Thursday, June 24, 2021



would strongly encourage everyone to watch the following two videos:

Funny how using the actual name of the video didn't result in it being turned up in my search results :-).

So I'll just post the link to the first one instead:

Scientist and the Elite Try to Hide What Really Happened at CERN, Demonic Entities, Extra Dimensions 


Return of The Nephilim - Chuck Missler

Chuck Missler

There is a third video of a sermon entitled 

"Gods Demonic Angels" 

but strangely enough it is no longer in my history, nor could any search result locate it.Ten years IT experience and have taught classes on internet search tips and tricks BTW :-) I find that a lil odd as it was done by a mega-church pastor in Texas I believe it was, and I remember not being a big fan of his but watched the sermon anyway based off sermon title alone.

Anyway, if I find it I'll post it as well as it goes right along with these two.

I love you baby :-).

Seriously, I would watch those two videos if I was you.

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