Thursday, May 31, 2018

Let the fun begin :-)

I have a very different opinion about school prayer than most Christians.

Zechariah 4:6 

So he said to me, 
“This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ 

says the Lord Almighty."

God doesn't want to force himself on people.
People want to force God on people.
It's counterproductive.
It drives more away than it does good.

It's perfectly fine to have disagreements in the church.
I've said all along I've come to challenge the religious and political
status quo of the day.
That is exactly what I intend on doing.

Everybody gets this so wrong.

If your in school?
And you want to pray?
Go right ahead.
Pray all day.
Pray at you locker.
Sitting at your desk.
In the hallways.
In the bathroom.
You don't have to bow.
You don't have to close your eyes.
You could do it all day and nobody would even know.
Don't think so?
Try it and see.
Seriously, I encourage you.
Try it and see.


It's not that you can't pray in school.
That's not it at all.
It's the fact that public school officials can't lead prayer.
It's been ruled to be a state sanctioning of religion.
I know, the pledge of allegiance, our coins, 
the entrance to the supreme court itself, blah blah blah etc.
I'm not talking about that here.
If you let school officials lead Christian prayers? 
Then they would have to allow for every other religion to do the same.
The very same people that want public school officials to lead prayer in schools?
Would be the very same ones to lose their minds if it was 
a Buddhist, or Muslim, or Pagan or Wiccan prayer being said.

So I repeat:
If your in school?
And you want to pray?
Go right ahead.
Pray all day.
Pray at you locker.
Sitting at your desk.
In the hallways.
In the bathroom.
You don't have to bow.
You don't have to close your eyes.
You could do it all day and nobody would even know.
Don't think so?
Try it and see.
Seriously, I encourage you.
Try it and see.

These people that want prayer back in schools so bad?
Did they ever bother to tell you this?

Brother Brian did a great job the other day 
in pointing out the breaking down of the moral fabric 
of our country since the supreme court ruling 
that public school officials could no longer lead prayer.
I think there are a lot of other factors in play as well, 
but that's another post lol.

I have a very different outlook.
That could just be the understatement of the year :-).

Revelation is the most ignored book of the bible.
If more Christians would attempt to tackle it?
And more preachers preach about it?
And there was more bible study done about it?
Then more Christians might come to a better understanding of the trajectory we are on.

That's my outlook.
That's where I'm coming from.

I can guarantee you one thing.
We won't go back.

So instead of being upset about public school officials no longer being able to lead prayer?
Tell your children and your youth groups this:

If your in school?
And you want to pray?
Go right ahead.
Pray all day.
Pray at you locker.
Sitting at your desk.
In the hallways.
In the bathroom.
You don't have to bow.
You don't have to close your eyes.
You could do it all day and nobody would even know.
Don't think so?
Try it and see.
Seriously, I encourage you.
Try it and see.

It's about time don't you think?

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