Tuesday, July 23, 2019


"I don't want to talk too much to ruin this mood this evening, but I just want to say that we should work as hard as we can to come together, with the whole World. And we should stop trying to divide ourselves. We have got to stop trying to make it 'us and them' because that's easy.

It's easy to hate. It's easy to hate. It's hard to love, but once you do it, it gets easier and easier, and that's what I think. I think the worst, the worst idea that's being bounced around not far from here, is the idea of going to another war in the Middle East.

It is garbage. It is a bad idea, and it's the worst deal we could come up with. We have got to find another way to talk to each other, without guns and without bombs, cause it's bullshit."

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