Tuesday, August 13, 2019


fundamentalist Christians.

Where did science, mathematics and the laws of physics and the universe come from?

Job 38:33 

Do you know the laws of the universe?
    Can you use them to regulate the earth?

Jeremiah 33:25 

But this is what the Lord says: 
I would no more reject my people 
than I would change my laws that govern night and day, earth and sky.

People will accept the science that gives them every modern convenience and ignore the ones right in front of them. 

Your car.
Your phone.
Your electricity.
Your AC.
Your refrigerator.
Your washer and dryer.
The lights in your home.
The medicine you take when your sick.

Nobody has a problem with the science behind any of these things.

But come to the physical Laws of the universe?
All the sudden nobody wants to believe.

It's just a lil odd don't you think?
It is to me.

I love you Lucy.
So much sweetheart.

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