Monday, October 3, 2022

Current "Feels"



Drought is about over just incase anybody hasn't noticed.

My baby so slick :-).
Time stops at the speed of light in a vacuum.
How is that possible? One might ask.

Time is the people sitting inside the tram stationary, not moving.
Tram is moving at the speed of light.

Theory of relativity in one picture.

My baby slick y'all.


Deal with it...

Exactly...they'll just never understand...

100% exact truth...

Just told my barber buddy a few minutes ago (We were talking about what he said a councilor one time referred to as: CPO or Close Personal Orbit, and the requirements there of, as in; what kind of energy is involved in this relationship? Positive or negative? And then adjusting appropriately. I told him "I'm to the point where you aint even gotta do anything to get cut out of mine anymore. Just not handling a situation in the manner you know you should have is good enough get you gone in my book. And if you think not doing something you should have is enough to get you cut out? Dont even get me started on doing something that you should have known better than. 

So yeah...
the sooner you decide who deserves to eat at your table? 
The more peaceful the dinners will become I read somewhere a while back...


Some just aren't going to be able to...

I love you honey.

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