Sunday, April 26, 2015

Got out

for a lil bit today.

Looks like I'll get to ride both times to Lville this week.

Got up, had lunch at moms with Nich and Al and Alan.
Came home.
Got in the hammock for a while.
Got some sun.
Raked up a section of yard.
Thats about 12 wheelbarrows full now I believe.
Grilled out some porkchops for Nich to have while I am away the next two day.
He stayed with mom to help her with going to Wal-Mart.
I went to the store twice.
Forgot my wallet the first time lol.
So I just checked the tires on the bike.
Came home.
Went a different longer way to a different store.
Got drinks.
Gassed up the bike.

It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but it is nice to not have to leave here earlier tomorrow to gas up and check tires.
Guy at the bike shop (Josh) said I check my tires more than anyone he knows lol.
Six times a month.
Every time out on my way to Lville.

Mom showed up with Nich a lil bit ago,
I was sitting on the porch.
Grill from cookin the pork chops was keeping me warm.

It was nice to get done what I did around here today.
No hurry.
Came inside to try and take a nap but couldn't.
Just did a lil here and a lil there till I got done what I wanted.
I'm down to two sections of yard to rake, the worst ones are done already.
1 load of gravel to get.
And straightening up my solar lights.

Then we can ride whenever we want on days off.
yard will be done :-).

You gonna come with me?

Love you.

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