Friday, February 27, 2015


Here is the thing.
Who cares if anybody else gets it?
Do you really care?
Does it really matter?
I know I don't.
If people don't get it?
Then fuck 'em.
Not their life.
Not their choice.
It's wat I have always said.

Bunch of jealous haters.
Grow a pair.
Take a chance.
Show some courage.
Might change your life.
Movin on.

I always said I would rather have 4 or 5 close friends that would fight tooth and nail for me, than have 3000 of which none would ever be around when I needed them.
Well, seems like those four or five are stepping forward these days.
Also seems like everybody already knows what stories I'm gonna tell them before I do, but we'll save that one for another day lol.

Four or five friends like that?
A smart pretty lil wife.
Intelligent son.
Wat else you really need?

I swear to you, I'm gonna spend Christmas Eve and Day, in my home, with my family.

If it fucking kills me...I'm gonna get there.


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