Tuesday, May 28, 2019


else gets this kinda stuff to look back on?
Us :-).

That's who.

It really is...

"James came in one morning and I told him what had been going on with what Nicholas had said about the swing, and moms text about "true love". He was trying to play it off and I said watch this and I had him watch me post some simple little "Out of here in a few minutes" or something like that and shared it with Virgie Tidmore (soon to be Virgie Hollifield) on Google+. I said "Now how many Virgie Tidmores do you think there are in the world? Now watch", and I refreshed the page and low and behold there was a 1+ by the post along with several views. It was 5:40 in the AM! He said "That quick huh?" I said "Dude, it don't matter what time of day it is, soon as I post, 1+, now wouldn't somebody who wasn't her be like, 'Look mister, I don't know who you are, stop this'? You tell me whats going on." I think that's when he said "I couldn't have done it."

I told you I like your style, I like how you're doing things, I tell everyone "I don't know where, when or how and I don't want to know." But oh lord girl, to know it's coming and not know the details? It's like a child trying to go to sleep on Christmas eve but can't cause of the anticipation. Only it's 24/7. It really is.

Love you."

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