Thursday, July 27, 2017


is Russia.
it "is the largest country in the world by surface area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area"

This is South Korea.
(Just the dark green)

They have roughly the same size economy.

Ever know of anybody that ever bought anything from Russia besides vodka or caviar?

They can not compete with us economically or militarily and Putin knows this.
They viewed our economic sanctions after their actions in Crimea (and the more recent ones) as an act of war.
Never mind that we were meddling in the Ukraine before they were.
This is why they are doing what they are doing.
This and the Russian Oligarchs love of money and probable ownership of trump.
 "and the borrower is servant to the lender".
Proverbs 22:7.

People forget we had an oil embargo on Japan before they launched their attack on Pearl Harbor.
Yes, it was in response to their expansionist activities in Asia but my point is, you never hear about it and they viewed it as an act of war. 
All you ever hear or read about is how it was "unprovoked attack".

I could go on about how we told The Russians after the reunification of Germany and the subsequent assimilation of all of Germany into NATO, that we wouldn't get step closer to Russia's western border (This country for whatever reason has historically been insecure about it's western border with Europe). and then we proceeded to add quite a few countries into NATO.
(Thats a blog post for a different day.)

What if the situation was reversed and the old Warsaw Pack countries were closing in on our borders after they had told us, "Not one step closer"?
What do you think our response would have been?

Probably not cyber warfare would be my guess.

Love you Lucy.

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