Sunday, October 30, 2016


putting things here for the whole world to see and I'm doing it for a particular reason.
I want the whole world to know that I will not kowtow (triple word score btw) to some woman just because she's beautiful, intelligent and done well for herself.
Fuck that noise.
If that's what you want?
Most any guy would have done for you.
The fact that I won't kiss your ass and will gladly tell you to go take a hike is why you fell in love with me in the first place numbnuts.
Yes, numbnuts lol.

So dry your eyes, go work out, go for a walk, call your friends, do whatever the fuck it is you're gonna do and suck it up in the process princess.

I honestly thought you had found the big girl pants.
Apparently not.

I put up with your horseshit ad nauseam (triple word score again, twice in one post, that doesn't happen often :-) and now we're really really close and you can't deal with a lil of mine?
Glad to know things are reciprocated.

Suck it up, get the fuck over whatever it is that's got your panties bunched up in a wad and move this thing forward to it's rightful new beginning.
Or go the ever living fuck away.
Which lol, you have made perfectly clear, multiple times, is not what you want to have happen.

Love you Dollbaby :-).

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