Thursday, June 15, 2017


I could go on and on for days so I'll try and make it brief. Suffice it to say sometime in the near future Turkey will leave NATO. This single event will radically alter Geo-political realities in ways I don't think we've seen or are quite prepared to deal with. After the recent coup attempt the military was purged of officers who have worked with the US through NATO and younger more Islamic non-western leaning officers took their place.

Turkey is also likely to be the place where the anti-christ comes from.Think about it, what better way to snub your nose at the west and the US in particular than to leave this treaty\organization? Whoever pulls it off will become a rock-star in the Muslim world.

All seven of the letters Christ instructed the Apostle John to write in his vision (the Revelation) were directed to churches which are now located in modern day Turkey. One of those churches was located in Ancient Pergamum and was the center of pagan worship in Asia Minor. Pergamum was also once known as the "place where Satan dwells."

Like I said, I could go on and on but I'll leave it there for now Lucy.

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