Sunday, October 23, 2016


awesome day today really.
Had a great morning before even making it to worship.
Worship was great.

Broke out a suit lol.

Why not lol?
Wasn't sure about the hat but it matched and people seemed to like it.
Seriously why have the suits hanging in the closet?
Show people what you're capable of I say.
Plus when they are used to seeing me in what I normally wear?
It just has more of an effect on people.
It's like screaming, "Yeah, I can, I just choose not to most of the time."
Ricky asked if I was getting married lol.
I should have told him what I told the bartender a couple weeks ago, "Not yet." lol.
Plus it was a lil cooler and I don't think I've ever worn anything but a nice pair of jeans to New Chapel since I've been going there.
I take that back, I have worn a pair of dress pants with a polo shirt on a couple of occasions.
Brother Joe asked if I wanted to preach lol.
I said no but I did share during praise reports.

I mean I just kept looking at the sky Saturday night at Christians when he had a fire.
Looking at the infiniteness of it all and thinking how can infinity be 10x larger than we previously thought?

You know, "The universe declares your majesty", the tilt of the earth axis is just enough to give us the four seasons, any more or less and we would all burn or freeze to death and it's all just a big coincidence and an accident that it all came to be this way and 70-80 years ago we thought the Milky Way Galaxy (which contains billions of stars (suns) was the entire universe and now we know there are billions of galaxies that all contain billions of stars and now we know all thats 10x larger than we originally thought and that is just what we're able to see right now and you know, time, space, energy and matter just all the sudden one day decided to create themselves from nothing because this is what we see happening everyday in front of us right?
Anyway that was pretty much my praise report.

Ran errands getting myself hooked up for the week.
Hate getting off work and having to run to the store for shit lol.
Anyway, got that taken care of for a few days at least.

Had lunch at mom and Al's.
Nich and Brother Ken and his wife were there.
Alan was in Madisonville.

Went to the Sorghum Festival with Nich after diner.
Couldn't find any Sorghum Soap.
Sux lol.

Went back to moms.

Watched the race with Al.
Guy got a jack stuck under one of the cars in the pits lol.
Guy was doin 150 mph with a jack stuck to his car lol.
Never seen that before :-).
My guy blew an engine now he's out of championship contention.
He had a great year though.
Championships are hard to come by.
Dallas had a bye week, still 5-1 ;-).

Came home and piddled around here.

Wanna take a guess who was on my mind the whole day there Knucklehead?

Love you.

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