Thursday, May 31, 2018


she says.

She always forgets:

Her jaw dropped.
Not mine.
(Not then anyway, it has plenty of times since lol)

She stalked me in the parking garage
a minimum of three times.
Thats just the times I caught her.
No telling how many times total.

Once at 10 PM at night on her vacation day!
Who does a drive by in a parking garage
at 10 PM on a vacation day?
Drove right by.
Didn't so much as look in my
direction when I wasn't 10 feet away waving at her.

Shows up in the lobby when she knew I'd be there.

Admitted she used "every kind of ridiculous way to get your attention."
Who knew?

She was the one that reached out on a dating site to find me.

So who is the creeper here really :-)?

I'm glad you were.
I thought it was great.

One of my favorites was the long text telling you how hot
I thought you were and how intelligent
and how I wanted to get to know everything about you etc.
And you said. "I do not feel the same."
And I said, "Ok, thanks."
And left it at that.
And the next day, the very next fucking day?
You were in the parking garage waiting on me.
I bet you were losing your mind when I said,
"Ok, thanks." and left it at that.
Didn't you know that was all kinda the plan?

Oh Dollbaby.

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