Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Serious affair....

Nich said the other day he was about done with counseling.
That seeing Anamanaguchi in Cincinnati really help him get over his moms bull shit.
I didn't say anything one way or the other really.
When they came out from his session she said herself: 
"I think we are done here, if he needs me he knows where to find me."

It's good to hear.
He is a lot less moody.

Long talk with guidance councilor.
He likes our plan.
He made some good points.
I told him all about work and my schedule and Nicholas maturity about getting up and getting ready on his own.
 He said to consider they may have technical electives he could get into as early as next year.
He also said that  he thought a High School diploma looks better than a GED. 
My contention is graduating two years early because he wanted to already puts him ahead of the competition.
Guy brought up a good point in that that's only true if he goes right from taking his GED into college.
I told him that's pretty much the plan.
He said Navy recruiters were there yesterday.
Nicholas said he has spoke with them before.
Councilor also said they had a girl that knew she wanted to be a nurse, she took her GED her sophomore year, enrolled in OCC that fall and went on and got her nursing degree.
He's supportive.
It's gonna work.
It's his ticket out of here.
He said Nich could have an "assignment period" where he works on a project and gets credit for it.
Don't sound bad.
Nich said at dinner he didn't wanna do band.
I told him he had to work this summer then.
That's always been our deal.
No extracurricular activity?
Then work.
Extracurricular activity?
Then no work.
He's heard it since sixth grade.
He knows.
He is also to be helping the slower kids in Algebra.
That was part of the deal.
They could have made him take it in the fall.
They put him in this class on the condition that he help once he figures something out as it has a few in it who are struggling.
Smart move, makes sense.

Been busy few days.
Not a lot of sleep.
Been productive however.
Wish someone would have told me about really really good coffee and it's health benefits a long time ago lol...helps.

Dinner was awesome.
My turkey is the shit lol.
Al taught me how to carve it up all nice and proper.
Al's dad was a butcher, didn't know that,
Said the first time he cooked a bird at his house and had his dad over came time to carve it up and he didn't know how.
His dad told him it was his house and he had to do it.
Said it embarrassed him to death.
Glad I learned.
I can cook it.
I should be able to carve it lol.

Visited Christian and the boys.
They had the flu a while ago.
Hadn't seen them since Christmas.
Christian said "I'm 35 years old and I don't know how to carve a turkey."
He will want me to show him before to long.

Busy but very productive two days at home.
Nich and my appointments.
Turkey dinner with mom and Al.
Fawn stopping by.
Visiting with Christian.

Going to bed by 1:00.

Love you Lucy.
Thanks for the boot :-).
Reminds me of somebody and something I said about nothing else on but said boots a while back.

Peace and calm coming back.
Needed it.

Did dishes with mom.
She said "Linda Estes (her friend from church) said she understood entirely where you are coming from with the bike. That she used to just go get on a 4 wheeler and ride thought the woods to clear her head so she understood"
I said "That's right, there is nothing else to focus on except the road ahead."
She also said "You were smart to get it when you did as Nich was coming into his own."
I remember sitting in the truck having that conversation with myself and I remember thinking, "this is your window, better get it or it's going to be years down the road."
That mom understands that it was a good choice, that it is my therapy and my medicine and that it was the right time...pretty special.
She also said I was right on the money and that Nicholas was a part of my life much like work is and that neither define me. 
That meant a lot as well.
Said she read an article that pretty much told her the same thing right after I had told her.

Superbowl with Alan either up here or at his place in Owensboro. 
Told him it don't matter to me.
Nich's going if we go to Owensboro.
It's about food and fun really.
So American it's ridiculous lol.

Now if the Cowboys ever make it?
Well then it's a lil bit more of a serious affair.

Love you.

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