Thursday, July 31, 2014



I don't ask for anything for me when I pray.
Well, character, integrity, honor, loyalty, dedication, devotion, wisdom, strength, courage...I ask for those things for myself, ask to be used by him...

"Doing what I can for him to have as happy a life as possible.
Having you as my wife.

It's all that matters to me.
Its all I ask for.

I do not desire nor do I need anything else."

I've always been taken care of.
Had food.
A warm bed to sleep in.

I ask that others get their needs met.
Not mine.

I mean if good things come to my life?
Well then great.
Good for me\us.
If not?
Well lets just spend as much time together as possible and ride bikes like we stole 'em, and fish and hike and swim and picnic and on and on and on cause all I want to do is spend every last second I can with you.
Cause you know, that would be just so horrible to live that way.

James posted something the other day about giving to charity.
He gives more than I do.
I give more time, thought, prayer.
He gives cash.

Anyway, I though, well what would you do if there was a sudden "windfall" in your life?
What would you do with it?
The answer came pretty quick.
Do what you've always done.
Help those around you.
Charity starts at home.
Maybe they go on and help someone, then they help someone and on and on etc.

I mean, are there things I would like for the bike?
Does the truck engine need some work?
If I never get around to these things is it going to be the end of the world?
It won't be.
More important things in life.
Just like my Aunt Connie says "I figure we will just keep on gettin along just like we always have", 

I just want every second I can have with you...

I can't even imagine just riding together.
It literally blows my mind.
Let alone anything else we may manage to be able to do together.

Love you Lucy.

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