Thursday, January 28, 2016


don't you just go to Tennessee?" 
Seems to be a question a lot of people havin takin to asking lately.

Pretty simple really.

1) If two trips, 400 miles each, and yes go ahead and thrown in the trip to Albany, Ky as well, for a grand total of three trips, two states, 1200 total miles didn't convince her?
What the fuck difference is one more trip gonna make?
Not much.
Not happening.

2) This one goes to the core of my being. I said no more. Period, end of statement, movin on. No more chasin. Done. At least in the actual gonna track you down sense. I say what I mean and I do what I say. Makes life easy. Lots of people hate what I say and mean, and thats fine, let them. It's not for them. That just made me think of a song lol. Go figure. This is all about me and having integrity in my life, nothing else. Say what you mean, do what you say. 
After a while? 
Everybody knows you're gonna do what you say and they don't even ever question it.

3) It will ruin it. 
"?" is the general response with this one. 
So I go on to explain: "The next time I see her? It will be when I'm standing at the end of an aisle and I'll look up, and the doors will open, and I'll see her walking toward me in that dress. And everybody, every single person in there, gonna be balling their eyes out, grown ass hardcore mother fuckers gonna be bawling like lil babies cause their gonna know, without a doubt, a force greater than man put this together. 
Not me, not her, a higher power. 
People wanna deny it? 
Go ahead, what do I care? 
I aint never been one of these take a hammer and beat something in your head types, found out that approach generally doesn't work out so well with anything.
So go ahead, deny it if they want, let the memories of this day fade till they no longer think thats what actually happened if thats what they want to do.

But I will tell you this, if they were there? 
And they were witness to it?
Then they know. 
They can deny all they want, but in their heart of hearts?
They know.
Cause there's no other explanation.

Love you Lucy.
Upstairs is calling :-).

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