Sunday, February 22, 2015


killing me Lucy.
I hate not having my truck already :-(.
Been in this shit hole for 36 hours.
Slept on a couch.
I'm to old for this shit.
My MC lives in his parents basement.
He is am imbecile.
Can't write a grammatically correct sentence or spell.
This is the guy they put in management lol.

Don't have you :-(.
Don't have my truck :-(.
Don't know whats going on or when ;-(.
Wears on me.
Get sick of it.
It gets old.
Wanna ride.

Fucking never ending winter in late Feb.
Single digit lows comin this week. 
More snow Sunday and Mon and Tues.
Had enough sometimes, you know?
Just feel like, "Oh, just wait till Sept 6th, no wait till Christmas, no spring, no...just on and on and on with no end in sight...ever...there goes another birthday, there goes another Christmas, there goes another Valentines Day, there goes another...another...another...they just keep rolling on...

So when then?

What if you were me?
That's my question for you.
That's always been my question for you.
How would you feel?
How "positive" would you be feeling right now?

I gotta get.
I love you with all my heart and soul and having you as my wife and Nich being happy is all I ever really want out of life for going on three years now...

But I am so fucking tired...
These days and hours are killing me.
They are taking away from the time I could be spending with you.

And it just continues...

Easy for others to say stay positive, they haven't lived this.
It just not easy, and from time to time, it feels like it's not very appreciated.

I apologize for the winter blah's and all but the weather and this situation and my truck?
It's enough.

Okay, there I said my piece.

Love you.


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