Monday, April 28, 2014


was crazy.
Came home Friday.
Slept an hour.
Went and set up for domino party.
Came home.
Slept a couple more hours.
Got Nich from school.
Got him some dinner.
Back home.
Piddled around in yard.
Went to domino party.
Nich went with me.
In same outfit from the other day (Blue blazer and all lol).
Had some snacks.
Talked to Richard Wilson (Mentor from Hilldale UMC).
He said "You look like you could use a few hours more sleep"
"Ya think?"
Stopped by Dave's and talked to him and Laura for a minute.
Stopped by mom's.
Her sister, my fav aunt was in from Ashland KY.
Talked to mom and Connie and Al for a while.
Went home.
Went to bed shortly thereafter.
Saturday. My day off now lol...
Got up at 6:30 AM.
Got Nich up.
Made breakfast burritos for us.
Took him to Owensboro High School at 8:30 (left at 7:45.)
Stopped by Rural King on the way home.
Picked up Charcoal, paint thinner and paint brushes.
Got home.
Painted Trellis.
Stained picnic table.
Mowed the grass.
Worked on gutters, go them in workable condition :-).
Went to start my 12 year old weed eater.
Wouldn't start lol.
Hose from fuel tank to engine is dry rotted.
Happened before.
Christian shows up.
Calls me "Elliott" due to my current mustache lol.
As in Sam Elliott lol.
He gets me Jimmy's (His dads) weed eater.
Oh yeah, my watch band broke lol.
I have three watches.
1 has a battery that's dead.
1 has a band that has busted lol.
That's two weed eaters out of two that don't work and two out of three watches that don't work if you are keeping score at home. lol.
Almost finished with the weed eating but now I have to go back to Owensboro to pick Nich up.
I am thinking "Great, if I get home, finish the weed eating and stain the fence around the trash barrel I can maybe go ride for a few", I hadn't planned on that :-).
It was suppose to rain every day the rest of the week so I really wanted to go.
Pick him up in Owensboro.
He is all hyper.
He got invited to a party.
He doesn't know when to be there lol.
Luckily, right when I am done with the weed eating and staining he says "Lets go."
All he has is an address lol.
Google maps don't work so great in the country.
After three tries, some text and some phone calls we finally find the house where the pool party is.
We were both tired and I got a lil aggravated with him as all he had was an address, no directions.
Anyway, you know how I said sometimes I look at him and I think "You are not a person, you are a walking hormone with appendages?". Well...sometimes I am not a person lol, I am a walking anxiety disorder...everybody forgets I live with a incurable disease...when nothing gets me all worked up? Always remind yourself "It's not him, it's the anxiety disorder."
 Anyway, 10 minutes later we were laughing about things.
We're good like that.
I think we will be as well:-).
Took three tries but we finally get him to his party.
Boy spends plenty enough time by himself, he gets invited somewhere?
I'll get him there.
It was just aggravating to me as we were killing daylight, wasting gas and I had planned to ride.
His pool party just got thrown in the middle of everything.
All this is after two trips to Owensboro and all the work around the house now.
I got to go riding fore a while.
Stopped by moms and saw my aunt, mom and Al, and my moms cousin for a while.
Come home...Yea!...daddy time for all of an hour and a half.
Have to go get him at 9:30 PM. I drive out there.
Oh yeah I have had a breakfast burrito and a strawberry milkshake to eat all day long.
Anyway, drive out there. Nobodys home.
Can't get him on the phone.
Drive the 20 minutes back home.
He calls.
"Where you at?"
"I was there."
"I'm around back by the pool in front of the pool house."
No stress, no worry this time.
Go get him.
I haven't even had a shower from working in the yard.
First thing out of his mouth?
"I can't wait to get in the shower."
"I got dibs on the shower." I said.
He said he did lol.
I let him get his shower first.
Time I got out he was already in bed, almost asleep.
It's now 11:30 PM or so.
I go to bed shortly after 12.
Woke up and took two aspirin cause I knew a headache would be coming lol.
Went to church.
Pastor was at a conference or something.
Alan had the choir practice a bunch of special music for the last nine weeks.
He does such a great job.
Anyway service was like: Welcome and announcments, three or four songs, greeting time, three or four songs, celebrations and prayer concerns, three more songs, dismissal.
Choir was awesome.
They really did a good job.
Bass and harmonies etc...sounded great.
Glad I got to see Alan after the service.
That's when he said "Dude I couldn't even remember what all you did let alone get it done."lol.
Off to moms for Sunday dinner with Aunt Connie and mom's cousin.
Like three hour nap lol.
Wake up.
Christian calls.
Wants to migrate all his pictures from old phone to his new one.
He can't do it on his tablet.
I told him to come on over lol.
We went to the store while his pictures were migrating.
He hung out a bit.
Said Jimmy "wants to buy the house"
He asked about Carol and my situation.
I said I couldn't care less.
Nich doesn't see her and we aint gotta deal with her.
When somebody says come, we will go.
Good for all of us.
I'll take it and just leave it like it is.
Anyway, it was good to hang with Christian.
Now we strip Nicholas bed down and start washing all his sheets and blankets.
Straighten up his room.
Go through all of his clothes that we haven't been through since his 7th grade year lol.
Oh yeah, sock and underwear drawer?
That was fun.
Went through all the coats, hoodies etc, in the computer room.
He got a shower and was in bed at 8:30.
I stayed up for a bit.
Sat on the porch.
Nich has some really cool bluetooth speakers.
Came in handy last night.
Watched spongebob.
Posted some stuff here for that electronic ghost I just can't seem to shake lol.
In bed late.
Up early.
Made breakfast.
Took him to school.
I was so tired I forgot to pack him a lunch lol.
Back home, in bed.
Up and drive up here and came in to pretty busy situation for a few hours...
and now we are all caught up...
back to our regularly scheduled programming lol
whatever that might be :-).
Love you Lucy...
just want my wife sweetheart.

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