Wednesday, April 29, 2015

"That's good dude"


the whole family seems to be takin the news of my job coming to an abrupt end better than expected.

Any reason why that might be Lucy :-)?
No mention of cutting back or selling the bike or anything, just all kinda took it in stride.
I'm relieved more than anything.
No sitting around wondering when the axe was gonna fall.
I hate that shit lol.
Handwriting was on the wall.
I have a tendency to force the issue when pushed up against a wall.
Go figure lol.
I was wondering why someone kept showing up on time here of late.
Now I know.
They were setting me up.
Would have been a matter of time anyway.
I'm glad it's over.

It was the reason for the email from Phil.
It was the reason I didn't hear back from Phil for three hours when I told him I couldn't be there last Thursday.
He was calling his boss to see what to do.
It's the reason they put me off when I was asking for FMLA leave.
On and on and on...doesn't matter now.

Gonna take it easy this weekend.
Work in the yard.
Get some rest.
Check out unemployment etc.

I got home and saw a 502 number (not 520 lol) I didn't know and I had a missed call and voice mail message.
Called the voice mail.
It was Dean.
Phil's boss.
I knew right then that was probably it.
Called him.
He hemmed and hawed for a bit then said what he needed to.
When he started in on the "don't contact blah blah blah..." I just said "that's good dude" and hung up.
I just sat there in the high school parking lot  with a smirk on face like:
"I knew it would come to this."
I did get the satisfaction of telling Phil yesterday if he nit picked on me and Chad I was going to call the compliance line and report the fraud that had been committed by various members of New Age Staff for years, to the tune of 1000's of dollars.
He just looked at me.
Said that he might have to.
I told him he needed to do what he needed to do and that I was going to do what I was going to do.
If I was in Deans shoes?
I would have done the same thing.
Just easier to get rid of the guy who can cause you the most damage.
I bet people are on time and don't take two hour lunches for a while lol.

All over covering for my ex-buddy for years lol.
What a waste.

I aint no snitch Lucy.
Never have been never will be.
Anyway, I also had the pleasure of telling Phil that when I said I couldn't be there that's what it meant and that I wouldn't be there :-) and that he could call, text, email all day everyday on my day off but I would not answer it.
"Well that's your right."
"I know it's my right Phil."
Then he had me sign paperwork for $1.00 an hour raise lol.
"You do realize this is a lil too lil a lil too late for most people don't you?"

What a 24 hours Lucy lol.

When I was sitting in the Courtyard yesterday?
My stomach was in knots.
Just dreading swiping my badge and going in the place.
When it gets that bad?
Time to go.
Like I said just more of a sense of relief than anything.
I can't handle that kinda stress.
Makes me sick.
My health is to important for that.
Just can't do it.
Time to move on.
Like Dean said "it's just in every ones best interest to sever this relationship at this point."
I agree.
It was.
No reason for job ending given lol

Mom took it well.
"At my age there is just no point in worrying about anything.
It will be okay."
She also said: "I will pay for his (Nichs) Drivers Ed class this summer, he will get his license, no need to worry about that. You may move and not be here." That came completely out of the blue lol. I hadn't said anything about leaving here in a long time. She said: "Nich may decide to stay here and finish up or he may go with you."
First time I heard anything about that as well.
"If he does decide to go we can get the deposit on the ring back."
Kinda figured something along those lines was in order but it was the first I heard about it.

Al didn't say much of nothing.
Pretty much told me everything.
He figures were gone and out of here soon anyway.
We've been through it all.
This family.
We will weather this as well.

Went and visited Alan at church.
he didn't have much to say really.
It was just nice to see him, visit with him.

Called Chad and told him what happened.
He was a lil shocked.
Told him I was sorry for him and whoever he had to work with from here on in.
He understood.
He wants to get his bike back together so we can go riding :-).
Told him I couldn't wait :-).
I told him that I knew he knew all about you and that I was marrying you and moving soon anyway.
He just laughed.
I always knew he knew.
Told him I had him on google+ and that I had his number and that if he ever changed it to let me know.
"I've had that number for 10 years dude, it won't change."

Went back to talk to Christian.
He is at work.
They may be going on strike tonight.
He wants to.
"We will hunt and fish and drink cheap beer all summer."lol
I'll see him soon enough.

Rest tomorrow.
Need to tell David and Janet what happened.
My and Janet's relationship will improve.
Wait and see.
Me and Nicholas as well.
I will be here for at least a couple of weeks so we will have more time together than we have had in years.
We need it.
It's just a job.
I've had others.
When you compare it to my relationship with Janet and Nich?
Whats more important?
Not that hard to figure out.
I hope Nich decides to come with us for his final two years.
If not?
I understand and we will all do what we have always done.
Which is to do the best we can given our own individual and collective situation.
Being away from him has never been the optimum situation for us.
If this hadn't happened?
I would have probably never even  started looking for a new job.
There just wasn't a need to.
Now there is.
Thanks for the favor.
People in there are miserable and it just keeps getting worse.

Some people just can't handle other people doing well and have blessings come their way.
They see people living proud and free and they wish it could be them but they don't have the guts.
They wanna stay stuck in their lil holes of comfort and conformity and want everyone else to be the same.
Not me.
I wanna be me.
Have to be me.

"Yeah, there will be some new people in here soon enough alright."
Last words I ever heard the man mumble to himself.
I could have called the compliance line.
I aint like that.
Not what I do.

I'm thankful.
For the lesson I learned.
Be ever so careful of people who you think are your friends.
I'm moving soon.
New people.
Be guarded.
A lil bit anyway.
You can trust people for years and still not know what they are capable of.
It's just a fact of life.
I'm also thankful that my ex-buddy gave me the opportunity to teach my son exactly how not to be.
So thank you :-).

I'll just keep praying for them.
I'm not bitter, angry or upset.
It was way past time to move on.

Need to call fawn too.

That's it really, mom, Al, Janet, Alan, Christian, Nicholas, David, Chad, Fawn.
That's it.
And you :-).
All I need.
All I want.

There will be others to come in the future I am sure.

Work in yard all weekend.
Figure out unemployment.
Move on.

No hard feelings.
No point in it.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Kinda our theme right?

Adam Crick got a hold of me yesterday in FB.
Told him I thought i would be leaving in early June probably.
"Oh you got a job lined up?"
"More like a lifetime lined up."
"It wouldn't involve an invite would it :-)"
Now why is Adam asking me about invites when I hadn't spoke with him in months Lucy?
Can somebody explain that?
Got a theory.
Things are coming to fruition and that's why James couldn't stand it any longer.
Probably to the point where Adam and Elizabeth got an invitation yesterday and that's why he reached out to me in FB.
That's my theory anyway.
Told mom about it.
She just laughed.
"Well is there going to be?"
Like she don't know lol.
"I think there could be, i could see me living in TN."
She just smiled and we just went on about our evening just like nothing had ever happened.
Surreal really :-).
Right up my alley.

Christian the other night when he was a lil tipsy"
"Hey man whatever happened to that girl?"
My first thought?
"Son, that's full ass grown woman."
Anyway, "I don't know, you tell me."
"No seriously, what ever happened?"
"You tell me, you know as well as I do."
I think Halie distracted him and things moved on.
So, again, I ask?
Why is Christian asking about you when I Haven't mentioned you to him in 6? 7? months?
Bet I know why Lucy.

No hard feelings.
No need.
Serves no purpose.
Thanks for the lessons.

Love you Bambi.

Movin on.

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