Wednesday, January 27, 2016


More time lol.
Just to get it exactly correct lol.

2:22 mark.
Love it.
The switch just got flipped.
It's on like Donkey Kong now.

Thing is?
Things have been leading up to this point.
This isn't rash or impulsiveness.
This is:
"Mother fuckers I will stomp my happy ass back to the airfield, make my own napalm and fly my own plane to take out the tree line if I have to, but we are gonna surf this fuckin beach!"

I mean I just get it.
I understand how one can come to feel that way.
It's just a , "I done made up my mind and come hell or high water..."

Is it always a good strategy?
Will it get your ass burned sometimes?
You betcha.
Is it best tempered my someone else whom you trust their judgement?
Lots of times.
None of that is my point here.
The point here is, I understand what it feels like when that switch gets flipped.

"Mother fuckers this is what were gonna do, now get the fuck out of my way so we can accomplish it. I'm tired of pussyfootin around, I'll do it all myself if I have to, but it will happen."

All I'm sayin is...

I understand what it's like when the switch flips Lucy.

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