Monday, July 1, 2019

Christianity and the Big Bang.

"Scientists have advanced several naturalistic solutions to these problems, but in his lecture “The Beginning of Time,” Stephen Hawking rejects almost all of them. The one to which he clings is, by his own admission, highly abstract and conjectural, riddled with words like “if” and “seems.” He also admits that if his solution is false, then the only other answer is that “[t]here would have to be something outside the universe, to wind up the clockwork, and set the universe going.” In other words, “God did it” still remains as viable an answer to the mysteries of the Big Bang as any other. A universe that began with the Big Bang is a universe in which the supernatural cannot be discounted."

"In fact, when the theory exploded onto the scene in 1927 (first proposed, by the way, by Catholic priest and astronomer Georges LemaĆ®tre), it was seen as a blow to atheists and a vindication of Christianity, replacing the previously dominant idea of a “steady state” universe that had always existed and therefore had no need for a Creator."

"Far from being an attack on the faith, the Big Bang Theory is actually far more compatible with the Christian doctrine of Creation than any of the cosmological models that science had previously produced."


Time space energy and matter can all self created but a man cant be raised from the grave.
Sure thing.
I just can't buy it.

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