Sunday, November 15, 2015

I was

recently informed:

"You don't know the first thing about women or what they want."
I guess.

I didn't really respond or defend myself that much but it did make me think (about that statement) and after mulling it over in my head for a while, here is what I came up with:

1) Why the fuck does it matter if I do or if I don't? I mean can somebody explain to me why it is I have to know what women want? Why aren't women expected to have to know what men want?

2) Women don't even know what they want for goodness sakes :-). I mean how the hell can a man be expected to know what they want if they don't even know? Best to show them what they want if you ask me but that's a whole nuther blog post and we're not taking that detour right now.

3) And this is the one that matters the most, I knew what one woman wanted. Immediately I knew. I've been giving it to her ever since. I'm going to give her what she wants "all day everyday till the end of days' come hell, high water or Satan himself. Promise. Watch.

Love you Virgie.

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