.
That's it.
Without child support to haggle about?
There's no issue left that needs to be discussed.
Just anything and everything to keep the drama and victim status ongoing.
The only thing some people are a victim of is their own bad decisions.
That's all these people ever want.
Keep the drama going on as many fronts as possible.
And when it ends with you?
It just starts up again with someone else about something else.

"But you bought a Harley." they say.
So the fuck what. is my response.
I got a raise from work to pay for it.
Seriously, if I didn't think I could swing the payments without the child support?
I wouldn't have bought the damn thing.
I knew the support couldn't be counted on.
Five years worth of payments.
Only one year did I ever receive child support while making payments on it.

"But that money was for him."
I love this one.
This one burns me up more than any other one and here's why, because more often than not the people who say it have never been in a similar situation.
What was I supposed to do?
Open up a separate account and only use it for his needs?
Figure up his portion of gas, electric, water, food, mortgage, fuel, DSL, Insurance, clothes, toiletries on and on and on and pay it out of his own separate account?
Have you even heard of anyone doing such a thing?
There may be some, but there isn't many who do, that I can assure you.
So it all went in the pot, and then the bills (including his) were paid from it.
Case closed.

The thing that kills me is everybody acts like there was no other option.
Why not just pay what the court said you should?
(Which was the minimum amount btw)
Why was that never an option?

If we had done things my way?
Nobody would have owed anybody anything and everyone would be much happier.
Oh hell no, happiness?
Even the other parties own?
Can't possibly have that.
Wouldn't know how to fucking act.

I honestly could not believe they turned down the offer to not have to pay any more if they forgave the overage. It would have saved three dollars for every one they had to pay out.
Makes sense right?
You're gonna give me three dollars for every one I give you?
Who passes up a deal like that?
I just looked at my attorney like WTF?
Someone said something to the effect of "Some people are just stupid."
I said thats fine, however we can work it out is fine with me, I just want it to go away and be over.
One thing though, she pays, every last penny, they're gonna pay, BECAUSE IT"S WHAT SHE SAID SHE WANTED.

I gave multiple chances to not have to pay.
This is only the one incident I'm talking about.

I knew that day some eight years ago or whatever that we would end up here.

Now here we are.
Everybody thinking I'm being all hardcore and shit.
To me?
I'm just giving her what she said she wanted.
Out of the 11 motions she filed in fifteen years? This will be the only one she made she ever had to adhere to.
Let that sink in for a second.

I'm sure if it was a man in a similar situation he would have been treated the same.
Yeah right.
Just deserts if you ask me.
Careful what you wish for they say.

Isaiah 54:16-17.

It is what it is.
I'm done ever talking about it again, to anyone.
It's not worth the aggravation.

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